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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Storm Season

Sept 11, 2

Autumn is slowly creeping in on us.  And with autumn comes cooler weather and a new block of Magic cards.  Time Spiral approaches fast, but the reason I mention the season is that despite the fact that today was a balmy 80 degrees where I am, Storm Season has descended upon my garage.  I'll be trading my wrench for an umbrella to tackle this deck it seems.
Creatures: 12
Llanowar elves 4
Birds of paradise 4

Soul Warden 4

Artifacts: 12
Howling mine 4
Coat of Arms 4
Thrumming Stone 4

Enchantments: 4
Doubling Season 4

Spells: 12
Farseek 4
Rampant Growth 4
Storm Herd 4

Lands: 20
Plains 5
Forests 8
Temple Garden 4
Brushland 3

The way I get this deck to work out is getting out my doubling seasons and soul wardens, along with birds and elves. I play Storm herd, and gain a bunch of life with warden, then I ripple it for another and hopefully repeat the process. (I’ve been able to put into play 219 tokens and gain over 800 life in one turn!) The problem I’m facing with the deck is that I don’t believe it is reliable enough to win. If the can stop my storm herd then its basically game over as there are no other win conditions in this deck. Also I’m having trouble thinking of a sideboard. I really need some card drawing because its not hard for me to play out my entire hand by turn 4, but I do not think howling mine is the answer, I’m thinking about putting in Ohran Viper, that way I can still get cards in my hand without my opponent doing the same. I’m not too worried about anything aggressive its control that is scary so I’d really like another win condition, I’m thinking maybe Dovescape in my sideboard, because chances are my opponents wont expect the storm herd ripple the first game and then I can sideboard in some Dovescapes for Storm Herd. Also I don’t think Coat of Arms or Doubling Season are really necessary but work well with the storm herd and warden combo. Also I was trying to work in leashing to guarantee two Storm Herds for the price of one, but I think for the mana cost its just too slow to wait for it to get into play to pull it off. Any help I can get is appreciated, Thanks, Aaron.

Very solid concept, Aaron, and a fun one too.  Who doesn't like the idea of abusing an enormous herd of Pegasi that grows exponentially?  You list your problems so far as such: not enough card drawing, no Plan B if Storm Herd "fails", and need of a better way to ensure Thrumming Stone gets you multiple Herds.  I have a few ideas that will help these problems quite elegantly, if I do say so myself.
First of all, replace Howling Mine with Crown of Convergence.  Now, I know, the Crown won't actually draw you cards, but in a way it acts as card draw and a sort of Coat of Arms.  First, it can give your Pegasi +1/+1 if the top card of your library is white.  Second, if the top card of your library isn't helpful, you can move it out of the way.  This doesn't really draw cards, but it improves your draws and so will help you to get your combo up and running faster.  It also works well with Ripple-- if the top card of your library isn't a copy of the spell you want to ripple, moving it will increase your odds of a successful ripple.  Moving large amounts of cards with the Crown can be mana intensive, but you've got plenty of acceleration, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Second of all, replace Coat of Arms with Juniper Order Ranger, the new green/white creature from Coldsnap.  When you play Storm Herd and put all those tokens into play, the Ranger will put a +1/+1 counter on all of them and one on itself for each pegasus in the herd.  This will result in an army of 2/2's (or larger) and one incredibly large creature.  This is your Plan B.  Now, when you said you were worried someone would "stop" your Storm Herd, I wasn't sure if you meant destroy/neutralize/remove all the Pegasi, or counter the spell.  Please note that Storm Herd must actually resolve and put the creatures into play for J.O.R. to make a suitable Plan B, but what a Plan B he makes, eh?  Just think of the synergy with Doubling Season-- twice as many tokens, each token gets +2/+2 per J.O.R. you have out, and then the Ranger gets two counters for each token, amounting in +4X/+4X, where X is your life total!  An opponent might stop an enormous creature with a Putrefy, and he might be able to Savage Twister your Herd away, but can he do both?  The odds are against it.  As icing on the cake, replacing an artifact with a card that is white increases the odds that Crown of Convergence will give your Pegasi +1/+1, but that pales in comparison to all the other incentives to play Juniper Order Ranger.
Now, normally in these articles I try to be a wellspring of card suggestions, a brainstorm of inspiration, a fountain of conjectures.  However, with Storm Season, the strategy is so well-executed and the problems so clear-cut that I can turn off the waterworks right here.  I'd be foolish to try and flood you with ideas when all that is called for is a bottle or two in the right places.  So, with all that's left behind the dam, let's raise a glass of it and toast-- may we always see the value of a drop in the bucket, and may we recognize when it's time to stick our finger in the dyke and save the rest for a sunny day.
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