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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Black Light

May 26, 2006

Hello i´m typical newbei so if you could help with my deck i would be wery
happy. sorry for my bad english but i will give it a try.
well its a W,B deck and hear it is .

Black ligth

10 plain
10 swamp

W Creatures
2 serra angel
1 serra avatar
1 raya dawnbringer
4 leonin den-guard
1 sunweb
1 master decoy
1 crossbow infantry
1 campion lancer

B Creatures
1 nigthmare
2 unworthy dead
2 wall of soul
1 ravenous rats
1 razorjaw oni

1 Nature´s ruin
1 server soul
1 dead ringers
1 raise dead

3 congregate
3 terror

2 bonesplitter
2 neurok hoversail
2 vulshok battlegear

when your ready with my deck make a new list with all the cards that you
have taken out and put in, it would be easy for me to understand then.
/ Ricky
Well, Ricky, you're using plenty of good cards here, but you have a big problem-- the sort of mistake everyone makes when they're first starting out.  You've taken a lot of good cards and built a deck out of them, but these cards don't interact with each other.  While each one is good in a vacuum, they don't work together at all.  In fact, some cards work against other cards in the deck.  The first thing I'm going to do is drop all the cards that have this problem.
OUT: 1 Nature's Ruin
This card is good IF your opponent is using green creatures.  Otherwise it's completely useless.  It could go in a sideboard, but it has no place in the main deck.
OUT: 1 Razorjaw Oni, 2 Wall of Souls
Razorjaw Oni says that Black creatures can't block.  Wall of Souls is a Black creature that does nothing BUT block.  Obviously these two should never share a deck.  Admittedly taking out one would allow you to leave the other in, but there are better options than either of these cards.
OUT: 1 Nightmare
Nightmare is best in a deck with a lot of Swamps.  In a multicolor deck, Nightmare will never get as big as he teases you into believing.  And since you already have Serra Angel, Nightmare isn't necessary.
OUT: 1 Crossbow Infantry
It's not that the Infantry is a bad card; it has plenty of use as a way to make opponents think twice about getting embroiled in combat.  But Master Decoy can outright STOP a creature from attacking or blocking, so the Infantry is outshined.
That takes care of the obvious eliminations.  From here it gets a little tricky.  You see, the inevitable result of not building a deck with synergy in mind is that your deck doesn't have a core strategy-- you just play spells as you see fit and hope that your spells are better than your opponent's.  Sometimes thi will work, but not often.  The most powerful decks take one idea, one path to victory, and make sure every card in the deck can work towards making it happen.  So what's your strategy, Ricky?  You do have a few combos, like Serra Avatar and Congregate or Leonin Den-Guard and the Equipment.  All the big creatures plus Reya Dawnbringer and Raise Dead make me think you're trying for a reanimator theme.  But then there's Sunweb, Unworthy dead, Wall of Souls, and the Den-Guard which make me think maybe your plan is to play early blockers and hold off the opponent long enough to get enough mana for huge creatures.  All that Equipment would make a good "super-creature" strategy, in which you play smaller creatures and then use lots of Equipment to make them into nasty threats.  What's the best way to go?
Well, after a lot of consideration, I think the Equipment "build-your-own-creature" plan is probably the best way to go.  The life gain strategy of Serra Avatar seems too defensive, Reya Dawnbringer takes too much mana, and reanimator would probably require the deck to change too much.  So, the first thing we do is take out Serra Avatar and Reya.  Next, we should drop Sunweb; walls don't get the job done.  Dead Ringers, Sever Soul, and Raise Dead aren't doing much for me either, especially when you've got 3 Terror already. 
In their place, add some more creatures you can Equip.  Four Gravedigger would be nice, getting you a creature back and providing a 2/2 body to wear a Bonesplitter into battle.  Next, try four Shrieking Grotesque-- a 2/1 flier looks great with a Battlegear on it, and the discard doesn't hurt either.  Finally, three more Master Decoy and another Ravenous Rats would make fine additions to the arsenal. 
And one last thing; your lands.  Two Plains and two Swamps should each become Orzhov Basilica.
So, after all is said and done...
Black light 2.0

10 plains
10 swamp

2 serra angel
4 leonin den-guard
4 master decoy
1 Champion Lancer
2 unworthy dead
2 ravenous rats
4 Gravedigger
4 Shrieking Grotesque

Other Spells
3 congregate
3 terror
2 bonesplitter
2 neurok hoversail
2 vulshok battlegear
That ought to play much more smoothly.  Your strategy now is to keep a steady stream of creatures pounding the opponent, with Equipment making your creatures bigger, more painful, and harder to stop.  Good luck, Ricky!

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