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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Archer Deck
January 10, 2009

Hey im pretty new to magic and especially new to making my own decks. i thought an archer deck would work pretty well and not to mention it is unique to my other friend's decks. im not sure on how many of each card i need and if i need all of them. i dont really know how much land to put it in so i will take any suggestions you have. i have some of the basic creatures that it will need but i can tell it needs a lot of work. please give me your feedback.

Trevor A.






4th Edition - Elvish Archers (PLD)




6th Edition - Femeref Archers (NM-M)




Future Sight - Thornweald Archer (NM-M)




Mirage - Jolrael's Centaur (NM-M)




Morningtide - Greatbow Doyen (NM-M)




Morningtide - Lys Alana Bowmaster (NM-M)




Odyssey - Skyshooter (NM-M)




Portal Second Age - Norwood Archers (NM-M)




Shards of Alara - Court Archers (NM-M)




Torment - Seton's Scout (NM-M)




Urza's Saga - Titania's Chosen



I appreciate any help you can give me and hope to hear from you soon.

The Archer deck-- one of the many little quirks to come out of Morningtide.  Looks like you've shaken this one up by searching way back f
or some old gems.

Traditionally, the Archer tribe has been synonymous with
answering Green's weakness of not having a lot of creatures with Flying.  As such, they've found support roles in more aggressive decks over the years.  Now, we find decks built almost entirely of them.  You'll never have to worry about an opponent's flying creatures, but will you have enough to do with your creatures if your opponent's creatures don't have flying?

Well, you should, thanks to Greatbow Doyen and Titania's Chosen.  The Doyen gives that +1/+1 boo
st, and also makes blocking incredibly problematic for your opponent, as he or she will take the damage either way.  And Titania's Chosen, long the terror of many an Elf deck, will deliver massive amounts of damage as long as you keep up a steady stream of spells.  For that reason, I suggest looking into a few ways to draw extra cards.  Harmonize is the most obvious, though if it's out of your price range, Keen Sense will accomplish the job just as well, especially with the Doyen eliminating all possibility of your opponent chump blocking to avoid the damage.  An extra bonus is that at one mana, you can drop it and another spell in a turn, giving your Chosen a second counter.

Speaking of cheap spells, I'd be a fool if I didn't bring up
Giant Growth.  Your deck, Trevor, is full of creatures.  Therefore, you're going to win with your creatures.  If you need to stop and take a breath after that shocking revelation, I understand.  But Giant Growth can help your creatures in a number of ways: by turning chump blocks into clean kills, by saving your creatures from burn, by pressing through for more damage, and by further complicating combat math for your opponent-- once he sees you play the first Giant Growth, every untapped Forest will represent a potential +3/+3 to any one of your creatures that he will have to take into account, or risk losing a creature, an extra 3 life, and perhaps the game.

While Giant Growth is the closest Green has had to creature removal for quite some time, Green mages have learned the occasional extra trick.  If you find yourself lacking answers to your opponent's biggest creatures, you may consider Tower Above.

Of course, only playtesting will tell you what your deck struggles with and what you can handle easily, so the best thing you can do for this deck is to put it together, shuffle it up, and start playing!

Oh, and Forests.  You need Forests in this too.

Good luck!



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