Subject: there's a fungus amongus type 1.x and casual play
it's a huge multiplying army, using a lot of fallen empires ( hey i think it is a good expansion with plenty of underused cards especially for casual play and multiplayer games)
    20 x forest  (possibly sub or add centaur garden)
    2 x spellbane centaur (they dont fit the theme but do help more often then not at least around here)
    4 x thallid
    4 x elvish farmer
    4 x thallid devourer
all creatures (with the xception of spellbane) off the bat create a 1/1 saporoling token every 3turns, sacrifice to the farmer get 2 life per token, sac to the devourer and give it +1/+2 for each token
    2 x sporogenisis (for the spellbanes or the farmers since they tend to be 'bolt bait)
    4 x scent of ivy (your playin all green it's ok besides you can buff a token to do lethal damage to a serra angel its fun
    4 x saporoling symbiosis (double your army.... its always a nice thing)
    4 x saporoling burst ( i know it fades but play it and remove 5 counters and cast the sporoling burst next turn its an extra 5 tokens)
    4 x parallel evolution (the army thing got better double your token, then flashback it to get a token army 150% bigger say 10 tokens cast p evo then its 20 tokens then flashback and you got 40 lil fungi runnin around)
    4 x folk medicine ( i threw this in because you gain an assload of life fast and goin against burn you need it plus some of my local tournaments have life caps and if you reach it you win, hmmmm 40 tokens i elvish farmer thats 41 life from the medicine then use farmers ability to get another 80 thats 120 life at instant speed not to bad)
    4 x overrun (just incase the 3 or 4 points of damage at a time didn't do it this will)
i know its mostly rare cards for spells but no one plays saporolings well i do but i don't count so they are amazingly easy to get ahold of for very little, cast your thallid on turn 1 farmer on 2, devourer on three and dont attack with them they generate most you army, one you have the weenie horde kickin bust out a burst or p. evo to make more and attack since you won't lose your blockers i have won so many multiplayer games with this it isnt funny, and unless i am playing a U/W control deck i usually do good. people that i play at the local tournaments loathe this deck in non-competition play. 
some subs you could throw in are:
     superior numbers (for each creature you have more than opponent you can do that much damage to them or creature)
    ann-havva inn
    thorn thallid  it doesnt make 1/1's but remove 3 counters for a point of damage is pretty cool for a green mushroom
    feral thallid is 6/3 and can regenate but he doesnt make tokens either
tell me what you think of the deck