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Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has been judging everything from small local tournaments to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the "Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages, since the team formed in 1996. One of the original founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's administrator, and is proud to continue the team's tradition of having players in every pro tour from the first event in 1996 to the present.


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The Southwestern Paladin
Core Values:
Ninth Edition Sealed Deck League Play
August 12th, 2005 by Jeff Zandi

Ninth Edition, also known as the Core Set, arrived in stores less than two weeks ago, and the verdict is in: Ninth Edition is good times! The latest edition of Magic: the Gathering's basic set has something for everyone.

Although primarily aimed at newer, less experienced players, Ninth Edition seems to me to be the first basic set in a LONG TIME to feature a good number of powerful favorites from the past.

Wizards of the Coast has unveiled the Pro Tour Hall of Fame this year, but if there were a Hall of Fame for Magic cards themselves, I believe the first ballot could easily include Hypnotic Specter. Hypnotic Specter returns to the basic set for the first time since Fourth Edition almost ten years ago. A lot of experienced players have said that Hypnotic Specter's return is not

significant if it is not accompanied by Dark Ritual, but I disagree completely. I seem to remember being perfectly happy to play Hypnotic Specter in the middle or late phases of just about any game. A lot of cards have come and gone attempting to simulate the capabilities of Hippie, but none of them even came close. This summer, players are going to have to remember what it means to discard RANDOMLY from their hand. Hypnotic Specter is my number one Ninth Edition MVP!

Other exciting cards making a long-awaited return in Ninth Edition include Quicksand, an uncommon land that taps for colorless and can be sacrificed to

give a non-flyer -1/-2. This card is being reprinted for the very first time. Little things mean a lot to me, Llanowar Elves is back with cool new art, and Icy Manipulator is back in the basic set for the first time since REVISED! Fellwar Stone is back, too, making mana acceleration look good again. Kird Ape returns for the first time in ten years to the basic set, just in time to make red/green aggro decks even more viable than they were already! Jester's Cap is reprinted for the first time EVER since it was originally printed in Ice Age. Blinking Spirit returns and EQUIPMENT makes its first appearance in a base set with both Loxodon Warhammer (now a rare) and Vulshok Morningstar both printed in Ninth Edition. Finally, Yawgmoth Demon is reprinted for the first time (not exactly, this Antiquities old-timer was reprinted in Chronicles) but is probably a day late and a dollar short. Yawgmoth Demon is a 6/6 first striking flyer for 4BB. During your upkeep, you must sacrifice one of your artifacts or Yawgmoth Demon becomes tapped and deals two damage to you. Why wasn't THIS guy reprinted in the Mirrodin block? I still like the big guy and look forward to playing him!

A lot of people are excited about all ten pain lands being reprinted in Ninth Edition, meaning that players will have the ability to truly build decks in the Standard constructed environment of any color they like. The Urza's lands have been reprinted, an exciting thought for the people who have enjoyed playing with them in their mono blue Tron decks and in their Tooth and Nail decks this past year.


White received Paladin en-Vec, good for the more aggressive white mage, along with Weathered Wayfarer and Gift of Estates, each reprinted for the first time.

Red gained an amazing trio of fatties. Rathi Dragon rules the skies in the early game while Shard Phoenix gives blue/red control decks reusable removal and a red flyer. Thundermare gives you a 5/5 land monster that attacks early and often.

Black gains, of course, Hypnotic Specter and Yawgmoth Demon, along with other goodies like Cruel Edict and Will-o'-the-Wisp.

Green gains, well, not all that much, frankly. The big fat green creatures are still there from Eighth Edition with little modification. The new art really does look great on Craw Wurm and it's certainly great to see Llanowar Elves return. Spined Wurm is reprinted for the first time since Ice Age with all-new art for Ninth Edition, but it's NOT a card that you will see in play too often.

Blue gets plenty of flyers, including new additions like Aven Windreader and Azure Drake. Blue gained a few new card drawing spells, Counsel of the Soratami and Tidings, but each is slow at Sorcery speed and each replaces a more efficient card drawing card from Eighth Edition. Ninth Edition gains Boomerang but loses Unsummon. The worst thing about blue is the continued lack of counter magic. Wizards of the Coast seems to believe any good blue card is TOO good for the beginning or casual player to make good use of.


I don't know about you, but after looking at Ninth Edition for a little while, I want to rip open some packs and PLAY WITH IT! That's just what I did with a friend and fellow Guildmage named David Mitchell recently. We each ripped five Ninth Edition boosters and built a sealed deck with the contents. The contents of each of our packs, along with the decklists that we created with them, is listed below.

After we built our decks, we played one match. After that match was finished, we decided to take this little experiment to the next level. We decided to simulate a four week Ninth Edition League, the way they are played on Magic Online. Ninth Edition leagues will be starting on Magic Online the first week in September when they add Ninth Edition to the online game. Mitchell and me didn't feel like waiting that long.

After playing our first match, which we refer to as our first week match, we each opened a sixth Ninth Edition booster pack, the same way that you would in a Magic Online sealed deck league. After opening this sixth pack, Mitchell and I rebuild our decks and play a "week two match". Then, we added a seventh booster to each of our card pools, rebuilt our decks again and played a "week three match". Finally, we each opened an eighth booster pack (an eighth NINTH EDITION booster pack, that is.) and added those cards to our card pools. We rebuilt our decks one more time and played one last match. To raise the stakes a little, we made our last match a best-of-seven series.

The results of all this fun, in excruciating detail, are found below. Enjoy!

