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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Burning Red deck


Heres what I got so far, t1 no budget (I have access to alot of cards, if I dont got it or don't have access to it (highly unlikely) then I can prolly get it.  This is for an unrestricted tournament.  Lemme know what you think I should run.  Thanks.
4 ball lightning
4 spark elemental
4 raging goblin
4 viashino sandstalkers
4 furnace of rath
4 seething song
4 desperate ritual
4 blood lust
4 wheel of fortune (its for an unrestricted tourney)
4 lightning bolt
4 incinerate
16 mountains
This deck is straightforward enough, but the main problem with such a deck is that it often runs out of power early.  If your opponent can withstand the original onslaught, you may not be able to push him those last few inches, and he may recover and win. 
Let's start by identifying which cards you need and which cards you don't.  I don't understand the purpose of Seething Song- nothing in the deck costs more than four mana.  That and Desperate Ritual tell me you need more land.  Pull out all the "Ritual" cards, and add 6 more Mountains.
Now, the creature base seems alright, especially Ball Lightning and Viashino Sandstalker, but I'm not too thrilled with Raging Goblin and Spark Elemental.  The Goblin is only good on Turn One, and the Elemental in the same deck as Ball Lightning is a few too many creatures that sacrifice themselves at end of turn.  Besides, the Elemental is basically just a Lightning Bolt that your opponent chooses the target of.  So drop the Spark Elementals, but leave the Goblins in just to keep a good Turn One play.
Now, Wheel of Fortune is definitely the key to this whole deck.  Most mindless burn decks play their whole hand, and then go into topdeck mode, where they just keep throwing as much pressure as they can with one card per turn.  Trouble is, one card per turn isn't a lot of pressure.  Wheel of Fortune fixes that, giving you seven new cards. As for your other support cards, Furnace of Rath is a perfect fit.  Blood Lust is fine considering that almost all of your creatures already have a power of 1, but I have to point out that for the exact same price, you can get Fists of the Anvil.  And I think you have about enough burn.
Now, I dropped 12 cards, and added in 6.  With the remaining 6 slots, there are plenty of options.
Flametongue Kavu
Flames of the Blood Hand
Yamabushi's Flame
Genju of the Spires
Volcanic Hammer
Blistering Firecat
Pyrite Spellbomb
Pick any of those that you like/can obtain.  Flames of the Blood Hand is nice because it helps stop life gain cards, and the Genju, Firecat, and Spellbomb are nice because they aren't Red (the Firecat has to be face down to not be red) and can thus avoid protection from Red.
That should just about do it.  Good luck at the tournament, and don't be afraid to turn up the heat!

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