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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
WU Rescue Deck
May 7, 2007

Hi, just looking for some help when you got time.

I originally wanted to build a Mangara/Blink deck but I ended up filling it
up with other useful cards. I'm not sure whether to make it purely a mangara
deck or focus more on the 'rescue' mechanic with mangara just in there for
synergy. Either way would be good although im looking to keep a budget and
in T2, thanks!

4x Mangara of Corondor
4x Momentary Blink
3x Azorius Herald
3x Stonecloaker
3x Stormfront Riders
4x Calciderm
2x Benalish Commander
3x Aven Riftwatcher

2x Grand Arbiter Augustin IV

4x Mana Leak
3x Telling Time
2x Think Twice

12x Plains
1x Urza's Factory
3x Azorious Chancery
7x Island

The augustin helps with paying the costs over and over. The aven and herald
can become degenerate sometimes gaining 8 - 12 life. I'm not sure about the
riders or commander though


Nice concept here, Ben.  Using Momentary Blink and the "rescue" creatures to get multiple uses out of Mangara of Corondor is a nice idea.  As for your question about whether to focus on Mangara or rescue, I'd definitely say Rescue is the way to go.  Mangara is awesome, but it's one card.  Rescue can really fill out a deck.

Now, if you're building a deck around Rescue, you're going to need some incentive to do so.  Aven Riftwatcher and Calciderm were nice touches, even though Momentary Blink won't work with Caldicerm (it can't be targeted).  Grand Arbiter Augustin IV was a smart include as well-- you'll be bouncing things, and replaying them.  I also like how it randomly puts strain on your opponent's mana too.  But even with Grand Arby in the deck, your best bet is to bring down mana costs.  Another thing you have to realize about "rescue" is that it's at its best when your rescue creatures have Flash.  The reason rescue is called "rescue" is because you can drop a Stonecloaker in response to one of your creatures dying (to kill spell or combat damage) and return to your hand the creature about to die.  That way, you replay the creature and your opponent wasted a kill spell (or a blocker).

What all this means is, your misgivings about Stormfron Riders was well-placed.  Yes, it gives you a 1/1 token for every creature you have to bounce, and it is a 4/3 flyer, but you've got enough evasive beaters in Stonecloaker and Azorius Herald.  Take out the riders in favor of Whitemane Lion.

Now that the Riders are gone, Benalish Commander is pretty unwieldy and out of place.  It also demands lots of mana.  We'll replace it with somethign that sort of does what Stormfront Riders did-- reward you for bouncing your own creatures.  It's a quirky little card, but a fun one to make work: Azorius AEthermage.  This card can turn every Stonecloaker and Lion into a cantrip.  In fact, with an AEthermage out, you can play a Whitemane Lion, return itself to your hand, and pay 1 to draw a card.  You've just payed 2W to draw a card, and the card you played to do it is still in your hand so you can do it again.  Whispers of the Muse costs twice as much to do the exact same thing, and that got played!  And if someone tries to kill your AEthermage, rescue it with the Lion!  It's kinda janky I admit, but oh so beautiful when it works.  If you don't want to try it, that's fine too.  Court Hussar or Sage of Epityr will achieve sort of the same thing.  If Azorius herald can gain you 8-12 life, then a Court Hussar will be 2-3 Telling Times.  Or, in the interest of keeping your costs down, you could just go with Azorius Guildmage or Azorius First-Wing.

In addition to Momentary Blink and rescue, another card you could try is Flickerform.  You enchant a creature and then you can remove it from play and bring it back once each turn.  Enchant Mangara, and you can off a permanent each turn for 2WW.  Enchant Aven Riftwatcher, and you can gain 4 life for 2WW, as well as save it from blockers and the like.  Of course, that's a lot of mana each turn and Augustin can't reduce the cost.  Maybe it's better you stick with rescue.

One last suggestion: Soultether Golem could be pretty goo din this deck, were you so inclined.

Good luck!



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