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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Incoming! an unhinged/unglued deck
February 20, 2008

Decks revolving around silver-bordered cards present me with an interesting conundrum.  Silver-bordered cards themselves are in essence a joke, but does that mean that decks built out of them aren't to be taken seriously?
People put a lot of work into finding good combos and interactions they like, and into finding a winning strategy that they will enjoy.  I can't ignore an Un- deck simply because of the color of its borders.  And yet some people who build Un- decks really are just joking around.
So what do I do with them? Do I fix them to win more often, or do I fix them to be "funnier"?  And what if my sense of humor differs from that of the deckbuilder?
On top of that, an article about an Un- deck usually has to be fairly "Un-" itself.  I seem to remember once writing one that rhymed.  Do I do that for all of them?  Should I find new gimmicks for each one?  What if I can't think of one?
Un-fortunately (pun intended) these decisions are disrupting the flow of my Garage.  As much as I like receiving the occasional silver-bordered deck, I can't let the shininess distract me from the rest of my customers.  But I still want to give this submission a moment in the spotlight, so all I can really think to do with this deck is to simply present it to you, for your enjoyment, without interference or claims regarding its merit or lack thereof.
Hey Bmoor,
This deck is 100% unhinged and unglued cards. The most important cards are incoming!, mox lotus, and greater morphling. The goal is to use incoming! to get out 3 or 4 greater morphlings and a mox lotus, then tap mox lotus and use greater morphlings effects to give them haste, flying,shadow,+2/-2, and what ever you need then just attack. Normally it should not matter what your opponent gets from incoming!. 4 gleemax are included to maybe stop your opponent from using kill cards and the like. The rest of the deck is a lot of mana stuff like blacker lotus and land aid '04. Spatula of the ages is in here because it can be used to get out incoming out sooner.
creatures: 4
4 greater Morphling
sorceries: 8
4 Incoming!
4 Land Aid '04
artifacts: 24
4 Mox Lotus
4 Blacker Lotus
4 Spatula of the Ages
4 Gleemax
4 Jack-In-The-Mox
4 Mana Screw
land: 24
4 City of Ass
4 Island
16 Forest
- Joey

If anyone else has an Un-deck they'd like fixed (or featured on the Internet), don't hesitate to send it in.  I know this may seem like a bit of a copout, but I'll try and do something special for the next one.
Un-falteringly at your service,



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