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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Derek's Sliver deck

Sept 6, 2006

Well, folks, the rumor mills are churning about the impending release of Time Spiral, and it is now official that Slivers will be back for their third block.  Not only that, it seems several Slivers will support a multicolor theme, which is very important given the tendencies of Sliver decks to be multicolor.  Given that, it is only fitting that a Sliver deck should show up in my inbox.  Of course, this creates a conflict: if I fix the deck now, the Time Spiral set may release cards that work better than what I recommend.  But I'll leave that to Derek here to decide for himself.
I'm thinking of running a 2 color sliver deck.  Most of my friends aren't too fond of the idea, saying that sliver decks usually consist of many colors and all, but I'd like to try it anyways.  My current idea is to go with R/G slivers, using Red as a "pumping" color for the slivers, whereas green becomes the token generator/trampler color.  Here's what I'm hoping to do:

Blade Sliver x 4
Magma Sliver x 4
Hunter Sliver x 4
Metallic Sliver x 4
Muscle Sliver x 4
Brood Sliver x 4
Horned Sliver x 4
Forest x 10
Mountain x 10

Fertile Ground x 4
Rampant Growth x 4
Wild Growth x 4
I'm not exactly sure if I need all the creatures I have, since I usually go for 4 of each kind of card even when it isn't necessary.  Also, I'm at a lack of ideas for what enchantments/instants could be used other than some mana acceleration, which I'm not even sure is necessary either.  I have been considering replacing/adding in Blue slivers to make them flying or unblockable.  Thanks for any suggestions! 

Well, the first thing you have to remember about Slivers is that most of them have abilities that become redundant in multiples.  With two Horned Slivers, your Slivers don't get any more trampling than they were with one, right?  On the other hand, each Muscle Sliver translates to an additional +1/+1.  So, if you need slots for more cards, your best bet is to find Slivers with noncumulative abilities and cut them down to two copies each.
Also of special note is Metallic Sliver, the colorless, ability-less Sliver.  Though it may not strengthen your team, it is another body to receive all those abilities, and it is castable with any color of mana (important in any multicolor deck), so definitely keep in all 4 copies.
After that, it's simply a matter of deciding what other abilities you want to bestow upon your army.  Magma Sliver bestows a tap ability if I recall, so Haste would be helpful.  For that, you want Heart Sliver.  Another noteworthy Sliver is Quick Sliver, whose ability is "play any time you could play an instant".  This has excellent synergy with Muscle, Blade, or anything that changes combat math, plus allows you to make surprise blockers.  There is also a R/G Sliver, named Victual I believe, which allows you to sacrifice Slivers to gain life.  This isn't the best of Slivers, but having plenty of options is always good, so you may want to think of it.
Now, for your other spells.  Sliver decks typically do everything they want to do with Sliver abilities, and rarely need other spells as backup except for mana fixing.  Your deck looks the same way, but since you've got a commitment to Red, it'd be a shame not to run any burn spells at all, even if it's just 4 Shocks.  Burn spells allow you to remove blockers, finish off a wounded creature, or get the last few points of damage in to win the game.  And often, when Sliver decks run into trouble, it's because their creatures can't punch through any damage.  A little burn will help fix that.
Other than that, all I can say is that Time Spiral should bring a few new gems to add to your collection.  Until then, good luck and have fun!
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