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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Palliation Accord deck
January 17, 2007

Hi there, my name is Matt. I'm from New Zealand. Here is a casual deck I made, what do you think? The obvious idea is to tap all my opponents creatures on their turn and then attack with the small flying creatures on mine for a slow, painful kill. The defender creatures and Pall's Accord are in to prevent damage just incase something gets through. The problem is mainly that I not quite sure how to stop things like instants and enchantments from taking their toll on my life total. I thought about putting in some counter spells? What do you think? It would be cool if you could give a look over the whole deck. Thanks.
67 Cards:
11 Plains
9 Island
2 Azorius Chancery
4 Minister of Impediments
4 Errant Doomsdayers
3 Puppeteer
3 Master Decoy
2 Azorius Giuldmage
2 Sage Owl
2 Beacon Hawk
3 Azorius First-Wing
3 Soulsworn Jury
3 Benevolent Ancestor
2 Sky Hussar
2 Harrier Griffin
1 Gustcloak Cavalier
1 Isperia the Inscrutable
1 Pride of the Clouds
2 Palliation Accord
3 Plumes of Peace
4 Griffin Guide
Thanks again

Now this is what I call a focused decklist, Matt.  You know exactly what your strategy is at each stage of the game, and every card in your deck furthers that purpose.  Your job couldn't be more clear-cut-- tap down creatures, and fly over for the win.  I also like how you have made good use out of Palliation Accord, a card that most people would not give a second look to.  So, let's take a look at each stage of your strategy and see if we can shore it up any tighter.
First, you want to tap your opponent's creatures.  You've got Minister of Impediments, Errant Doomsayer, Puppeteer, Master Decoy, and Azorius Guildmage to do that for you, which should be plenty.  In fact, I'd take out the Doomsayers if I were you, since they can't tap all that much, and replace them with Squall Drifter.  Not only can the Drifter tap more creatures, it can also fly, which is good because if neccesary it can work into the next half of your plan.  But before we talk about the rest of your plan, there's another card I have to talk about-- Magewright's Stone.  Since most of your tappers tap out themselves, Magewright's Stone could be essentially a cheaper Icy Manipulator for you.  Which reminds me, you need Icy Manipulator as well.
Moving on, we see your flying creatures-- Sage Owl, Beacon Hawk, Azorius First-Wing, Sky Hussar, Harrier Griffin, Isperia the Inscrutable, and Pride of the Clouds.  Beacon Hawk has great synergy with your tappers, so replace Sage Owl with more Beacons.  Azorius First-Wing is a great addition, and Sky Hussar and Harrier Griffin all work great with your tapping plan.  Isperia and Pride should go without saying as definite includes, but I wish there were something here that could come out-- you do need to make some room.  If something had to give, it would most likely be Harrier Griffin, for its 3/3 body against its 6-mana cost.  Your flyers really need to be more efficient than that.
That leaves Gustcloak Cavalier, Soulsworn Jury, and Benevolent Ancestor under your creature list.  The Cavalier I can understand as another tapper, but I have my doubts about it since it can't tap a creature without attacking, and it's only a 2/2 flanker.  Yes, it has the Gustcloak ability, but I'm not sure it's worth 3WW.  Soulsworn Jury I have even less faith in-- you've got enough tappers so that you'll hardly ever need to counter a creature spell, and its body doesn't inspire confidence.  Yet strangely, for the same price I have no qualms with Benevolent Ancestor.  Probably because B.A. here doesn't ask you to leave mana open.  The Ancestor is really all you need in terms of non-tapping defense.
Now, for your other spells.  Palliation Accord is fine, obviously, as are Griffin Guide and Plumes of Peace.  But you mentioned wanting more defense against instants and enchantments?  Well, here you go-- Dovescape.  That'll stop any instant or enchantment cold, and because your deck is so creature-heavy, you're primed to take full advantage of it!  Granted, it might set you back a few bucks, but it will be worth it, trust me.  If you can't get Dovescape, you can also just try a playset of Rune Snag or Mana Leak, since they've been known to work pretty well too.
Either way, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting The Plan(tm) to work for you-- you've committed to it admirably, and the battle tactic itself is a sound one.  I'll leave you with that, Matt, so good luck and friendly skies ahead!


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