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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
White Peasant Slivers
October 8, 2007

Good Evening, and thanks in advance for looking at this deck for me.  (hope that wasn't being a bit too presumptuous).
Im a new player to MTG and at 40 years old, not the youngest of the players out there.  I get a lot of funny looks when the guy across from me turns out to be 13 or so, but hey, its all good fun, and if I lose, I learn something :).
I am building a Peasant deck with White Slivers.  (was also considering going multi color slivers, but that may be a later mail in for you, as I know you only do 1 deck per email).
This deck basically works to shut down any attack and defense from the opponent, and just build up my forces for a kill.
ANY suggestions as to improvements will be greatly appreciated.  My only strong request is that it stay mostly all common cards, with no more than 5 uncommon, and no rares.  (I love seeing what can be done with peasant decks, and loved what you did with the 10'th edition common decks you put out earlier this month).
I know this build is 4 cards over the standard 60 card build, but thought the Isochron Scepter and Temporal Isolation combination might be worth it. 
Thanks again,
24 X Plains
4X Watcher Sliver
4X Lymph Sliver
4X Poultice Sliver
4X Sinew Sliver
4X Faith's Fetters
4X Pacifism
4X Fortify
4X Temporal Isolation
4X Revivng Dose
4X Isochron Scepter
Well, Mike, this deck seems like a lot of fun to play.  Slivers are always fun, aren't they?  And of course the best part: they're powerful enough to win without needing to dish out an incredible amount of money on chase rares or dual lands.  I'd be happy to take a deck like this to an FNM tournament, and I'd proably win with it.
There is one problem, though.  You mentioned the Isochron Scepter/Temporal Isolation combo?  This... isn't a combo.  The Isolation may have flash, but that doesn't make it an instant.  Isochron Scepter needs an actual instant to imprint, and you actually don't have any cards in your deck that are legal to imprint on it.  Your instants cost too much, and your 2-or-less spells aren't instants.  As it stands, Isochron Scepter does nothing in this deck.
But fear not.  We'll add in some cards that make it work.  First, let's take out Pacifism and Faith's Fetters.  How many removal enchantments do you need?  Reviving Dose can come out too-- yes, it draws you a card, but 3 mana for 3 life and a card just won't cut it most places.
Now, in their place go 4 Judge Unworthy.  You mentioned that you liked my 10th Edition deck fixes?  Well, you may remember this card from my white deck as an all-purpose removal spell and draw smoother.  Judge Unworthy is a great card to put on a Scepter, as it lets you try and pick off an attacking or blocking creature each turn.  Not only does it take the place of some of your enchantment removal, but it also handily replaces Reviving Dose.  Granted it doesn't draw you a card, but it does smooth your draws via Scry each turn, and it "gains you life" by shooting down creatures that would otherwise deal damage to you.  And being able to Scry 3 each turn all but promises you'll draw nothing but gravy.  Frankly, I think I'll be recommending this card to white decks of all sorts for a long time coming.
The only downside is that your opponent can deny you legal targets by refusing to attack or block.  But if this happens, you can attack with everything unimpeded, so no worries.
I took out 12 cards and added in 4.  Since you were 4 over anyway, you've got 4 slots left.  The card I really want to recommend here is Sidewinder Sliver.  You've basically already got everything you need, except a one-drop.  Sidewinder fills that gap nicely, as well as enhances your offense.
That should get this deck purring like a tiger.  It was already pretty tuned when it came into me-- Slivers, and ways to kill whatever blockers your opponent puts out.  Other than that, all I can think of is maybe a sideboard with some artifact/enchantment destruction, and possibly some extra Scepter targets.  To Arms!, anyone?
Good luck!


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