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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Wild Pair Deck
May 11, 2007

Before I begin, a little author's note: Frank is here is the most recent of several dozen people who have misspelled my internet handle.  It's BMoor, as in capital B, capital M, little o, little o, little r.  It doesn't seem that hard to me, so why are so many people getting it wrong?  Maybe I should've used an apostrophe: B'Moor.  Is that easier to remember?  More likely it's my E-mail address.  I suppose I should get a new one that spells it right.  I wonder if I could get one on the pojo.com domain?
Anyway, on to today's deck fix.
Hello Bmoore,

I've been trying to get this deck to work for my bi-weekly FNM constructed
tournament for a month now. So far I've been using other decks until I could
get this deck to work. The metagame at my FNM is mostly control. There are
some aggro decks but I'm not worried about those. I always have a hard time
against the teferi decks and black white control decks. I could make a
control deck to try and win, but man I really want to beat them with a fast
aggro deck. Basically I just want to over power them. Here is my deck list.

Wild BogardanMare Pair Deck (thought it was funny)

2x Gruul Turf
2x Selesnya Sanctuary
10x Forests

3x Mountains
3x Plains

2x nantuko Shaman
4x Gemhide Sliver
3x Llanowar Elves
2x Radha, Heir to Keld
3x Wall of Roots
4x Whitemane Lion
1x Primal Forcemage
4x Timbermare
4x Bogardan Hellkites

Other Spells
4x Harmonize
4x Wild Pair
4x Utopia Sprawl
2x Momentary Blink
2x pandemonium

The Idea is to get the Wild Pair out by turn 3 by using the mana
acceleration and also hoping to draw the Wild Pair by turn 3. turn 4 drop a
radha or whitemane bring out whitemane drop whitemane bring out primal
forcemage turn 5 drop whitemane bring out bogardan 4x should win.

Also I put in the pandemonium and the momentary blinks in for the extra
damage when the bogardan is out in play.

I'm not sure if it's possible but I'd like to be able to get 4-7 round kills
Within that range. I haven't made a sideboard yet but I'm sure leyline of
the lifeforce would definitely be in there. I need help on the mana base, a
lot of times I'll have tons of mana but nothing to cast. Or I'll have all
the creatures but no mana to cast them.

Thanks in advance for the advice.

Well, Frank, that is one convoluted combo you've got running there.  Wild Pair is a lot of fun when you can make it work, but the key to making it work is making sure every creature has a good number of other creatures to Pair up with.  Right now you've got 4 sets of potential Pairs: the "twos" (Elves and Slivers), the "fours" (Whitemane, Radha, Forcemage), the "fives" (Nantuko Shaman and the Wall), and the "tens" (Timbermare and Hellkite).  Even though the tens can be searched out with the fours thanks to Forcemage, that's still way too many different Pairs.  Since you're dedicated to using a 2/2 to cheat out a 5/5, let's see if we can take out any creatures who don't fall into that category.
The easiest things to pull are the "fives", Nantuko Shaman and Wall of Roots, since they're not even doing all that much.  Wall of Roots should become three more Primal Forcemages if they're that central to the combo.  Yes, you can search out your one copy with Wild Pair, but what if it gets killed?  Besides, you can stack the Forcemage trigger and the Pair trigger as you choose, so even with a Forcemage already out, each 2/2 can search for a 2/2 or a 5/5.  The two Shaman can be replaced with Ashcoat Bear, another 2/2 that can flash into play and bring out a 5/5 (or another 2/2) at instant speed.
That ought to help the deck accomplish what it wants to, but there's still the problem you outlined about not getting the right mix of mana and creatures.  Honestly, I think that the most probable cause is the fact that you're in three colors.  One color can come out.  It can't be green; you need it for Wild Pair and Primal Forcemage.  And it can't really be Red, either, because of Bogardan Hellkite.  So, out goes White.  No big loss, anyway, just Whitemane Lion and Momentary Blink.
"But BMoor!" I hear you cry, "I need Whitemane because it bounces back to my hand!  That way I can retrigger Wild Pair!"  Well, don't worry.  There are other creatures you can use in that slot.  I think my personal favorite is Grinning Ignus, a 2/2 for 2R that will return itself to your hand to give you 2R (if you pay R).  Not only can the Ignus be replayed at will as long as you have R up, he also acts as mana acceleration into Wild Pair, or even Bogardan Hellkite if you draw one too soon.  And, as a 2/2, it Pairs with Forcemage and Radha.
You could also throw in Civic Wayfinder for more acceleration, Ohran Viper for card draw, or Utopia Tree (to pair with the Elves) as a replacement for Gemhide Sliver in a Sliver-heavy environment.
Finally, why are you using Timbermare when the original Thundermare works just as well, and is Standard legal, and doesn't have an Echo cost?  You could also throw in a single copy of Shivan Dragon or Jedit Ojanen of Efrava, if you were feeling creative.
Good luck!




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