Zanman Pack 1
Giant Cockroach
Samite Healer
Panic Attack
Mana Leak
Contaminated Bond
Llanowar Elves
Remove Soul
Seething Song
Rewind (FOIL)
Icy Manipulator
Gift of Estates

Zanman Pack 2
Infantry Veteran (FOIL)
Tree Monkey
Festering Goblin
Crossbow Infantry
Lightning Elemental
Master Decoy
Bog Imp
Scaled Wurm
Goblin Chariot
Summer Bloom
Leonin Skyhunter
Teferi's Puzzle Box

Zanman Pack 3
Rogue Kavu (FOIL)
Storm Crow
Trained Armodon
Highway Robber
Infantry Veteran
Rogue Kavu
Honor Guard
Raise Dead
Kavu Climber
Fugitive Wizard
Circle of Protection: Red
Thran Golem

Zanman Pack 4
Trained Armodon
Highway Robber
Infantry Veteran
Rogue Kavu
Sea Monster
Holy Day
Norwood Ranger
Wind Drake
Goblin Sky Raider
Angel of Mercy
Verduran Enchantress

Zanman Pack 5
Looming Shade
Warrior's Honor
Flowstone Shambler
Lumengrid Warden
Craw Wurm
Sea's Claim
Anaba Shaman
Sacred Nectar
Dark Banishing
Elvish Berserker
Demon's Horn
Thought Courier
Drudge Skeletons
Emperor Crocodile

Mitchell Pack 1
Tree Monkey
Festering Goblin
Crossbow Infantry
Lightning Elemental
Storm Crow
Honor Guard
Raise Dead
Kavu Climber
Fugitive Wizard
Serra's Blessing

Mitchell Pack 2
Unholy Strength
Holy Strength (if this is really how these two are sorted on the print run, it's pretty funny) Goblin Brigand Sage Aven Wood Elves Time Ebb Reflexes Aven Flock Plague Beetle Rampant Growth Puppeteer Wurm's Tooth Zombify Coat of Arms

Mitchell Pack 3
Ravenous Rats
Suntail Hawk
Balduvian Barbarians
Remove Soul
Seething Song
Withering Gaze
Guerrilla Tactics

Mitchell Pack 4
Foul Imp
Skyhunter Prowler
Sandstone Warrior
Wanderguard Sentry
Order of the Sacred Bell
Volcanic Hammer
Mending Hands
Hollow Dogs
Dream Prowler
Swarm of Rats
Temporal Adept

Mitchell Pack 5
Mana Leak
Ravenous Rats
Suntail Hawk
Balduvian Barbarians
Remove Soul
Seething Song
Viridian Shaman

Zanman Deck (5 packs)
Angel of Mercy
Infantry Veteran x3
Leonin Skyhunter
Master Decoy
Samite Healer
Crossbow Infantry
Wind Drake
Sea Monster
Lumengrid Warden
Thought Courier
Mana Leak
Remove Soul
Warrior's Honor
Dark Banishing
Icy Manipulator
Plains x8
Island x7
Swamp x2

Mitchell Deck (5 packs)
Plague Beetle
Festering Goblin
Hollow Dogs
Foul Imp
Ravenous Rats x2
Sandstone Warrior
Balduvian Barbarians x2
Goblin Brigand
Lightning Elemental
Volcanic Hammer
Guerrilla Tactics
Unholy Strength
Raise Dead
Swamp x9
Mountain x8

Week One - 5 Packs - Game One
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Mountain x2, Swamp x2, Volcanic Hammer, Blackmail, Nightmare. Plays Swamp.
T1 Zanman keeps Plains, Swamp, Sea Monster, Leonin Skyhunter, Remove Soul, Samite Healer, Infantry Veteran. Draws Thought Courier. Plays Plains.
T2 Mitchell draws Swamp, plays Mountain.
T2 Zanman draws and plays Island, Thought Courier.
T3 Mitchell draws Shock. Plays Swamp. Plays Shock targeting Thought Courier.
T3 Zanman draws Master Decoy. Plays Swamp, Samite Healer.
T4 Mitchell draws Raise Dead. Plays Swamp, Blackmail. Zanman reveals Sea Monster, Remove Soul and Leonin Skyhunter, Mitchell chooses Remove Soul
T4 Zanman draws Gravedigger, plays Master Decoy. Attacks with Healer (19-20)
T5 Mitchell draws Balduvian Barbarians. Plays Mountain, Volcanic Hammer targeting Master Decoy.
T5 Zanman draws and plays Island. Attacks with Healer (18-20). Plays Infantry Veteran
T6 Mitchell draws and plays Balduvian Barbarians.
T6 Zanman draws Angel of Mercy. Plays Gravedigger returning Master Decoy.
T7 Mitchell draws Ravenous Rats, plays Ravenous Rats (Zanman discards Sea
Monster) Attack with Barbarians (Healer prevents one point) (18-18) Plays Balduvian Barbarians.
T7 Zanman draws Icy Manipulator. Plays Master Decoy.
T8 Mitchell draws and plays Festering Goblin. Attacks with Balduvian Barbarians (both), one blocked by Gravedigger, Healer prevents one from other Barbarians (18-16).
T8 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Plays Icy Manipulator.
T9 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Declares attack, Zanman taps Barbarians. Plays Nightmare.
T9 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Plays Leonin Skyhunter.
T10 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Zanman taps Nightmare, Barbarians.
T10 Zanman draws Archivist. Attacks with Skyhunter (16-16) Plays Archivist.
T11 Mitchell draws Mountain. Declares attack, Zanman taps Nightmare, Barbarians
T11 Zanman draws Wind Drake. Activates Archivist drawing Pacifism. Attacks with Skyhunter (14-16) Plays Wind Drake.
T12 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Declares attack, Zanman taps Nightmare, Barbarians.
T12 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Activates Archivist drawing Plains.
Attacks with Skyhunter and Drake (10-16). Plays Angel of Mercy (10-19).
T13 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Zanman taps Nightmare, Barbarians.
T13 Zanman draws Island. Activates Archivist drawing Dehydration. Plays Plains. Attacks with Drake, Skyhunter and Angel, activates Infantry Veteran targeting Drake (2-19). Plays Dehydration on Nightmare.
T14 Mitchell draws Swamp. CONCEDES

