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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Black Weenie

May 23, 2006

4 Ravenous Rats
4 Last Gasp
4 Black Mail

3 Ogre Marauder
4 Hand of Cruelty
2 Okiba Gang Shinobi
4 Plagued Rusalka
3 Dark Confidant
4 Foul Imp
4 Hypnotic Specter

2 Umezwa Jitte

21 Swamps
1 Tomb of Urami

So far, I have been testing this on apprentice, and somehow, it does pretty good. The Jittes are limited to 2 copies as that is how much I have. Otherwise, I can figure out a way to get any other card.

I have found this deck has a horrible match up to Ghazi Glare, but can normally discard enough cards from other control decks so that they have to top deck. Any sideboard help against White Weenie/Boros Deck Wins, Ghazi Glare, Wildfire (Normally, I just start holding stuff back in game 2, and it doesn't really work as well as it should), Plain old Burn, Emminent Domain, MUC, U/B control, Zoo, and anything else you can think of that I can't (I have a mostly control metagame over here, but I want to have a way to deal with other match ups too)

PS- While I do have duals enough to splash for any other card, but I would prefer not to. I want this deck to A) be original in that it only runs one color B) escape multicolor hosers which I am sure will show up at some point in the future (Blood Moon?) and C) want to cut down, and capitalize on the random life loss other decks take from lands. Plus, I haven't seen any good reason to mess up my land count. Putrefy might be nice, but I fear that it will make it will get stuck in my hand not doing anything.
The deck looks pretty fine so far.  As a matter of fact, I think the only real problem is against specific matchups.  You could probably fix this deck simply by adding a sideboard.  In fact, you've already got a good defense against Ghazi-Glare in Hand of Cruelty.  The Hand can't be targeted by Glare's ability it can't be the target of Faith's fetters, and it can block Loxodon Hierarch as often as need be.  One little problem though-- you say you want to avoid random life loss from your lands, but you run 3 Dark Confidant, the king of random life loss.  Maybe he should come out.
Anyway, here's how your sideboard should play out.
3 Execute
These in addition to Hand of Cruelty should be everything you need to battle White Weenie, as well as give you an advantage on Ghazi-Glare.
3 Caustic Rain
Ghazi Glare, as well as Zoo, Boros Deck Wins, and U/B Control are often very dependant on tehir dual lands.  Take one out early and you should be able to slow them down enough for your aggresive creatures to champion the day.
3 Ghost-Lit Stalker
He can come into play faster than any counterspell, and then later his ability can wreck MUC's ability to hold counters in hand.  Later on, his Channel ability can't be countered either except by a Stifle-type effect.
3 Death Denied
This card gives you some late game presence, as well as making an excellent recovery option for Wildfire provided you can reaccumulate some mana quickly.
3 Soul Feast
Granted, Consume Spirit would work better, but I don't know if that's Standard legal.  The basic idea is to pad your life total against burn decks and faster agressive decks, while taking a chunk out of their life so your guys can finish him or her a turn early.  This should buy you enough time to swing the game around.
I'm afraid I don't know what Emminent Domain is, but if it's the U/R land disruption deck I hear about, then your best bet would be to play first, hit all your land drops, and hope to get out something quickly enough.  And possibly Blood Pet.
I wish I knew more about the tournament metagame, but I don't play professional Constructed; I prefer Limited.  But I'm confident enough to say that the theories behind my card choices, if not the card choices themselves, are solid.


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