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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
5-color Sliver deck


Joshua hakala <speedyaxon@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hello- My name is Josh. I started playing magic last semester (I'm a college student) and have since taken quickly to it.
The deck I am submitting (bottom of this email) is based on slivers utilizing all 5 colors. This is for casual play against many different types of decks. The only restriction in our casual tournaments is type 1 legality, which is usually not hard, as we don't have many high-powered cards that would be restricted there. I hope to keep the spending to around $20 or less if possible.
 I use aether vials to help out with either color deficiencies or to help cast high-mana creatures so that my actual mana can be used for tutoring, regen-ing, etc. The fertile grounds and the harrow help as well.
I'm sticking with many of the basic slivers (essence, crystalline, ward, brood, winged). However, some of the others are thrown in there which I can either eladamri's call up or use the overlord to tutor them if I need that specific card. The other slivers are in there singly because I love their abilities and they each have helped out in specific situations.
This deck also uses the mana echoes-sliver queen combo which instills fear in the hearts of my opponents. However, I haven't gotten to use it very often, as it takes the right draws and the right mana to pull off.
I also love getting out serra's blessing to give the slivers vigilance, something that almost always throws the game in my favor. I use the enlightened tutor to help get that or the mana echoes out, depending on what the current state of the game calls for.
One problem, as always when using 5 colors, is mana acceleration. The vial helps with that, but I find that if I don't get a vial out early on, I sometimes run into problems with having the right colors given the spread of creature colors. I've thought about using the signets, but am not sure if that will help.
Another consideration is the focus of the deck. I like having the different combos and possibilitiies in there and the toolbox approach has come in handy numerous times. However, I have problems competing against fast decks, specifically against goblins and elves which get out many cheap creatures quickly and then feed off of the number of creatures out to pump themselves up.
The last issue is in card drawing. I threw the synapse sliver in to help, but with only one, it just doesn't get out enough to really make a difference. I don't know how to add in card drawing though, without shifting the whole deck around. I do have a sword of fire and ice, but I don't know if there's a place in the deck for it.
Overall, I've had decent success with this deck, but the three issues above requre some attention. I'd really appreciate it if you could give me any suggestions to help this deck out. Thanks!
Watery Grave-1
Fertile Ground-3
Mirrodin's Core-2
Thran Quarry-2
Aether Vial-4
Serra's Blessing-1
Mana Echoes-1
Eladamri's Call-3
Enlightened Tutor-1
Toxin Sliver-2
Winged Sliver-2
Plated Sliver-1
Sliver Overlord-2
Muscle Sliver-2
Essence Sliver-3
Crystalline Sliv.-3
Ward Sliver-3
Brood Sliver-2
Synapse Sliver-1
Acidic Sliver-1
Clot Sliver-2
Sliver Queen-1
Quite a deck you've got here, Josh.  Slivers play out like no other type of deck (except maybe Hondens).  It can be frustrating not to get out all your favorite Slivers, and it can be even more frustrating to fit them all into a deck, but the most important thing to remember about Slivers is that they are exponential.  You may have visions of getting a Sliver smorgasboard out, but you can usually win with only four or five, if they're the right ones. 

So, which Slivers are the right ones?  Upon searching Gatherer, the cream of the crop appear to be:
And that's just counting the ones that are already in your deck.  Other noteworthy Slivers include:
The Metallic Sliver is especially worth using simply because it is colorless, and thus allows you to at least get a creature out on the board regardless of what color mana you draw.  Also in this vein is Sliver-by-choice Proteus Machine, who is wonderful at both assuming the traits of a Sliver at instant speed as well as tricking your opponent.  I think your best bet is four copies of Metallic, three copies each of Blade, Muscle, and Plated Slivers (since Muscle, Blade, and Plated are the only ones with cumulative abilities), and then one copy each of all the others (as many as you can make room for).  If mana becomes an issue, add Proteus Machine at your discretion.
Now, as for your noncreature spells.  Three Eladamri's Call is a must-have (that and the Sliver Overlord are the only reasons I'm letting you get away with so many one-ofs in your Sliver list).  Mana Echoes/Sliver Queen sounds like a great combo, but one copy of each is alright since you'd only need it as a last resort.  My issue is with Serra's Embrace, Fog, and Harrow.  You simply don't put Auras on Slivers; most of them come with their own.  Fog may have its applications, but I don't think you'll need it often enough to justify what these slots might be.  And Harrow is alright, but I have a better idea in mind.  Replace all four of these cards with four copies of Fellwar Stone.  Since you use all five colors, Fellwar Stone will always provide mana you can use.  And it's colorless, so it'll never get stuck in hand as you wait for a Forest.  It's just about the most efficient mana producer in five-color decks that you'll ever find.
Everything else seems fine.  Excellent use of Mirrodin's Core.  Best of luck to you!

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