Week One - 5 Packs - Game Two
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Swamp x3, Mountain, Goblin Brigand, Blaze and Nightmare. Plays Swamp.
T1 Zanman keeps Plains, Island x2, Rewind, Leonin Skyhunter, Master Decoy, Icy Manipulator. Draws Remove Soul. Plays Plains.
T2 Mitchell draws Balduvian Barbarians. Plays Mountain, Goblin Brigand.
T2 Zanman draws Archivist. Plays Island, Master Decoy.
T3 Mitchell draws Raise Dead. Plays Swamp, Blaze targeting Master Decoy.
Attacks with Brigand (20-18)
T3 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T4 Mitchell draws Zombify, plays Swamp. Attacks with Brigand (20-16)
T4 Zanman draws and plays Swamp. Plays Icy Manipulator.
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Plays Balduvian Barbarians. Attacks with Brigand (20-14)
T5 Zanman draws Sea Monster. Plays Island, Archivist.
T6 Mitchell draws Ravenous Rats. Declares attack, Zanman taps Barbarians, Mitchell attacks with Brigand (20-12) Plays Ravenous Rats (Zanman discards
T6 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Activates Archivist drawing Plains. Plays Leonin Skyhunter.
T7 Mitchell draws Balduvian Barbarians. Declares attack, Zanman taps Balduvian Barbarians, Mitchell attacks with Goblin Brigand blocked by Skyhunter. Plays Balduvian Barbarians, countered by Zanman's Remove Soul.
T7 Zanman draws Plains. Activates Archivist drawing Warrior's Honor. Plays Plains. Plays Sea Monster.
T8 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Plays Nightmare. Zanman taps Nightmare.
T8 Zanman draws Dehydration. Activates Archivist drawing Swamp. Plays Plains, Dehydration targeting Nightmare.
T9 Mitchell draws Volcanic Hammer, Plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Archivist. Zanman taps Barbarians.
T9 Zanman draws and plays Plains.
T10 Mitchell draws and plays Festering Goblin. Zanman taps Barbarians.
T10 Zanman draws and plays Infantry Veteran.
T11 Mitchell draws and plays Mortivore (5/5). Zanman taps Barbarians.
T11 Zanman draws Plains.
T12 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Zanman taps Mortivore. Attacks with Goblin blocked by Sea Monster, Goblin goes to graveyard giving Infantry Veteran -1/-1.
T12 Zanman draws Plains.
T13 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Zanman taps Mortivore
T13 Zanman draws and plays Angel of Mercy (20-15) Plays Plains.
T14 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Zanman taps Mortivore
T14 Zanman draws Gravedigger. Attacks with Angel (17-15). Plays Gravedigger returning Archivist.
T15 Mitchell draws and plays Nekrataal targeting Angel of Mercy. Zanman taps

T15 Zanman draws and plays Island, Archivist.
T16 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Zanman taps Mortivore
T16 Zanman draws and play Island. Activates Archivist drawing Wind Drake.
Plays Wind Drake.
T17 Mitchell draws Mountain. Zanman taps Mortivore
T17 Zanman draws Island. Activates Archivist drawing Confiscate. Attacks with Drake (15-15) Plays Confiscate targeting Mortivore.
T18 Mitchell draws and plays Lightning Elemental. Zanman taps Barbarians.
T18 Zanman draws Dark Banishing. Activates Archivist drawing Infantry Veteran. Attacks with Mortivore, Drake, Mortivore blocked by Ravenous Rats.
T19 Mitchell draws Mountain. Plays Raise Dead targeting Festering Goblin.
Plays Festering Goblin. Zanman taps Festering Goblin.
T19 Zanman draws Samite Healer. Activates Archivist drawing Pacifism. Plays Plains. Attacks with Drake and Mortivore blocked by Nekrataal. (11-15) T20 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Plays Zombify targeting Nekrataal.
Nekrataal's ability targets Wind Drake. Zanman taps Festering Goblin.
T20 Zanman draws Crossbow Infantry. Attacks with Mortivore blocked by Lightning Elemental. Plays Infantry Veteran, Samite Healer, Crossbow Infantry, Pacifism on Nekrataal.
T21 Mitchell draws Unholy Strength. Zanman taps Festering Goblin.
T21 Zanman draws Plains. Taps Balduvian Barbarians. Attacks with Mortivore, Healer, Veteran, Crossbow Infantry, Gravedigger and Archivist. Plays Warriors Honor. (-10-15) ZANMAN WINS GAME TWO

Week one in review

Zanman: Not thrilled with the Infantry Veterans. Gravedigger was important in both games played, but new booster pack will probably still make me want to cut out the black splash. I don't know if this deck can win if I don't get Master Decoy AND Icy Manipulator AND Archivist close together early in the game.

Mitchell: red/black deck has enough removal, creature mana curve should be good enough, Mortivore and Nightmare SHOULD be good finishers. Didn't sideboard in the Demolish for the Icy Manipulator even though it COULD have also cut off Zanman's black splash if there was no Icy to destroy. Between Icy Manipulator, Master Decoy, Dehydration, Pacifism and Dark Banishing, Zanman's deck has as much effective removal as the red/black deck AND card drawing and flying creatures.

In the end, the matchup between these two decks (as they are built with five

packs each) is probably not NEARLY as one-sided as the above match appears.

Now it's time to add a booster to each deck, just as you do in Magic Online leagues one week after the league has begun.

Zanman Pack 6
Wood Elves
Looming Shade
Warrior's Honor
Flowstone Shambler
Lumengrid Warden
Aven Flock
Plague Beetle
Rampant Growth
Sea's Claim
Anaba Shaman
Ogre Taskmaster
Zealous Inquisitor
Sengir Vampire (FOIL)

Mitchell Pack 6
Mind Rot
Veteran Cavalier
Raging Goblin
Zodiac Monkey
Giant Growth
Fishliver Oil
Pegasus Charger
Dancing Scimitar
Blessed Orator

Zanman Deck (Week Two - 6 packs)
Aven Flock
Angel of Mercy
Master Decoy
Zealous Inquisitor
Leonin Skyhunter
Samite Healer
Thought Courier
Sea Monster
Lumengrid Warden x2
Wind Drake
Sengir Vampire
Warrior's Honor
Mana Leak
Remove Soul
Icy Manipulator
Raise Dead
Dark Banishing
Island x7
Plains x7
Swamp x3

Mitchell Deck (Week Two - 6 packs)
Hollow Dogs
Festering Goblin
Foul Imp
Dancing Scimitar
Skyhunter Prowler
Aven Flock
Pegasus Charger
Blessed Orator
Raise Dead
Pacifism x2
Guerrilla Tactics
Volcanic Hammer
Swamp x8
Plains x6
Mountain x3

