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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Control/aggro deck fix

In the time I've been a deck mechanic (about a week) I've noticed that a lot of decks sent to me are Orzhov-style decks from the new Guildpact set.  But white and black decks need not be Orzhov themed or built around Orzhov's core strategies (though they can still benefit from some of its tools).
"Hi, this is my first deck that i am building. I am not at all new to magic, I just have yet to actually play. I read the articles every day at wizards.com and pojo. that is how I decided to build this deck. the strategy is to keep their hand small, and slow them down in the mid to late game with gatekeeper. only 7 of the creatures in this deck are soldiers or knights, so ariouk steelshaper is here instead of glorius anthem. with just one equiped steelshaper, most of my creatures can survive pyroclasm or hideous laughter. my discard spells should be able to hold off wrath. any suggestions or advice for type match-up and sideboard would be appreciated. this is for extended, but i'm sure it would be easy to convert it to standard legality. and i want to keep it under 60$. thank you.     
4 artifacts  mana curve:16 1-cost 19 2-cost 4-4cost
4 bonesplitter
3 lightning greaves/leonin shikari
19 creatures
4 loxodon gatekeeper
3 nezumi shortfang
4 samurai of the pale curtain
4 leonin skyhunter
4 auriok steelshaper
16 Instants/sorceries
4 duress/wrench mind/distress
4 cabal therapy/orim's chant
4 blackmail
4 last gasp/terror/rend flesh
21 lands
8 swamp
9 plains
4 mirrodin's core"

I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble reading this decklist.  Does "3 lightning greaves/leonin shikari" mean 3 Lightning Greaves or 3 Leonin Shikari, or 3 of each, or 3 total of each?  And why did you list them together like that; are they serving the same purpose in your deck?  It sort of made sense for "4 duress/wrench mind/distress" (which by the way is a good base of discard spells), but I'm really just confused by this decklist.  The best I can really do is retype the whole decklist as I think it ought to be.

First, you say that "only 7 of your creatures are Soldiers or Knights, so you use Auriok Steelshaper instead of Glorious Anthem".  I think a better substitute would be Veteran Armorer.  And with the Armorer, you wouldn't really need the Equipment subtheme at all, so the Shikari can go.  Two copies each of Bonesplitter and the Greaves will still be good though.

Your creature base is good, but Samurai of the Pale Curtain and Leonin Skyhunter both need double white, so in a white/black deck they may have trouble coming out early.  As for the Shikari's replacement, try Mourning Thrull- a quick flier that can pad your life total early on.

Now, for your non-creature spells.  Everything looks fine, but I want to replace Rend Flesh with Mortify for added versatility.  Also replace Wrench Mind with Castigate, because when forcing a discard, choosing the card your opponent discards is always better than letting them choose, and removing it from the game is good too.  I don't particularly like Cabal Therapy either, unless it comes right after a Castigate.  I'd say make them all Orim's Chants.

And as for your land, replace the Mirrodin's Core with Orzhov Basilica.  Trust me, you'll like it better.

Now for the decklist:
4 Loxodon Gatekeeper
3 Nezumi Shortfang
3 Samurai of the Pale Curtain
3 Leonin Skyhunter
4 Veteran Armorer
4 Mourning Thrull

2 Bonesplitter
2 Lighning Greaves
4 Duress/Castigate/Distress
4 Orim's Chant
3 Blackmail
4 Last Gasp/Terror/Mortify

8 Swamp
9 Plains
4 Orzhov Basilica

Well, I got it down to 61 cards, but I just don't know which card to cut one of.  Maybe it's not necessary to cut one.  The deck should run pretty well this way, but you did express concern over Hideous Laughter and Pyroclasm, as well as type match-ups.  If the Laughter and 'clasm punch through Veteran Armorer's bonus too often, try upgrading to Oathsworn Giant.  And for type match-ups (games against decks very similar to your own), try Hand of Honor and Hand of Cruelty, or Sword of Light and Shadow.  Other cards you might try:

Charge Across The Araba
Conjurer's Ban
Orzhov Guildmage
Pillory of The Sleepless
Manriki-Gusari(to stop opposing Swords of Fire and Ice)

Good luck!
Anyone else who would like my help with their deck can reach me at bemore4096@yahoo.com.  Thank you, BMoor


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