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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
G/W weenie


Many people cherish their very first deck, and keep playing it long after the Magic community moves on to newer cards.  It's only natural to have a soft spot for cards that you first played with (my favorite card is still Nimble Mongoose), but it's also important to keep your eyes peeled for any new cards that might enhance your strategy and work well with it.
hey there i need a lil tweaking for this deck. i asked my friends but they say its fine but i want it to be more solid. if u could help me out thatd be fantastic!thanks
G/W Weenie
CreaturesX 28
4X-Suntail Hawk
4X-Basking Rootwalla
4X-Benevolent Bodyguard
4X-Phatom Centaur
4X-Birds of Paradise (not real ones world champ deck 98..sad face)
3X-Spurnmage Advocate
2X-Aunrid Brushhopper
2X-Wild Cantor
1X-Beacon of Destiny
Other SpellsX 19
4x-Elephant Guide
4x-Sylvan Might
2X-Moments Peace
1X-Vengeful Dreams
Landx 17
Total- 64
Its a good deck and fast at that.budget is not a problem any ideas you have are great thanks for the help.-joey
Everything looks fine so far, Joey, but I'm sure we can add a few tweaks.  First of all, most of your cards seem to bo from Onslaught block, so I have to wonder if you're relying on that block's "graveyard matters" theme very much.  You have Basking Rootwalla, which wants to be discarded, you have 6 creatures with sacrifice abilities, Sylvan Might has Flashback, and there's Vengeful Dreams.  Not really what I'd call block synergy, so I'm not going to bother strengthening this theme when it'll be so much easier to just make the deck better at doing what Weenie decks do- amass an army and swing, swing, swing.
Given that, the first things to go are Beacon of Destiny, Benevolent Bodyguard, and Spurnmage Advocate.  They're just too defensive for a Weenie deck.  Next, Wild Cantor can go in exchange for Llanowar Elves.  In a deck without Red mana, Wild Cantor serves barely any purpose at all.  In those six slots, I'd be a fool not to suggest four Watchwolf.  The other two slots can go to Selesnya Guildmage, who pretty much sums up the whole deck's strategy into one card- get out lots of creatures, and pump them up to finish off the opponent.

Now, for your other spells.  I'm noticing a big thing with destroying or otherwise dealing with attacking creatures.  Well, there are better ways.  I'd say replace Aurification and Vengeful Dreams with two Devouring Light.  They have plenty of surprise factor and don't make you discard a lot.  Sorry, Rootwalla.  Also, take out Demystify, and put in two more Naturalize.  Naturalize is more flexible, so it helps against opponents who don't have enchantments.  That leaves us with an extra slot, so put in one more Oblation if you can.  Sylvan Might, though usable twice, is too much mana for not enough of a pump.  Replace it with Giant Growth, the original and best.
And now, the lands.  With so many creatures that cost one mana, you can get plenty of use out of Selesnya Sanctuary.  I'd say take out 3 Forest and a Plains for four of the Sanctuary, leaving you with 7 Forest, 6 Plains, and four Sanctuary- a fine mana base.
That ought to just about do it.  This deck started as a deck built from Onslaught cards, but new Ravnica technology helped to bring it together.  There were a few cards I'm sorry there wasn't room for...
Glorious Anthem
Privileged Position
Ghostly Prison
Faith's fetters
Paladin en-Vec
Gather Courage or Seeds of Strength
Congregation at Dawn
...but it is important not to run too many more cards in your deck than you need, and this deck just didn't really need those cards, I don't think.  Maybe if Joey ever wants a sideboard...


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