Week Two - Six Packs - Game One
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Swamp x3, Volcanic Hammer, Pegasus Charger, Mortivore and Foul Imp. Plays Swamp.
T1 Zanman keeps Island x2, Swamp, Plains, Master Decoy, Lumengrid Warden, Pacifism. Draws and plays Plains.
T2 Mitchell draws Dancing Scimitar, plays Swamp, Foul Imp (18-20)
T2 Zanman draws and plays Island. Plays Master Decoy.
T3 Mitchell draws Shock. Plays Swamp. Attacks with Imp (18-18)
T3 Zanman draws Wind Drake. Attacks with Decoy (17-18). Plays Plains, Wind Drake.
T4 Mitchell draws Death Gazer. Attacks with Imp. (17-16)
T4 Zanman draws Sengir Vampire. Plays Swamp. Attacks with Drake (15-16) Plays Lumengrid Warden
T5 Mitchell draws Aven Flock. Declares attack, Zanman taps Imp.
T5 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Attacks with Drake, Warden (12-16)
T6 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Zanman taps Imp. Plays Dancing Scimitar.
T6 Zanman draws Plains. Plays Island. Attacks with Warden, Drake blocked by Scimitar (11-16)
T7 Mitchell draws Shock. Plays Shock targeting Decoy, Decoy taps Imp. Plays Deathgazer.
T7 Zanman draws and plays Island. Plays Pacifism on Dancing Scimitar.
Attacks with Drake (9-16)
T8 Mitchell draws and plays Plains. Attacks with Imp and Deathgazer (9-12) Plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Drake. Plays Pegasus Charger.
T8 Zanman draws Dehydration, plays Plains.
T9 Mitchell draws Nightmare. Attacks with Imp, Deathgazer blocked by Warden,

Charger. (9-8) Plays Nightmare.
T9 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Plays Dehydration on Nightmare.
T10 Mitchell draws Skyhunter Prowler. Attacks with Imp, Deathgazer, Charger and Nightmare. (9- -2) MITCHELL WINS GAME ONE

Week Two - Six Packs - Game Two
T1 Zanman plays first keeping Swamp x2, Plains x2, Dark Banishing, Sea Monster, Lumengrid Warden. Plays Plains.
T1 Mitchell keeps Mountain x2, Swamp, Zombify, Raise Dead, Enfeeblement and Deathgazer, Draws Plains. Plays Swamp.
T2 Zanman draws and plays Island. Plays Lumengrid Warden.
T2 Mitchell draws and plays Plains.
T3 Zanman draws and plays Island. Attacks with Warden. (19-20)
T3 Mitchell draws Aven Flock. Plays Mountain.
T4 Zanman draws Dehydration. Plays Swamp. Attacks with Warden (18-20)
T4 Mitchell draws and plays Plains. Plays Deathgazer.
T5 Zanman draws Raise Dead. Plays Plains.
T5 Mitchell draws Foul Imp. Plays Plains. Attacks with Deathgazer (18-18) Plays Aven Flock, Zanman plays Dark Banishing targeting Aven Flock.
T6 Zanman draws Thought Courier. Attacks with Warden (17-18) Plays Thought Courier.
T6 Mitchell draws Dancing Scimitar. Plays Mountain. Attack with Deathgazer
(17-18) Plays Raise Dead targeting Aven Flock. Plays Aven Flock.
T7 Zanman draws Remove Soul. Activates Courier drawing Samite Healer discarding Samite Healer. Plays Sea Monster.
T7 Mitchell draws and plays Shock targeting Thought Courier. Attack with Aven Flock. (17-16) Plays Dancing Scimitar, countered by Remove Soul.
T8 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Plays Raise Dead targeting Thought Courier. Plays Thought Courier, Dehydration enchanting Aven Flock.
T8 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Plays Enfeeblement enchanting Thought Courier.
T9 Zanman draws Plains.
T9 Mitchell draws Nekrataal. Plays Foul Imp (15-16) T10 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T10 Mitchell draws and plays Blackmail, Zanman discards Plains. Plays Nekrataal targeting Sea Monster. Attacks with Imp, Deathgazer (15-12)
T11 Zanman draws Plains.
T11 Mitchell draws Pegasus Charger. Attacks with Nekrataal, Deathgazer, Imp,

Warden blocks Nekrataal.
(15-8) Plays Pegasus Charger.
T12 Zanman draws and plays Swamp.
T12 Mitchell draws Pacifism. Plays Zombify putting Nekrataal in play targeting Warden. Attacks with Deathgazer, Charger and Imp (15-2)
T13 Zanman draws Sengir Vampire. Concedes MITCHELL WINS GAME TWO

Zanman Pack 7
Foot Soldiers
Goblin Piker
Horned Turtle
Giant Spider
Dark Banishing
Elvish Berserker
Crafty Pathmage
Hill Giant
Kird Ape (FOIL)
Urza's Mine
Thieving Magpie
Phyrexian Arena

Mitchell Pack 7
Giant Spider (FOIL)
Spineless Thug
Angelic Blessing
Lava Axe
Counsel of the Soratami
Volcanic Hammer
Mending Hands
Ley Druid
Ballista Squad
Urza's Power Plant
Ancient Silverback

Zanman Deck (Week Three - 7 packs)
Aven Flock
Angel of Mercy
Master Decoy
Zealous Inquisitor
Leonin Skyhunter
Samite Healer
Thought Courier
Sea Monster
Horned Turtle
Thieving Magpie
Lumengrid Warden
Wind Drake
Sengir Vampire
Remove Soul
Icy Manipulator
Raise Dead
Dark Banishing x2
Island x7
Plains x7
Swamp x3

Mitchell Deck (Week Three - 7 packs)
Hollow Dogs
Festering Goblin
Foul Imp
Dancing Scimitar
Skyhunter Prowler
Aven Flock
Pegasus Charger
Ballista Squad (Blessed Orator OUT)
Raise Dead
Pacifism x2
Guerrilla Tactics
Volcanic Hammer x2 (Demolish OUT)
Swamp x8
Plains x6
Mountain x3

Week Three - Seven Packs - Game One
T1 Zanman plays first keeping Island x3, Plains x2, Icy Manipulator, Aven Flock. Plays Plains.
T1 Mitchell keeps Swamp, Mountain, Plains x2, Festering Goblin, Aven Flock, Nekrataal. Draws Raise Dead. Plays Swamp, Festering Goblin.
T2 Zanman draws Swamp. Plays Island.
T2 Mitchell draws Mortivore, plays Plains. Attacks with Goblin (20-19)
T3 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T3 Mitchell draws Hollow Dogs, plays Plains. Attacks with Goblin (20-18)
T4 Zanman draws Island. Plays Swamp, Icy Manipulator.
T4 Mitchell draws Skyhunter Prowler. Plays Mountain. Attack with Goblin
(20-17) Plays Skyhunter Prowler.
T5 Zanman draws and plays Master Decoy, Plains.
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Guerrilla Tactics targeting Master Decoy.
Declares attack, Zanman taps Prowler, Mitchell attack with Goblin (20-16)
T6 Zanman draws Thought Courier, plays Island, Aven Flock.
T6 Mitchell draws Foul Imp. Declares attack, Prowler tapped by Icy.
T7 Zanman draws and plays Swamp, Thought Courier. Attacks with Flock (18-16)
T7 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Prowler tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-15) Plays Nekrataal targeting Aven Flock.
T8 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Activates Courier drawing Angel of Mercy and discarding Island. Plays Angel of Mercy. (18-18)
T8 Mitchell draws Blackmail. Declares attack, Nekrataal tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-17). Plays Aven Flock.
T9 Zanman draws and plays Dehydration on Nekrataal. Activates Courier drawing Confiscate discarding Island.
T9 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Flock tapped by Icy, Goblin attacks (18-16) Plays Blackmail, Zanman discards Confiscate. Plays Hollow Dogs.
T10 Zanman draws Samite Healer. Activates Courier drawing Plains, discarding

