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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage

Mighty avatar of control
December 20, 2007

Hey there BMooR!

My name's Joel and I love your column. I've been reading it through for the last couple of months and have gotten all the way through past the stuffy doll contest; needless to say I find you an intriguing character. Basically I've been playing magic for about 12 or 13 years but never very well and I've never constructed any decks aside from color coding all my cards which as I'm sure you could guess didn't work out all that well (a 400 card red deck made of everything you own, I still don't know why that didn't work!) Anyway, enough chit chat...

4x Avatar of might _4

4x Giant growth
4x Primal command
4x Might of oaks
4x Cancel
4x Evacuation
4x Foresee _24

4x Coldsteel heart
4x Whispersilk cloak
4x Chimeric staff _16

4x Island
4x Forest
4x Yavimaya coast
4x Faerie conclave
4x Treetop village _20

I don't have the cards to this deck yet cuz well I didn't really want to go out and blow $70-80 on a deck that didn't work. As far as I can tell though it should work fairly well. Obviously the strategy is to let my opponents build a small army of small creatures then bust out an 8/8 trampler for GG and watch him cry then next turn do what I can with a combination of making him unblockable, insane pump cards and bouncing most (if not all) his guys and not mine. I figured playing blue would work in this one cuz I would need some sort of control for what's just about a 1 creature deck and the conclave/village/staves are kinda in case my opponents also decide that creatures can sometimes not be the best strategy. Primal command is great utility as well not to mention pretty much perfect tutoring for this deck. The big concerns I've got surround my mana base, I'm just not overly sure about those villages and conclaves- because they come in tapped I'm worried about getting sort of mana screwed early on, though with what's 20 other mana producing cards I'm also wondering if my fears are simply make believe (this is from a guy who a few months ago would have laughed at someone for playing a card like Yavimaya coast, "who wants to pay life for mana?" I would say... SHMUCK!). Anyway, I'm pretty open to any suggestions you have, je ne care pas as long as we stick to the basic strategy which is... 8/8 trampler on turn two!
Thanks - Cheers!

Decks like this are why the core set exists.  Cards like Avatar of Might are not just fun, they're powerful if you can use them right.  Without the core set, many of these hidden gems would fade away as soon as they rotated out of Standard.  But now, one of them has found their way to my doorstep.
When I first started tinkering with this deck, I knew that the easiest way to satisfy Avatar of Might's "discount coupon" requirement was with the Hunted creatures from Ravnica.  Mostly Hunted Troll and Hunted Phantasm-- I had figured out a list of pros and cons between the two in my head before I realized that they were in Ravnica and aren't T2 legal anymore-- and Joel told me in a follow-up E-mail he wanted the deck to be T2.  That's fine.  It does mean that the Hunted idea won't work, but I wouldn't've gotten into this line of work if I didn't appreciate challenges.
Besides, that line of thinking led me to this one: creatures with built-in ways of removing themselves from play.  I was then wracked with frustration that Fleeting Image wasn't reprinted in 10th Edition.  And the only card with an analogous ability I've found in Standard is Arcanis the Omnipotent.  He's good, but I don't think he's what you want.
Then I got to thinking about "temporary" creatures.  In Standard, that means vanishing or cumulative upkeep (a la Coldsnap).  This way you could have other creatures to keep up with your opponent, and when they all run out of counters (or accumulate too many) you'll find yourself in prime position to throw down your 8/8 for GG!  Especially since while your temporary big guy is out there, your opponent will have to respond by playing more creatures.
The other upside of this is that it satisfies your initial idea of getting giant creatures for cheap.  As far as vanishing creatures go, the best one I found was Ravaging Riftwurm, a 6/6 for 1GG.  And cumulative upkeep creatures include Sheltering Ancient (5/5 for 1G) and Vexing Sphinx (4/4 flier for 1UU).  The Sphinx is probably the best of the lot, since it gives you plenty of cards when you decide it's not worth the upkeep anymore.  It also flies, making it an excellent target for Might of Oaks.
What could come out for these creatures?  Well, for one thing, Whispersilk Cloak.  It's a good card, but you shouldn't have a number of Equipment cards equal to the number of creatures in your deck.  As it stands, you're just as likely to draw a Cloak as you are a creature to put it on!  Besides that, if your Avatar has a Cloak on, you can't target it with Might of Oaks or Giant Growth.
Chimeric Staff can probably come out too.  It's nice, but how much mana are you willing to pay each and every turn to use it?  Since you already have eight lands that become creatures, I doubt you need it.
The next card that shouldn't be here is Evacuation.  If you play it, it will bounce your Avatar (yes, even if it's wearing a Cloak) and all your opponent's creatures.  Meaning you will have to pay full price for your Avatar.  Especially since your opponent will see it coming and only lay down three creatures.  In its place, try more countermagic.  I'd suggest Rune Snag for its low blue requirement, or Dismal Failure for more card advantage.
Another option is Aura-based removal.  If your opponent has creatures he can't use, then all the better for Avatar of Might.  Fortunately, Green and Blue are the best colors at killing creatures without actually killing them.  You could try Utopia Vow, Leaden Fists, Glimmerdust Nap, Lignify, or Zephyr Net-- any of the above should force your opponent to play that all-important fourth creature.  Not sure what you'd take out for those, though.
That ought to cover everything, Joel.  Good luck using Might to make right!




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