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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Stuffy Rath
December 4, 2006

Being a complete psychopath, I've always wanted to abuse furnace of rath. The answer came one day when I faced a stuffy doll, which was quite annoying stall. While festering goblin sent it to the grave, even more impressive was the idea it gave. Furnace of Rath causes damage to be doubled, which on its own can cause quite a bit of trouble. Then I see stuffy doll, and my jaw falls. (i'm sick of rhyming now). Now I noticed the interesting combo that stuffy doll and furnace of rath create... damage dealt to stuffy doll of course is dealt to target opponent. With furnace of rath, the damage dealt to stuffy doll is doubled, and additionally the damage dealt to the opponent is ALSO doubled because it is a different set of damage. So this creates a situation in which all damage done to stuffy doll causes QUADRUPLE damage to the opponent. Add more furnaces and/or more dolls, and the deal gets all the sweeter. I just knew that I had to make a deck out of this. I have this great combo, but the only problem becomes actually getting it out quickly enough, or at least stalling until the combo can be unveiled. Obviously the primary color of the deck should be red to utilize burn spells and the furnace itself, but red is probably the absolute worst color for stalling and deck searching, so a second color is needed. Green is out automatically, and White doesn't stall in a way that really helps this deck, and doesn't search (barring land tax). This leaves black and blue as the ideal secondary colors. I chose black in the end because of the presence of regenerating creatures, wall of shadow, soul burn. dark ritual, death spells, and most importantly the tutors. The reason I am writing to the deck garage is because I am not exactly sure of the all the options available for this kind of deck, and I'd like to pick up the cards I'm missing before the tournament. The format is vintage, and there's quite a tasty prize to be had. Well anyways, here's my deck: Thanks in advance ~~~ Mark
Land: 20
Swamp: 7
Mountain: 13
Creatures: 4
Stuffy Doll: 4
Instants/Sorceries: 26
Lightning bolt: 4
Pyroclasm: 4
Shock: 2
Disintegrate: 4
Seething song: 2
Vampiric tutor: 2
Dark Ritual: 2
Diabolic tutor: 2
Terror: 4
Enchantments/ Artifacts: 10
Furnace of rath: 4
Darksteel brute: 4
Festering Evil: 2


Ah, the Stuffy Doll combo decks.  How they amuse us so.  Furnace of Rath is a nice wrinkle, turning the 2 that Pyroclasm would deal into a whopping 8 to the opponent's noggin.  That pretty much ensures the game will end QUICKLY.  Extended is a pretty fast format though anyway, so it's possible that by the time Furnace comes down, your opponent will be able to burn you out before Stuffy can do its thing.  So, the task at hand is to speed this deck up, or help it slow your opponent down.
Now, you say that you chose black as the secondary color because it has regenerating creatures to hold off the onslaught, as well as Soul Burn and death spells.  I see no regenerating creatures and no Soul Burn.  Soul Burn you're probably better off without, but I would like to see some regenerators in here-- specifically Will-o'-the-Wisp.  It's fast, it regenerates for cheap, and it even blocks fliers as well.
Now, as far as life draining spells go, I'd say the best you would do in terms of speed, damage-to-mana-cost ratio, and general utiltity would be Feast of Flesh.  Yes, the first one is only 1 damage and 1 life gained, but for B it's a good deal, especially as you draw the second, third, and fourth ones.  Life gain will help you a great deal if you're going to drop a Furnace, and the Feast deals damage instead of life loss, so Furnace will double it.  Feast of Flesh's life gain isn't tied to how much damage is dealt, sadly, and neither is any drain spell I know of beyond Syphon Soul, Agent of Masks, or the like.
These spells are great, but the trouble is that they want to come down on turn one, or close to it.  And they're both Black spells, which conflicts with the 1RRR mana cost of the Furnace.  So what does one do?  Rakdos Signet-- it filters red mana into black mana and vice versa fairly well, so it should be easier to guard against color screw.  It will also help accelerate your deck so you can cast Stuffy sooner, hopefully.  Although, from what I've heard of Extended, it's a brutally fast format.  Withotu a Turn One play, you may be sunk.
Hopefully not though, as I've given you Turn One plays as well as mana acceleration.  I have faith in this deck-- it's got a lot of removal and burn, and plenty of tutors.  Good luck to you, and may you teach your opponents that playing with Dolls isn't just for little girls anymore.
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