Plains. Attacks with Angel of Mercy (15-16) T10 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Dogs tapped by Icy, attacks with Prowler, Goblin (15-14) Plays Foul Imp (13-14)
T11 Zanman draws Plains. Activates Courier drawing Gravedigger discarding Plains. Plays Gravedigger returning Master Decoy, Plays Master Decoy.
T11 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Declares attack, Dogs tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (13-13)
T12 Zanman draws Dark Banishing. Activates Courier drawing Plains and discarding Plains.
T12 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Zanman taps Dogs, Imp.
Attacks with Goblin (13-12) Zanman plays Dark Banishing targeting Mitchell's

Aven Flock
T13 Zanman draws and plays Sengir Vampire. Attacks with Angel. (10-12)
T13 Mitchell draws Ballista Squad. Declares attack, Zanman taps Dogs, Imp, Mitchell attacks with Goblin (10-11). Plays Ballista Squad. Plays Raise Dead

targeting Aven Flock.
T14 Zanman draws Leonin Skyhunter. Activates Courier drawing Horned Turtle discarding Horned Turtle. Attacks with Angel, Vampire (3-11) Plays Leonin Skyhunter.
T14 Mitchell draws Nightmare CONCEDES

Week Three - Seven Packs - Game Two
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Plains, Swamp x3, Mountain x2, Aven Flock.
Plays Swamp
T1 Zanman keeps Plains x3, Swamp, Icy Manipulator, Master Decoy, Dark Banishing. Draws Sengir Vampire. Plays Plains.
T2 Mitchell draws Shock. Plays Mountain.
T2 Zanman draws Gravedigger. Plays Swamp, Master Decoy. Mitchell plays Shock

targeting Master Decoy
T3 Mitchell draws Pacifism. Plays Plains.
T3 Zanman draws and plays Plains.
T4 Mitchell draws Guerrilla Tactics, plays Swamp.
T4 Zanman draws and plays Plains, Icy Manipulator.
T5 Mitchell draws Volcanic Hammer, plays Aven Flock.
T5 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T6 Mitchell draws Plains. Plays Mountain. Declares attack, Flock tapped by Icy.
T6 Zanman draws Archivist, plays Plains, Graverobber targeting Master Decoy.
T7 Mitchell draws Ballista Squad. Declares attack, Flock tapped by Icy.
Plays Plains, Ballista Squad.
T7 Zanman draws and plays Island. Plays Master Decoy, Archivist. Mitchell plays Guerrilla Tactics targeting Master Decoy.
T8 Mitchell draws Nightmare. Declares attack, Flock tapped by Icy. Plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Archivist.
T8 Zanman draws Horned Turtle. Plays Plains.
T9 Mitchell draws Dancing Scimitar. Declares attack, Ballista Squad tapped by Icy, Zanman plays Dark Banishing targeting Flock. Plays Nightmare.
T9 Zanman draws and plays Wind Drake.
T10 Mitchell draws Raise Dead. Declares attack, Nightmare tapped by Icy.
Plays Raise Dead targeting Aven Flock. Plays Aven Flock.
T10 Zanman draws Raise Dead. Attacks with Gravedigger. (18-20)
T11 Mitchell draws Blackmail, Zanman reveals Sengir Vampire, Horned Turtle and Raise Dead, Mitchell chooses Raise Dead for Zanman to discard. Declares attack, Nightmare tapped by Icy. Attacks with Flock. (18-18)
T11 Zanman draws Remove Soul.
T12 Mitchell draws Blaze. Declares attack, Nighmare tapped by Icy, attacks with Flock (18-16) Plays Dancing Scimitar countered by Zanman's Remove Soul.
T12 Zanman draws and plays Sea Monster.
T13 Mitchell draws and plays Plains. Declares attack, Nightmare tapped by Icy, attacks with Flock (18-14)
T13 Zanman draws and plays Aven Flock.
T14 Mitchell draws Mortivore. Declares attack, Ballista Squad tapped by Icy.

Plays Pacifism on Zanman's Aven Flock.
T14 Zanman draws Lumengrid Warden.
T15 Mitchell draws Zombify. Declares attack, Nightmare tapped by Icy, attacks with Flock (18-12)
T15 Zanman draws and plays Plains.
T16 Mitchell draws Pacifism. Declares attack, Nightmare tapped by Icy, attacks with Flock (18-10)
T16 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T17 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Declares attack, Nightmare tapped by Icy, attacks with Flock (18-8)
T17 Zanman draws and plays Pacifism on Nightmare
T18 Mitchell draws and plays Plains. Declares attack, Flock tapped by Icy.
Plays Blaze x=9

