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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Jayson's Selesnya

hi my name is jayson and iv been playing magic off and on for about 7 years and i have always had trouble tryin to put together quality decks i have quite a few that i use on a regular basis my main three are zombies, beasts, and soldiers.Those are almost perfect, but i have a newer deck that i would like you to fix up if you dont mind it is green and white and its base is the selesnya preconstruct from ravnica i bult it for casual play with friends so it does not really have a certin type there is certian cards i would like to keep in the deck like pytohydra and the wolfblood there are others but the list is to long to keep typing the deck mainly produces saprolings, lots of them and it also has huge creatures that stomp all over my opponents i usually win with it but i feel its missing somthing i really would like to add in a couple of verdant force because they produce saprolings every turn even on my opponents turn so here you go see what you can do with it. oh and the deck is 70 cards and if you could keep it at that # that would be great and mybe a little mora mana acceleration.

Lands -22

forest x10
plains x9
selsnya sanctuary x2
vitu-gazi, the city tree x1

Creatures- 25

selesnya guildmage x2
oathsworn giant x2
watchwolf x4
selesnya sagittars x2
tolsimir wolfblood x2
chorus of the conclave x1
phytohydra x1 (combo with pariahs shield)
loxodon gatekeeper x1
blazing archon x1
nullmage sheperd x1
hunted troll x1
autochthon wurm x1
trophy hunter x1
selesnya evangel x1
sandsower x1
plated slagwurm x1
conclave phalanx x1
scion of the wild x1

Other spells- 23

congregation at dawn x3
pollenbright wings x4
scatter the seeds x3
glare of subdual x1
barbed foliage x1
honden of cleansing fire x1
primal rage x1
perilous forays x1
parallel evolution x1
decree of savagery x1
overrun x1
conclaves blessing x1


pariahs shield x1
mirror gallery x1 (use it with the wolfbloods)
selesnya signet x1
crown of convergence x1 

Let me start things off by saying that you said the deck was 70 cards, but I counted 74.  I’d like to get that down to 60, ideally, because the closer you are to the minimum, the better your chances of drawing a card you need.  But I’ll call any reduction an improvement, so let’s take a look through and see what we can cut.  Now, it appears that you’re trying to build a Selesnya token deck, so we’ll stick to cards that support the theme of a token army.  The first things to go, then, are huge creatures like Hunted Troll, Plated Slagwurm, Blazing Archon, Autochthon Wurm, and Chorus of the Conclave.  This may seem tough, since all those creatures are so cool, but trust me, they’re better off in a different type of deck.  Next, drop Sandsower, Mirror Gallery, Conclave’s Blessing, Perilous Forays, Crown of Convergence, Honden of Cleansing Fire, Decree of Savagery, Loxodon Gatekeeper, Barbed Foliage, Conclave Phalanx, and Scion of the Wild.  All of these cards are either too expensive, not supportive of your theme, or just don’t do enough.  I know Mirror Gallery works well with the Wolfbloods, but they’re good enough without the Gallery(even if that means they can’t churn out an army of Vojas).  And with no other legendary permanents in the deck, Mirror Gallery’s prescence isn’t justified.  I was going to drop Pariah’s Shield, since the odds of getting that and Phytohydra out at the same time are slim, but then I realized you can put it on Saproling after Saproling and just be invincible as long as you have a creature.  I want to drop Glare of Subdual, too, but it’s a very powerful card, and it does work best when you’ve got a lot of token creatures out, so it can stay.  Finally, drop the Trophy Hunter.  Between the Sagittars and the Pollenbright Wings, you shouldn’t need it.

Now, to enhance the token theme.  You’re going to want a full 4 of Selesnya Guildmage, and Selesnya Evangel.  Also put in 4 Leyline of the Meek.  It’s just so much fun when they get to come into play before the first turn.  So, the resulting decklist should be...

Creatures- 20

selesnya guildmage x4
oathsworn giant x2
watchwolf x4
selesnya sagittars x2
tolsimir wolfblood x2
phytohydra x1
nullmage sheperd x1
selesnya evangel x4

Other spells- 20

congregation at dawn x3
pollenbright wings x4
scatter the seeds x3
glare of subdual x1
primal rage x1
parallel evolution x1
overrun x1
pariahs shield x1
selesnya signet x1
leyline of the meek x4

Lands -22
forest x10
plains x9
selsnya sanctuary x2
vitu-gazi, the city tree x1

Well, we got it down to 62 cards.  Which is pretty good.  The only thing is that one Selesnya Signet.  Green is really good at accelerating mana, so you can probably find something better than the Signet, but you may not even need it.  As you play, try to pay attention to how your mana goes; whether you have too much, or not enough, or the wrong colors, and if so which color you don’t get enough of typically.  This is why I raised the Guildmage count to 4; you can cast the Guildmage regardless of what colors of mana you have (as long as you have two, and one of them isn’t from Vitu-Ghazi).

Thanks for letting me wrap my brain around this deck, Jayson.  I enjoyed tinkering around with it as much as I think you’ll enjoy playing it.



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