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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Cyko blue/red deck

May 15, 2006

Hey my name is Kevin and this is my deck. I I just got it put together and I played with a few people and It dose pretty good is there any suggestions that you have to help me build this deck up.
  Lands: 10 islands
            10 mountains
Monsters: 1x Djinn Illuminatus
              2x izzet guildmage
              1x Tibor and Lumia
              1x avatar of Fury
              3x Raging goblins
              1x Mogg Sentry
              1x magus of the unseen
              1x Uyo, silent prophet
              1x Latulla, Keldon overseer
              1x Frostling
              1x Quicksilver Dragon
              1x Ryusei, the Fallen star   
              1x Wall of air   
Instants: 4x boomerang
             1x Rack and ruin
             2x Schismotivate
             1x Reins of power
             1x Final Fortune    
             1x Carbonize    
Sorcery: 1x Washout
            4x volcanic hammer
            2x book burning       
Interrupt: 4x Mana leak
              3x Counter spell 
Concept: What I try to do in this deck is hit him with as much direct damage as I can without letting him counter of summon any creatures. I use my izzets and djinn to replicate my spells so that they cant get anything out of deffend against any of my attacks.                      
Well, Kevin, I'd say you're off to a fine start.  The deck strategy is good, but your deck doesn't seemed focused enough on it.  The concept, as you put it, is to use burn and counterspells to negate everything your opponent does, while your Izzet tools let you maximize the effectiveness of these spells.  For this type of deck to succeed, you need lots of instants and sorceries (by the way, interrupts are now considered instants).  You have quite a few unnecessary creatures, and your choice of instants and sorceries could probably be better.
For your creatures: drop all of them except Izzet Guildmage, Djinn Illuminatus, Uyo, and Ryusei.  Add in four Izzet Chronarch.  These guys are probably the best Izzet card there is, getting you back a burn spell or a counter.
Now, for your instants and sorceries.  You really want plenty of cheap spells that do a lot for their mana cost, because you want to play plenty of them.  Also, Izzet Guildmage can only copy spells that cost 2 or less, and Djinn Illuminatus can't give you more copies than you have mana to pay for them.  Washout, Reins of Power, Rack and Ruin, Carbonize, and Final Fortune just aren't good enough.  They can't be copied by Izzet Guildmage, and they don't really do enough for their cost.  Pulling them gives you a total of 12 free slots (plus all the creatures we pulled), so what can you put in their place?  Four Shock (the ultimate spell to copy with Djinn Illuminatus), four Peel from Reality (combos with Izzet Chronarch to keep your opponent from keeping a creature out), two Twincast (to copy your opponent's spells), and two Sleight of Hand (to help you draw more spells to play).
That ought to do it-- with that many burn, bounce, and counterspells, plus plenty of ways to copy them and bring them back from the graveyard, you should have no problems.  Good luck!

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