Week Three - Seven Packs - Game Three
T1 Zanman plays first keeping Plains, Swamp, Leonin Skyhunter, Angel of Mercy, Dark Banishing, Rewind (sideboarded), Sengir Vampire. Plays Plains.
T1 Mitchell keeps Swamp, Plains x3, Guerrilla Tactics, Dancing Scimitar, Foul Imp. Draws Mountain. Plays Swamp
T2 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T2 Mitchell draws Volcanic Hammer. Plays Mountain.
T3 Zanman draws Horned Turtle. Plays Swamp, Horned Turtle.
T3 Mitchell draws Zombify, plays Plains.
T4 Zanman draws and plays Island. Attacks with Turtle. (19-20)
T4 Mitchell draws Nekrataal. Plays Plains, Dancing Scimitar countered by Rewind.
T5 Zanman draws and plays Plains, Angel of Mercy. (19-23) Attacks with Turtle (18-23)
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Plays Nekrataal targeting Angel of Mercy.
T6 Zanman draws and plays Plains. Plays Leonin Skyhunter.
T6 Mitchell draws and plays Plains. Plays Guerrilla Tactics targeting Skyhunter. Plays Foul Imp. (16-23)
T7 Zanman draws Remove Soul.
T7 Mitchell draws and plays Deathgazer countered by Remove Soul. Attacks with Imp (16-21)
T8 Zanman draws and plays Master Decoy.
T8 Mitchell draws Nightmare. Plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Master Decoy.
Attacks with Imp (16-19)
T9 Zanman draws Island.
T9 Mitchell draws Pacifism. Plays Nightmare. Attacks with Imp. (16-17) T10 Zanman draws and play Swamp, Sengir Vampire T10 Mitchell draws Blaze. Attacks with Nightmare, Imp (16-13)
T11 Zanman draws and plays Sea Monster
T11 Mitchell draws Aven Flock. Attacks with Nightmare, Imp (16-9), Plays Aven Flock.. Zanman plays Dark Banishing targeting Aven Flock.
T12 Zanman draws and plays Confiscate targeting Nightmare.
T12 Mitchell draws and plays Enfeeblement on Nightmare. Attacks with Imp
T13 Zanman draws and plays Thieving Magpie.
T13 Mitchell draws Ballista Squad. Plays Zombify targeting Nightmare.
T14 Zanman draws and plays Icy Manipulator
T14 Mitchell draws and plays Plains. Plays Blaze targeting Zanman for 7 damage MITCHELL WINS GAME THREE

Mitchell Pack 8
Serpent Warrior
Venerable Monk
Goblin Mountaineer
Sleight of Hand
Tree Monkey
Master Decoy
Bog Imp
Scaled Wurm
Goblin Chariot
Kird Ape
Hunted Wumpus
Bottle Gnomes
Natural Affinity

Zanman Pack 8
Scathe Zombies
Glory Seeker
Stone Rain
Aven Fisher
Elvish Warrior
Wind Drake
Goblin Sky Raider
Aven Cloudchaser
Razortooth Rats
Natural Spring
Phyrexian Hulk
Consume Spirit
Sulfurous Springs

Zanman Deck (Week Four - 8 packs)
Thought Courier
Horned Turtle
Thieving Magpie
Wind Drake x2
Aven Fisher
Sengir Vampire
Looming Shade
Giant Cockroach
Razortooth Rats
Phyrexian Hulk
Remove Soul
Icy Manipulator
Raise Dead
Dark Banishing x2
Consume Spirit
Phyrexian Arena
Island x8
Swamp x9

Mitchell Deck (Week Four - 8 packs)
Hollow Dogs
Festering Goblin
Foul Imp
Serpent Warrior
Ravenous Rats x2
Balduvian Barbarians x2
Goblin Brigand
Goblin Chariot
Sandstone Warrior
Dancing Scimitar
Guerrilla Tactics
Volcanic Hammer x2 (Demolish OUT)
Lava Axe
Swamp x9
Mountain x8

Week Four - Eight Packs - Game One of Seven
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Mountain, Swamp x3, Ravenous Rats, Shock, Zombify. Plays Mountain
T1 Zanman keeps Swamp, Island, Wind Drake, Confiscate, Icy Manipulator, Tidings, Phyrexian Arena. Draws Remove Soul. Plays Swamp.
T2 Mitchell draws Mountain. Plays Swamp, Ravenous Rats (Zanman discards
T2 Zanman draws Dark Banishing. Plays Island.
T3 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Attacks with Rats (20-19)
T3 Zanman draws and plays Swamp, Phyrexian Arena.
T4 Mitchell draws Mountain. Plays Swamp. Attacks with Rats (20-18)
T4 Phyrexian Arena draws Raise Dead (20-17) Zanman draws and plays Island, Wind Drake. At EOT, Mitchell plays Shock targeting Wind Drake.
T5 Mitchell draws Mountain, plays Swamp. Attacks with Rats. (20-16).
T5 Zanman draws Island from Arena (20-15) Draws Razortooth Rats. Plays Island, Icy Manipulator.
T6 Mitchell draws Enfeeblement. Plays Mountain. Declares attack, Rats tapped by Icy.
T6 Zanman draws Island from Arena (20-14). Draws Aven Fisher. Plays Island, Aven Fisher.
T7 Mitchell draws Goblin Brigand. Declares attack. Plays Goblin Brigand, Zanman counters with Remove Soul.
T7 Zanman draws Island with Arena (20-13) Draws Wind Drake. Plays Island, Tidings drawing Swamp, Sengir Vampire, Archivist, Thieving Magpie. Attacks with Aven Fisher (18-13) Discards Razortooth Rats.
T8 Mitchell draws Lava Axe. Plays Mountain. Declares attack, Rats tapped by Icy.
T8 Zanman draws Horned Turtle from Arena (18-12). Draws Island. Plays Swamp, Sengir Vampire. Attacks with Fisher. (16-12)
T9 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Plays Lava Axe targeting Zanman (16-7)
T9 Zanman draws Phyrexian Hulk from Arena (16-6) Draws Giant Cockroach.
Plays Island. Attacks with Vampire and Fisher (10-6) Plays Raise Dead targeting Wind Drake. Plays Wind Drake, Wind Drake.
T10 Mitchell draws Sandstone Warrior. CONCEDES ZANMAN WINS GAME ONE

Week Four - Eight Packs - Game Two of Seven
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Swamp x2, Mountain, Nekrataal, Foul Imp, Shock, Volcanic Hammer. Plays Swamp.
T1 Zanman keeps Swamp, Island, Gravedigger, Phyrexian Arena, Looming Shade, Thieving Magpie, Wind Drake. Draws and plays Swamp.
T2 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp, Foul Imp (18-20)
T2 Zanman draws Dark Banishing, plays Swamp.
T3 Mitchell draws Goblin Brigand. Attacks with Imp (18-18) Plays Goblin Brigand.
T3 Zanman draws Archivist. Plays Island, Wind Drake.
T4 Mitchell draws Festering Goblin. Plays Swamp, Shock targeting Wind Drake.

