Golem deck by BMoor


Since Wizards.com has written an article regarding, among other things, a Golem tribal deck, (an idea I've been toying with for a long while) I decided it was time I built one.  I've always had a penchant for odd creature types and decks built around them, so I was both excited that someone else had this idea and upset that as far as everyone knew, they beat me to it.  So here's my decklist:


3 Arcbound Overseer

3 Arcbound Reclaimer

3 Bosh, Iron Gloem

4 Brass Herald

3 Hematite Golem

2 Mirror Golem

4 Oxidda Golem

3 Sparring Golem

2 Voltaic Construct

4 Mycosynth Golem


4 Crown of Fury

3 Lay Waste

2 Trash for Treasure

3 Forge Armor

1 Darksteel Forge


4 Darksteel Citadel

4 Great Furnace

8 Mountains


The main creatures are Mycosynth, Brass Herald, and Bosh, Iron Golem.  Mycosynth allows otherwise-overcosted Golems to get into play cheaper.  Bosh takes those high casing costs and turns them into direct damage.  Brass Herald, an otherwise worthless card, is your best means of making your Golems come together as a group.  Declare "Golem", and he can go find your more powerful creatures while lending power to those already played.  Since Bosh's ability needs red mana, I figured we were looking at a red deck here, so I added Hematite and Oxidda.  (Oxidda's affinity for Mountains plus an applied affinity for artifacts makes him practically free)  Arcbound Overseer is expensive, but he is a 6/6 that gets bigger each upkeep.  And fortuitously, Arcbound Reclaimer can feed off Overseer's ability and use it to recur your creatures!  To further the idea, I included Forge Armor which works well with Modular, high mana costs, and recurring artifacts!  Crown of Fury applies more tribality to the deck, and Lay Waste should help give you a speed advantage one way or the other.


The deck's win condition is to get as many Golems into play as possible, and then attack for the win or sacrifice them to Bosh for lots of direct damage.  Good luck!


Send comments, questions, riddles, et cetera to bemore4096@yahoo.com