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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
A Very Special Episode
February 9, 2007

Well, guess what I found in my inbox today, folks.
Hey hey!  Sean from NY here.  Pardon all the smoke, just testing out a new variation of the Stuffy Doll archetype.  And this one is HOT!  Essentially it uses Volcano Hellion fire a lot of damage at your opponent's head (and your's as well, but hey, if you're going to play with fire, you're going to get burned) via everyone's favorite pin cushion - Stuffy Doll.  And in case anyone's curious, and I'm sure they will be, Children of Korlis are in the deck as a fail safe when you use the Hellion.

Burned - ouch!.dec
15 Creature Spells:          Mana Cost:
4  Children of Korlis           W
3  Outrider en-Kor              2W
4  Volcano Hellion              2RR
4  Stuffy Doll                  5

24 Non-creature Spells:
4  Seal of Fire                 R
4  Pyroclasm                    1R
4  Lightning Helix              RW
3  Seething Song                2R
2  Worship                      3W
3  Faith's Fetters              3W
4  Sulfurous Blast              2RR

21 Land:
7  Plains
11 Mountain
3  Boros Garrison

So, this is pretty much what I've got right now.  Any ideas on how to turn the heat up on my opponents even more?
Stuffy Doll, Stuffy Doll, Stuffy Doll.  Ever since Anthony Alongi's stirring preview of this card, people have been going nuts over this card.  This card is the most easy-to-combo card I've ever seen here at the Garage, and possibly the most popular.  Now, I thought when I posted my first article about a Stuffy Doll deck, (Voodoo Burn, one of two Halloween special articles last year), that I covered all the best techniques of optimizing Stuffy Doll.  But apparently I didn't, or (more likely) people don't actually read my articles unless its their own deck I'm reviewing.  Because I keep getting more Stuffy Doll decks.  And they're all frightfully similar.
Now, I know I'm not the only guy with a website that generates a lot of E-mail (my sympathy goes out to Mark Rosewater), and I know you guys aren't consulting amongst yourselves, so it shouldn't surprise me that I get a few similar deck lists.  And of course, if anyone can breathe some fresh air into the Garage, it's my ace Sean from NY-- you guys don't see all the decks he sends me because a number of them are already too good to improve.  Children of Korlis was a nice wrinkle to add to the Stuffy/Volcano Hellion combo that everyone's talking about, but otherwise this deck is surprisingly similar to the finished version of Voodoo Burn, minus the Outrider en-Kor.  Frankly, I'm surprised it's taking so long for someone to send me the Stuffy/Shivan Meteor deck, or the Stuffy/Pyrohemia deck.
So, what should Sean put in here to make his deck even more savagely gruesome?  Outrider en-Kor, Shivan Meteor, Furnace of Rath, Pyrohemia, or maybe Hammerfist Giant-- any of those would work.  And how do I know?  They're all cards from other Stuffy Doll deck lists I've been sent!  Maybe I'm just sitting on a voodoo pin myself, but this is insanity!  And you know what?  I'm going to do something about it!  Ladies and gentlemen, I am hereby announcing...
BMoor's Stuffy Doll Deckbuilding Contest!
That's right folks, I'm having a contest to see who can build the most original Stuffy Doll deck.  This is the perfect opportunity for all of you to get to build a Stuffy deck (you know you want to) and for me to see just how original you all are (and how many people enjoy my article enough to enter the contest)
"But BMoor," I hear you say "I thought you were tired of getting Stuffy Doll decks.  How do you know people will be any more original than they have been?"  Simple.  I'm including a catch in the rules.  Every deck I've received so far has been mostly red, and used burn spells on Stuffy.  So here's the twist-- you can't make a red deck.  That's right, you can't use Furnace of Rath or Shivan Meteor even as a backup plan.  If that sounds too hard, well, I've already thought up a few combos in each of the other four colors, so if you can't think of even one, well, you're not trying hard enough.  So, here are the rules properly spelled out:
1) You build a deck, and E-mail it to me.
     1A)The deck must use Stuffy Doll as its primary win condition.  Sliding a few randomly into your Illusions of Grandeur deck won't cut it.
     1B)Mountains, Ravnica Signets that provide red mana and cards with the red mana symbol in their mana costs are banned.  I will allow hybrid cards and nonred cards with red activated abilities, but keep in mind it may be tough to get good use out of your Stormcloud Djinn without Mountains.
     1C)Decks will be judged on how well they are built, how creative they are, how unexpected and humorous its victory will be, and if it looks like it can actually achieve a victory.
2) I will accept entries all throughout February.  Include "Stuffy Contest Entry" in your subject line.  Any entry timestamped in March will not be eligible to win.
3) The judging will take place during the first half of March.  I hope to have the results tabulated and a winner announced by St. Patrick's Day.
4) There will then be a series of articles where I count down the winners.  I expect there to be first, second, and third place, but if I get bombarded with entries, I may make some extra room at the top.
5) First place winner will get a Pojo.com T-shirt, and maybe some cards from your decklist if I can afford them, all autographed by me.  You'll need to include a mailing address or PO box in your E-mail to collect your prize, but I promise you that I will not put addresses on the website, nor will I share them with anyone, nor will I ever send you mail for any other reason other than this contest.  Also say in your E-mail if you'd prefer I leave the autograph off-- some people don't want the art/rules obscured.
So, that's the deal.  I'm sure one or two of you have already got great ideas, so hop to it!  I'm a-tingle with anticipation already!


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