Attacks with Brigand, Imp (18-14) Plays Festering Goblin.
T4 Zanman draws Giant Cockroach. Plays Phyrexian Arena.
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Attacks with Imp, Brigand, Goblin (18-9)
T5 Zanman draws Wind Drake from Arena (18-8) Draws Dehydration. Plays Dark Banishing targeting Goblin Brigand.
T6 Mitchell draws Nightmare. Attacks with Imp, Goblin (18-6)
T6 Zanman draws Aven Fisher from Arena (18-5). Draws and plays Island, Aven Fisher.
T7 Mitchell draws Zombify. Plays Nekrataal targeting Aven Fisher (Zanman draws Raise Dead) Attacks with Imp, Goblin (18-2) ZANMAN CONCEDES MITCHELL WINS GAME TWO

Week Four - Eight Packs - Game Three of Seven
T1 Zanman plays first keeping Swamp x2, Island, Wind Drake x2, Raise Dead, Archivist. Plays Swamp.
T1 Mitchell keeps Swamp, Mountain, Hollow Dogs, Goblin Brigand, Volcanic Hammer, Enfeeblement, Lava Axe. Draws and plays Swamp.
T2 Zanman draws Consume Strength. Plays Island.
T2 Mitchell draws Guerrilla Tactics, plays Mountain, Goblin Brigand.
T3 Zanman draws Confiscate, plays Swamp, Wind Drake.
T3 Mitchell draws Dancing Scimitar. Plays Swamp, Enfeeblement targeting Wind Drake. Attacks with Brigand. (20-18)
T4 Zanman draws and plays Swamp. Plays Raise Dead targeting Wind Drake.
Plays Wind Drake.
T4 Mitchell draws Serpent Warrior. Attacks with Brigand. (20-16) Plays Serpent Warrior (17-16)
T5 Zanman draws Dark Banishing. Attacks with Wind Drake (15-16) Plays Wind Drake.
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Attacks with Brigand, Warrior (15-11) Plays Dancing Scimitar.
T6 Zanman draws and plays Swamp. Attacks with both Wind Drakes, one blocked by Scimitar. (13-11) Plays Consume Strength dealing three damage to Scimitar

T6 Mitchell draws Blaze. Attacks with Brigand, Warrior (13-9) Plays Blaze targeting Zanman for three points (13-6)
T7 Zanman draws Icy Manipulator. Attacks with Drakes (9-6).
T7 Mitchell draws Ravenous Rats. Declares attack, Warrior tapped by Icy., attacks with Brigand (13-4) Plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Zanman (9-1)
T8 Zanman draws and plays Island. Attacks with Drakes (5-1)
T8 Mitchell burns out Zanman with Guerrilla Tactics in his Upkeep MITCHELL WINS GAME THREE

Week Four - Eight Packs - Game Four of Seven
T1 Zanman plays first keeping Island x2, Swamp, Horned Turtle, Thought Courier, Wind Drake and Looming Shade. Plays Swamp.
T1 Mitchell keeps Swamp x4, Mortivore, Lava Axe, Ravenous Rats. Draws Nekrataal. Plays Swamp.
T2 Zanman draws and plays Island, Thought Courier.
T2 Mitchell draws Festering Goblin. Plays Swamp, Ravenous Rats (Zanman discards Island)
T3 Zanman draws Dehydration. Plays Island, Wind Drake.
T3 Mitchell draws and plays Ravenous Rats (Zanman responds by activating Thought Courier, drawing Island and discarding Looming Shade. Then discarding Island) Mitchell plays Festering Goblin.
T4 Zanman draws Remove Soul. Attacks with Drake (18-20) Plays Horned Turtle.
T4 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Plays Nekrataal targeting Horned Turtle. Attacks with Rats and Goblin (18-17) Zanman activates Thought Courier drawing and discarding Dark Banishing.
T5 Zanman draws Phyrexian Hulk. Activates Thought Courier drawing Island and discarding Phyrexian Hulk. Plays Island.
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Wind Drake. Plays Swamp. Attacks with Rats, Goblin and Nekrataal (18-12)
T6 Zanman draws and plays Swamp. Plays Dehydration targeting Nekrataal.
T6 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Attacks with Rats, Goblin blocked by Thought Courier. Zanman activates Thought Courier drawing Aven Fisher and discarding Remove Soul. (18-10) Plays Mortivore.
T7 Zanman draws and plays Icy Manipulator.
T7 Mitchell draws Mountain. Declares attack, Mortivore tapped by Icy, attacks with Rats (18-8) Plays Lava Axe targeting Zanman (18-3)
T8 Zanman draws Gravedigger, plays Aven Fisher.
T8 Mitchell draws and plays Balduvian Barbarians, Mortivore tapped by Icy.
T9 Zanman draws Confiscate. Plays Gravedigger targeting Wind Drake.
T9 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Mortivore tapped by Icy, attacks with Rats, Barbarians blocked by Aven Fisher, one Rat blocked by Gravedigger. (18-2) Zanman draws Swamp.
T10 Zanman draws and plays Giant Cockroach, Swamp.
T10 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Attacks, Mortivore tapped by Icy.
T11 Zanman draws and plays Archivist.
T11 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Mortivore tapped by Icy.
T12 Zanman draws Razortooth Rats. Activates Archivist drawing Consume Strength. Plays Consume Strength targeting Mitchell (16-4)
T12 Mitchell draws and plays Goblin Chariot, Mortivore tapped by Icy, attacks with Rats, Chariot, Chariot blocked by Gravedigger, one Rat blocked by Giant Cockroach. (16-3)
T13 Zanman draws Thieving Magpie. Activates Archivist drawing and playing Swamp. Plays Confiscate on Mortivore. Attacks with Giant Cockroach (12-3)
T13 Mitchell draws and plays Enfeeblement targeting Giant Cockroach. Rats tapped by Icy.
T14 Zanman draws Island. Activates Archivist drawing and playing Swamp.
Attacks with Mortivore (11/11) (1-3) Plays Wind Drake.
T14 Mitchell draws Foul Imp. Concedes.

