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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Aaron's mono-blue ping deck
June 13, 2007

Hey Bmoor,

I have been reading your deck reviews online for a little while now and they have really helped the way I approach deck construction.  I recently built this monoblue ping deck for casual and group games, and I'm doing ok, but its still not on the level of my competition.  Discard Decks in particular tear this deck apart.  It also gets demolished by my friend's U/B artifact affinity deck, and this strange deck that uses black vise with howling mine and walking archives.  The idea is to use the prodigal sorcerer to control the creature board with the sigils until I can drop the horseshoe crab with a hermetic study.  After turn 7 I can drop some bigger creatures.  I usually play my creature abilities either at the beginning of my opponent's attack phase, or at the end of their turn.  Most of my turns consist of drawing a card and leaving as many lands untapped as possible for the horseshoe crab.  I have about $20 more to spend on this deck, but I can add a little more if the card is really worth it.  Anyways, any help you give will be appreciated.



The Deck:

4 Horseshoe Crab
4 Prodigal Sorcerer
2 Cloud of Faeries
2 Palinchron
1 Great Whale

4 Hermetic Study
1 Charisma
4 Sigil of Sleep

2 Mimeofacture
3 Rewind
4 Counterspell
2 Braingeyser
4 Brainstorm

23 Island

Ah the ping/untap scenario.  Machine gunning down opponents is always fun.  I've managed to pull it off just once: in a Ravnica-Guildpact-Dissension draft, I once managed a decent RGU deck and successfully put Hypervolt Grasp on a Simic Ragworm.  Nothing more fun than rapid-fire pings!  I was especially proud of myself for having pulled it off in Limited, where combo is usually doomed.  Double especially due to the fact that these days, pinging is a red ability and untapping is a blue one (though green has been known to dabble in it).

Luckily we can still dream of a time when one color had everything you needed to essentially cast as many Lava Darts as you could ever ask for.  Between Prodigal Sorcerer and a Hermetically sealed Horseshoe Crab, you've got all the direct damage you should need.  The trick is drawing the combo, and protecting it.

Now, you've said right up front that this is a ping deck.  It wins with the barrel of a magical machine gun or not at all, I have to assume.  Therefore, I have to adjust this deck to do just that, as efficiently as possible.  Which brings me to The Golden Rule of Card Choices: Adding a card into your deck is like making a post in a message board: keep it on topic, please.  That said, Cloud of Faeries?  Palinchron?  Mimeofacture?  There's excess stuff in here, my friend, and we're taking it out.  Fortunately, I know just what
to replace it with.

We'll start by replacing the Mimeofacture and Rewind.  Mimeofacture is too much mana for something that has nothing to do with what you're trying to do.  And I just can't recommend any counterspell that costs four mana with
out giving you some big extra payoff.  I can get behind Mystic Snake if you're already G/U, and Dismal Failure seems alright, sort of, but untapping four lands?  Not good enough.  But we're not replacing it with more counters.  We're replacing it with Freed from the Real.

You see, Freed from the Real on a Prodigal Sorceror is like Hermetic Study on a Horseshoe Crab.  It's the same end result, except the roles are reversed.  I'd like you to have eight creatures that can potentially become superpingers, and eight Auras that can do it.  Granted, the wrong Aura on the wrong creature just results in a creature with two instances of one ability, but the trade-off is that if you draw both Auras, you can put them on ANY creature and it'll work just fine.

Next, your creatures.  Your "untap lands" creatures are, well, they're useless in a deck that can't abuse them into making infinite mana.  You're better off just using cheaper creatures.  I do like that the Faeries cycle though, so they can stay in.  You can cycle them to try and draw a combo piece, or you can play them without tapping valuable untapping mana for the Freed/Crab.  I guess that was the theory behind Great Whale too, but really, a 5/5 with no abilities for seven mana?  You're better off just not playing the thing.  Instead, we'll go with Sage of Epityr.  I like how it can help you ensure that you'll get what you need sooner rather than later, which is important for combo decks (and that's what this is, make no mistake).  If you're reluctant to bring such modern cards into the mix, Sage Owl w
ill do the same job.  I'd also appreciate seeing Mawcor (or its Fledgling) come in as another target to Free from the Real.  When it comes to comboes, redundancy is a good thing.

Speaking of redundancy, those Sigils of Sleep and that lone Charisma are calling out to me.  They look like they do the same job as Freed from the Real; you want to put them on any creature that can ping.  But I'm a little worried you may be relying a bit too much on Auras.  Maybe Sigil of Sleep could become Unsummon?

Finally, I don't think you want Braingeyser as your draw spell.  It's an X sorcery.  You're not accumulating mana and tapping out to refill your hand.  You're looking for combo pieces.  For that job, you could try Telling Time or Sleight of Hand, or Drift of Phantasms, which transmutes into Prodigal Sorcerer, Horseshoe Crab, or Freed from the Real.

Good luck, Aaron!  Shoot 'em all down!




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