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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Green Aggro Deck
July 23, 2007

Hello BMoor Iam a frequent reader if your deck tweaking articles, I was
wondering if you could help me out with my newly constructed Green Aggro

Here is the decklist:
20 Forest

4 Scryb Rangers
4 Ashcoat Bear
4 Uktabi Drake
4 Llanowar Augur
4 Primal Forcemage

4 Giant Growth
4 Resize
4 Might Of Old Krosa
4 Fists Of Ironwood
4 Avoid Fate

3 Krosan Grip
3 Stream Of Life
3 Surging Might
3 Yavimaya Dryad
3 Evolution Charm

Keep in mind this is a budget deck. My idea for this deck was born from
Primal Forcemage ( 3 to cast 2/2 whenever a creature you control comes into
play it gets +3/+3 until end of turn) couple that with pump spells and
cheap creatures with flash or haste! E.g Ashcoat bear a 5/5 blocker for 2
So yeah....anyway please help me out.
Primal Forcemage is a very fun card to build around, simply because its ability can be very powerful IF you can make it work.  That's not as easy as it sounds, however.  Each creature gets +3/+3 on the turn it enters play, but that doesn't really matter in most cases since most creatures can't get into combat on the turn they enter play.  To properly exploit the Forcemage, a creature needs either flash (to jump out in front of attackers) or haste (to attack while they still have the bonus). 
Luckily, almost all of the creatures in this deck have one or the other, except Llanowar Augur.  What's the Augur doing here anyway?  It's a 0/3 in an aggro deck.  Yes, it can give you a +3/+3 bonus, but it's still not aggro enough.  You have instants to give that bonus during combat when your opponent can't plan around it.  Pull out Llanowar Augur, and add something like Giant Sloifuge for more haste.  Or Llanowar Elves for faster mana.
Speaking of mana, only 20 Forests?  That seems like not enough, even for a fast deck like this.  I'd go up to about 22 Forests, and likely more than 20 creatures as well.  Let's see what we can pull out of the spells section for them.
Giant Growth, Resize, AND Might of Old Krosa?  That's redundant!  You don't need that many pump spells, and I'd say Resize is the one most likely to get pulled.  With Uktabi Drake's echo and the general smallness of all your creatures (not counting the Forcemage pump), you'll likely be losing creatures fast enough that if you try to keep Recover mana open, you'll end up never being able to cast anything.  Pull that out in exchange for two Forests, and two Scatter the Seeds.  Scatter the Seeds makes too much sense to not be in here, since with a Forcemage out it turns into three 3/3 blockers.  Next on the chopping block is Fists of Ironwood.  Unlike Scatter the Seeds, Fists of Ironwood can't come down during the combat phase to make 3/3 Saprolings.  And without a Forcemage pump, there's no creature in your deck with a power greater than 2, so trample doesn't help much either.  In their place, I would recommend any of a number of things: Rampant Growth for general utility, Sprout for more flash creatures, Blanchwood Armor for more power, or Troll Ascetic for... being Troll Ascetic.  Of those cards, you can't really make a wrong choice.
Finally, between Giant Growth and Might of Old Krosa I am torn.  The two are so similar, it seems foolish to use both in a deck when a playset of one seems to be enough.  However, I can't figure out which is more powerful.  Might, when used as a combat trick, gives only +2/+2, but also can give +4/+4 if you're willing to forfeit the surprise value.  I'll let you choose the one you like the best.  The other replace with something stronger, like Might of Oaks or Stonewood Invocation as a finisher.
That wraps up this deck fix, but I still have an order of business on the table.
By now all the Magical world knows of Tenth Edition and of the wonder of Magic Game Day.  I hope you all enjoyed it: I know I did.  Well, most relevantly, the celebrated heralding of Tenth Edition is also the wistful farewell to Ninth Edition.  Over the past two years I really got to like good old 9th, as is evidenced by my "Ninth Edition One Drops" article, and the budget blue flying deck I built for a reader almost completely out of 9th cards.  The latter article got some positive feedback, and now I wonder: do my readers want me to do more of this?  Do you want to see some more extra-budget core set decks built from Tenth Edition?  Do you want a "Tenth Edition One Drops" article?  I've considered writing them, but I won't if nobody wants to read them.  So, drop me a line (through the usual channels) and let me know if articles like these interest you or if the ones I've already written were interesting enough to get you to read another one.  If so, I'll do them; otherwise I won't waste people's time.
Until then, don't be afraid to let me know how I'm doing!




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