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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Pure Green Casual Snake Deck

June 26,

I havent gotten a really good chance to try this deck in an any other format
really besides casual. Its main strategy is to add a lot of mana into my
mana pool and then swarm the opponent with a lot of snake tokens, and slow
them down completely.

Creatures (23)
2x Seshiro the Anointed
3x Shizuko Called of Autumn
3x Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
3x Sosuke, Son of Seshiro
3x Patron of the Orochi
3x Kashi-Tribe Elite
2x Shisato, Whispering Hunter
4x Matsu-Tribe Sniper

Spells and Enchantments (9)
3x Nature's Will
3x Dense Canopy
3x Endless Swarm

Artifacts (8)
4x Viridian Longbow
4x Orochi Hatchery

Lands (20)
20x Forest

I'm willing to spend over $1-$8 on a single card, but not like $10 for one

Snakes are always a fun tribe, though they have sort of faded from popular attention with the focus shifting to Ravnica.  The better for you, though, that means many of the rare Snakes can be had for a song at local game shops.  The first thing that jumps out at me about this deck is a few apparent disagreements between the strategy our nameless contributor described and the actual decklist.  And since part of my job is assuming that the decklist in front of me is flawed, I have to stick with the description by default.  This is the advantage of writing a little about your deck when sending it to me; it helps me know what you want fixed.
Now, the strategy of this deck is supposedly to stockpile mana for huge Orochi Hatcheries or an Endless Swarm, thus leading to wave after wave of Snake tokens.  However, your decklist features the entire Royal Family of Snakes, plus Kashi-Tribe Elite.  Don't get me wrong, having the Legendary Snakes around will enhance the Snake tokens somewhat, but you don't need nearly as many as you have, and also Shisato, Whispering Hunter, is a plain awful card no matter how many of her kinfolk you can feed her.  Not only that, you play Snakes and want to accelerate your mana, yet you don't have any of the best Green mana accelerating Snake there is (quite possibly the best Green anything in Standard), Sakura-Tribe Elder.
But before I start adding cards, I prefer to remove unneeded cards to make room.  Sachi is queen of mana production, and Seshiro is undisputed king of all Snakes, so they can stay.  Shisato, Sosuke, and Patron of the Orochi can all go, and Shizuko, Caller of Autumn can go down to two copies.  With so fewer Legends, Kashi-Tribe Elite are now Kashi-Tribe Obsolete, so they can go too.  That's twelve creatures removed.  In their place we'll add 4 Sakura-Tribe Elder, 4 Orochi Sustainer (the Llanowar Elves of the Snake world), 2 Sakura-Tribe Springcaller, and 2 of Shizuko's sister: Sakiko, Mother of Summer.  Granted, she needs you to attack and deal damage to make mana, but free mana is free mana, and also your inclusion of Shisato and Nature's Will makes me think you were planning on doing some of that anyway.
That reminds me; drop Nature's Will.  It's just not good enough.  Also drop Dense Canopy; something tells me if your opponent has flying creatures and you don't, your creatures getting blocked by his won't be your main concern.  In their place go four of the card Sosuke's Summons, which can put pair after pair of Snake tokens into play for you.  Yes, I removed Sosuke and added in his Summons.  These Snake names can get confusing, please let me know if I'm going too fast.  That still leaves two slots though, so for the final two slots, I recommend Soratami Cloud Chariot.  Why?  Well, because you have 3 Endless Swarm.  Once you play one, you can't play anymore spells for the rest of the game (and remember, "spells" means all nonland cards).  So then you'll have tons of mana and won't be able to use it to play any cards.  That seems like a waste.  Sure, you've already got 4 Orochi Hatchery you can activate each turn, but the Cloud Chariot lets you send Snakes airborne or Fog out one of them for blocking purposes.  Seems like a good way to use all that mana if you can't play any of the cards in your hand with it.
And finally, replace one Forest with Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers.  With all those Legendaries, I'm amazed you didn't have any of these to begin with.
That should just about do it.  Until next time, besssssst of luck to you!


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