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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
G/W Sliver deck

May 9, 2006

I like these sites and I just wanna see what you think about my sliver deck, and any improvements you would do...
Brood Sliver (2)
Winged Sliver (2)
Mistform Sliver (1)
Crypt Sliver (1)
Ward Sliver (4)
Essence Sliver (2)
Synapse Sliver (1)
Victual Sliver (1)
Horned Sliver (1)
Plated Sliver (1)
Essence Filter (1)
Dragon Scales (1)
Decree of Savagery (1)
Skullcage (1)
Surestrike Trident (1)
Cryptic Gateway (2)
Dromars Cavern (1)
Meteor Crater (2)
Lotus Petal (2)
Plains (5)
Forests (8)
Protection from (color) is one of the toughest things in the game if you ask me, I used to use this deck with cards like Winter Orb and some blue cards like Washouts or Turnabouts, I changed it to straight sliver because I have seen so many people make crappy sliver decks, lol
Well, the first criticism I have of this deck is that your lands are all Plains and Forests while you run Slivers in White, Green Blue, and even a Black one.  Yes, I see that you can get the Blue and Black Slivers into play with Cryptic Gateway, Lotus Petal, Dromar's Cavern, or possibly Meteor Crater, but that isn't very reliable.  And while some of these Blue Slivers are impressive, they're not worth so many tricks to get them into play when you could just play Islands, or Green and White Slivers.
Now, there's two ways to solve this problem.  One, you could add in some Islands.  Two, you could take out the Blue Slivers.  The lone Black Sliver should probably come out either way; he isn't even that good.  Now, since you currently have only 41 cards in your deck, I'd say add in Islands.  About 7 should be enough.
Next, it is my firm belief that any Sliver deck with Green should have 4 Muscle Sliver, and any Sliver deck with White should have 4 Plated Sliver.  Why?  Because one Muscle Sliver alone is a 2/2 for 1G, and one Plated Sliver alone is a 1/2 for W.  These are very economically priced creatures, but more importantly, their abilities are cumulative.  Having 3 Muscle Slivers out gives all Slivers +3/+3.  Unlike Horned, Victual, or Brood, or most other Slivers, a second copy of Muscle or Plated gives an additional bonus.  Add to that their reasonable mana costs that accommodate a multicolor deck easily, and these Slivers are a must for any deck that can make use of them.
Also, since we've added Blue to the mana base, I'd like to see a few copies of Crystalline Sliver.  You don't really have much in the way of targeting your own creatures, and your opponent WILL use whatever removal he or she has to take out a particularly bothersome Sliver.
Now, for some subtractive modifications: Decree of Savagery, Surestrike Trident, Dragon Scales, and Skullcage all seem like they're just there to hold a place.  They don't really contribute to the theme of the deck, and since three of them target your creatures, I think we should replace them.  With what?  Well, you don't really have any way of dealing with your opponent's creatures, so I'd say four Faith's Fetters or Plumes of Peace would work nicely.  You may also want to add a few Congregation at Dawn to go and get the Slivers you need, when you need them.  And perhaps a few Overrule or Voidslime to give you a few options against any particularly nasty cards your opponent might play.
Finally, I don't think you really need Dromar's Cavern or Meteor Crater.  Although Cryptic Gateway can certainly stay in, as it lets you put out more Slivers for free at instant speed.  If you have trouble getting the right colors of mana, try Kodama's Reach, or any of the appropriate common bouncelands from Ravnica(Selesnya Sanctuary, Azorius Chancery, Simic Growth Chamber).  Hopefully this should help the deck run properly, and hopefully that's enough cards to get the deck up to 60.  Good luck!
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