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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Jasper's Topsy Turvy deck

May 23, 2006

Pojo put me in charge of helping those who need it,
fixing up decklists so others could read it,
But some decks, made with Un-,
Are built only for fun,
And I'd certainly never tell clients to beat it.
So here is the tale, (for those of you still reading,
Assuming my rhyming won't leave your eyes bleeding)
Of the friendly implorance
Of clever Mr. Lawrence
And his comical combo to leave foes conceding.
This is a deck that I built around the Unhinged card, Topsy Turvy, which reverses the phases of each turn. I use it in an infinite turn combo that ideally comes out on turn five.

4 Carnivorous Death-Parrot
3 Cheatyface
4 Ninja of the Deep Hours
4 Temporal Adept

4 Umbilicus
4 Remand
3 Spell Counter
4 Number Crunch
4 Loose Lips
4 Topsy Turvy

2 Hall of the Bandit Lord
20 Island

I use Umbilicus or Temporal Adept to bounce Topsy Turvy back to my hand during my upkeep (which is at the end of my turn) to make my turn go forwards again. Then during my postcombat main phase I play Topsy Turvy again to switch the turn back into reverse. This process repeats ad infinitum, or until I win, preferably the latter. Note that I don't skip the untap or draw step because it only reverses phases, not steps.

I've got some cheap 2/2 flyers (Cheatyface and Carnivorous
Death-Parrot) that can turn into a Ninja of the Deep Hours early game,
or simply provide damage each turn. The Ninja helps draw into my combo
and works well with Loose Lips when given flying. Loose Lips is there
to take advantage of Number Crunch, Spell Counter, and Ninja of the
Deep Hours, and because it happens to be my favorite card. Remand
stalls, counter-bounces, and helps draw into the combo. Hall of the
Bandit Lord allows me to play creatures during my final infinite turn
without having them be stuck with summoning sickness forever, since
the turn loops but never ends. Number Crunch and Spell Counter are
Gotcha cards, which add to the Unhinged-y atmosphere of the game as
well as being more reusable & fun than their counterparts, Boomerang
and Counterspell.

If you could help with this deck, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

~Jasper Lawrence

A duelist named Jasper E-mailed me a query
about his Blue deck and a real unhinged theory
that the card Topsy Turvy
could be used to revert the
direction of his turn back and forth infinitely
He wanted me to give his deck a quick check-up
and make sure it worked without flaw, crack, or hiccup.
I endeavored to do it
and set myself to it
so it's time to get busy, tuning this deck up.
One mistake-- Jasper turns all his turns inside-out
putting upkeeps both within the turn and without
But summoning sickness
dissolves with much quickness
at every last upkeep with nary a shout
This is a fact Jasper must have forgot
or include Hall of the Bandit Lord he would not.
For the Hall isn't good,
doesn't do what it should,
it just isn't needed.  Let's toss it, eh what?
Now for the next step-- let's look at your creatures.
And what a fine set of creatures this deck features.
Wizard, Ninja and Bird
are all fine, take my word,
but Cheatyface?  Well I know a creature that beats yours.
The efreet's purpose is: a 2/2 for 3 mana
that's hard to block.  You just can't beat that-- or can ya?
Battles get gorier
with Phantom Warrior
Harder to block for the same amount of mana.
Speaking of mana, I'm a bit apprehensive.
As counterspells go, Spell Counter's too expensive.
A counter's a keeper
only if it's cheaper
Four mana's too much to save for the defensive.
A proper replacement is easily found
When it comes to counters, there's plenty around.
Mana Leak, Convolute,
and Hinder to boot,
just pick one you like-- no need to get wound.
Well, that's all I can do; I can't do any more.
This deck now has power it hadn't before.
I've had lots of fun,
Being Wizard of Un-,
Until next time, have fun!  Best wishes, BMoor  ;)

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