Week Four - Eight Packs - Game Five of Seven
T1 Mitchell plays first keeping Swamp x2, Mountain x2, Enfeeblement, Festering Goblin, Zombify. Plays Swamp, Festering Goblin.
T1 Zanman keeps Swamp x2, Island x3, Looming Shade, Icy Manipulator. Draws and plays Swamp.
T2 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Attacks with Goblin (20-19)
T2 Zanman draws Island, plays Swamp.
T3 Mitchell draws Guerrilla Tactics. Plays Mountain. Attacks with Goblin
T3 Zanman draws Archivist. Plays Island, Looming Shade. Mitchell plays Guerrilla Tactics targeting Looming Shade.
T4 Mitchell draws Volcanic Hammer. Plays Swamp. Attacks with Goblin (20-17)
T4 Zanman draws Swamp, plays Island, Archivist.
T5 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp, Enfeeblement targeting Archivist. Attacks with Goblin (20-16)
T5 Zanman draws Remove Soul, plays Icy Manipulator.
T6 Mitchell draws Foul Imp. Declares attack, Goblin tapped by Icy. Plays Foul Imp (18-16) Mountain.
T6 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T7 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-15)
T7 Zanman draws Dehydration. Plays Island.
T8 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-14)
T8 Zanman draws Raise Dead. Plays Island, Raise Dead targeting Archivist.
Plays Archivist.
T9 Mitchell draws and plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Archivist. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-13)
T9 Zanman draws Tidings. Plays Island. Plays Tidings drawing Swamp x2, Island, Thought Courier.
T10 Mitchell draws and plays Ravenous Rats, Zanman discards Island. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-12) T10 Zanman draws and plays Razortooth Rats, Swamp, Thought Courier.
T11 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Rats blocked by Razortooth Rats. Plays Volcanic Hammer targeting Thought Courier.
T11 Zanman draws Dark Banishing. Plays Swamp.
T12 Mitchell draws Blaze. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-11)
T12 Zanman draws and plays Swamp.
T13 Mitchell draws and plays Ravenous Rats, Zanman discards Swamp. Declares attack, Imp tapped by Icy, attacks with Goblin (18-10)
T13 Zanman draws and plays Confiscate targeting Foul Imp.
T14 Mitchell draws and plays Hollow Dogs. Declares attack, Goblin tapped by Icy, attacks with Rat (18-9)
T14 Zanman draws and plays Horned Turtle. Attacks with Imp (16-9)
T15 Mitchell draws Balduvian Barbarians. Declares attack, Dogs tapped by Icy, attacks with Rats, Goblin, Rats blocked by Turtle. (16-8) Mitchell plays Blaze targeting Zanman for 8 damage MITCHELL WINS GAME FIVE

Note: Maybe knowledge that your opponent has Blaze is a good enough reason to play Rewind or at least Mana Leak.

Week Four - Eight Packs - Game Six of Seven
T1 Zanman plays first keeping Swamp x2, Island x2, Phyrexian Arena, Wind Drake, Tidings. Plays Swamp.
T1 Mitchell keeps Mountain x2, Swamp, Shock, Goblin Brigand, Goblin Chariot,

Ravenous Rats. Draws Balduvian Barbarians. Plays Mountain.
T2 Zanman draws and plays Island.
T2 Mitchell draws Festering Goblin, plays Swamp, Goblin Brigand.
T3 Zanman draws Dark Banishing, plays Swamp, Phyrexian Arena.
T3 Mitchell draws and plays Swamp, Goblin Chariot. Attacks with Brigand, Chariot (20-16)
T4 Zanman draws Island from Arena (20-15) Draws and plays Island.
T4 Mitchell draws Guerrilla Tactics. Attacks with Chariot, Brigand, Zanman plays Dark Banishing targeting Chariot. (20-13) Mitchell plays Festering Goblin, Balduvian Barbarians.
T5 Zanman draws Looming Shade from Arena (20-12) Draws and plays Island, Wind Drake.
T5 Mitchell draws Nightmare. Plays Guerrilla Tactics targeting Wind Drake.
Attacks with Barbarians, Brigand, Goblin (20-6) Plays Ravenous Rats, Zanman discards Island.
T6 Zanman draws Phyrexian Hulk from Arena (20-5) Draws and plays Swamp, Phyrexian Hulk.
T6 Mitchell draws and plays Mountain. Attacks with Barbarians (blocked by
Hulk) Brigand, Goblin, Rats
(20-1) Plays Shock targeting Zanman

Final Overall Game Count:
Mitchell: 8 wins
Zanman: 5 wins

Comparing these two decks, these two card pools, I think the jury is IN.you simply can't beat a big pile of red removal spells, especially when the red removal includes the MVP himself, Blaze. No news here.

The big news was how white, generally considered (and I usually agree) as a very powerful color in 9th edition limited (just as it was in 8th). Both card pools contained a Master Decoy and at least one Pacifism, yet, in the end, white didn't make the cut for either player.

An interested third party rebuilt both decks with their week four card pools (8 packs each). This third player, a very good Texas player (who made money at some early Pro Tours when he was living in California and was, in his opinion, better connected with the game) named Mark Hendrickson reduced Mitchell's deck to just two colors, when I would have set up that deck a lot closer to the way it looked for week three play (black/white splashing red for the removal spells). It didn't take long to see that Hendrickson's red/black version was so much tighter, even with seemingly weaker cards like Ravenous Rats taking the place of white cards like Pacifism and Master Decoy. Pace and consistency, it seems, were much more important to the deck than control. Hendrickson's week four version of Zanman's deck was not the version that I used, in the end, but my final decisions were greatly influenced by Mark's ideas. Where I was continuing to play blue/white control splashing black for Dark Banishing x2 (entirely plausible), Gravedigger (also plausible), Raise Dead (not extremely plausible) and Sengir Vampire (completely implausible). Mark, in fact, removed the white entirely, choosing to mate the large number of strong blue cards with, all of all things, the red cards. The red cards Mark chose included two Anaba Shaman, two Flowstone Shambler, Ogre Taskmaster, Goblin Chariot, Hill Giant and Goblin Piker. The black splash in his blue/red deck was limited to the two copies of Dark Banishing. While I ultimately disagreed with putting the red in the deck, Hendrickson made a very good argument that I had been OVERVALUING the white cards. I had programmed myself to AUTOMATICALLY play white because I had Pacifism and Master Decoy. He was right. Once I was able to push the white cards aside, I found that I had plenty of black cards to work with, making the final version of my deck blue/black. One mistake, however, was Phyrexian Arena. This card MIGHT well have been okay in the late game, but playing it early in the game against the very aggressive red/black deck ALWAYS accelerated my death a lot more than it improved my hand. In the end, I think I probably needed a couple more 'boring' little creatures just to play defense, if nothing else, early in the game. In the first couple of weeks, Lumengrid Warden had been perfect for this job. I probably should have had one or both of the copies I had in the deck at the end.

Of course, I'd love to find out what YOU think!

Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online

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