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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Mill deck

May 9, 2006

For as long as there have been mill decks, they have been struggling with the fact that milling away the opponent's library doesn't actually do anything to hinder the opponent until the very last card.  Oftentimes a mill deck will end up losing simply because they can't stop the opponent from winning long enough to deck out.  That's just the problem that faces today's client.
My mill deck is supposed to run my opponent outta cards before they can deal
20 damage to me. But so far the 20 damage to me is being delt before i run
my opponent outta cards. Please help me with this deck.

8x Island
8x Swamp
4x Dimir Aqueducts
2x Duskmantle, House of Shadow

2x Belltower Sphinx
1x Szadek, Lord Of Secrets
4x Vedalken Entrancer
3x Thoughtpicker Witch
4x Lurking Informant

3x Sift
2x Consult The necrosages
3x Ribbons of Night
3x Psychic Drain
1x Dimir Machinations

4x Induce Paranoia
2x Disembowel

1x Dream Leash

3x Millstone
2x Dimir Signet
This is a fairly puzzling problem, since on paper the deck looks like it has everything it needs.  Clearly we're going to have to step things up and make this deck faster, more milling, and less vulnerable to 20 damage.
First, Lurking Informant should become either Dimir Guildmage or Lore Broker.  Dimir Guildmage can draw you cards and make your opponent discard, while Lore Broker speeds up the milling by making your opponent draw.  Milling an opponent by making them draw is a risky proposition, since you're giving them cards which they could then play against you.  But Lore Broker gives you a card too, so hopefully you can handle what they throw at you.  Trouble is, this deck doesn't really handle what people throw at it.....yet.
And that's probably because it doesn't have enough ways to deal with creatures.  Remove Dimir Machinations and Consult the Necrosages in favor of three Last Gasp.  This should give you a cheap, efficient way to handle troublesome creatures.
Speaking of cheap, the less your spells cost, the more likely you are to be able to play them.  Replace Sift with Compulsive Research, which essentially does the same thing.  After all, what do you usually discard with Sift?  A land?  That's what I thought.
One more thing; replace Thoughtpicker Witch.  Her effect just isn't worth losing a creature to most often.  What do you replace it with?  Glimpse the Unthinkable would be ideal.  But if you can't get Glimpse the Unthinkable, you could try a radical idea for a replacement: Skyscribing.  Like I said earlier, making your opponent draw is almost like milling them.  Using the Forecast ability is sort of like having a Howling Mine out, exceot you have to pay for it each turn.  And in the late game, it can act like Psychic Drain to finish off your opponent.  But honestly, just go with Glimpse the Unthinkable.

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