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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Swampwalk deck
November 28, 2006

A while back ago, me and my friends were talking about an idea of every one of us building a deck that was centered around landwalk, everyone hated the idea, but I thought that a landwalk deck may not be a bad idea. I went home and went through my cards to discover that a swampwalk deck would be the best route for me to go with. This is what I came up with.
     Creatures 21
4 Anaconda
4 Marsh boa
3 Sewerdreg
2 Viscrid Lemures
3 Nantuko Disciple
3 Shambling Shell
2 Golgari Brownscale
Spells 17
4 Tainted Well
2 Wild growth
2 Fertile Ground
1 Moments Peace
4 Ghastly Demise
2 Toxic Stench
2 Recover
22 Land
3 Golgari Rot Farm
10 Forest
11 Swamp
     I was pleased with the idea of the deck, but when I took it to try out it only won one out of five games that day... a mediocre showing at best. I know that the idea is a good one, but I cant make it work by myself so I give this deck list to you... If you think the idea has potential, please help me... if you dont then I'll assume you believe the deck has no potential, and I'll move on with life. Either way thanks for your time!

Swampwalk...Black's most common evasion ability after fear.  Also the most common landwalk there is, though forestwalk is gaining on it.  That's to be expected though-- swamps are dark and full of thick brush and deep puddles; there's lots of places to hide for an attacking beetle or lemure to sneak through enemy lines undetected.  Incidentally, that's also why plainswalk is so rare-- where do you hide on a plain?
But enough talk about the flavor behind the deck, let's get to the deck itself!  Your selection of landwalkers is nice, and your color selection is solid as well for your goals.  So where can this deck be improved?  Well, for one, your means of ensuring that your opponent has a Swamp is a bit tenuous.  And two, you're using way too many enchant land cards.  Auras in general are difficult to make work, and while putting them on lands is a pretty safe bet, better options exist.  Let's look over some.
First of all, you're using Tainted Well to make sure that your opponent controls a Swamp.  Well, there's a better way.  You could leave in Tainted Well if you want, but add in at least three copies of Cyclopean Giant.  This big 4/2 Zombie turns one of your opponent's lands into a Swamp when he dies.  Granted, he needs to die first, but think about it.  You attack with a 4/2.  Your opponent can either A) block it with a creature that can kill it, B) block it with a creature that can't kill it, or C) not block it.  If they pick A, they get one of their lands Swampified and all your other creatures are now unblockable.  They probably won't be able to pick B, at least not too many times in a row, since most creatures can't block a 4/2 and neither kill it nor die.  A few exceptions would be Drift of Phantasms, Junktroller, Will-o-the-Wisp, and things like that, but those cards don't come up too much.  That leaves option C, take the damage.  Well, the whole point o fthis deck is to make your creatures unblockable.  If your opponent chooses to let a 4/2 through so he can block your 3/3's, well all the better, right?
That brings me to another problem I noticed.  Landwalk is cool, but it usually comes on small creatures.  This deck could probably benefit from a little extra meat in the form of a big creature.  The obvious first choice is Gleancrawler.  Easy to cast with black or green mana, hard to kill, can even bring back that Shambling Shell you just sacrificed.  I'd suggest putting that in to replace Golgari Brownscale-- unless you really need the lower mana curve, the Brownscale just isn't impressive at all.  Another creature worth looking at is Wormwood Dryad, who can gain swampwalk or forestwalk with little difficulty.
A few other cards you could do to change out-- Ghastly Demise and Toxic Stench should be simply 4 Putrefy.  Recover should become Recollect.  Moment's Peace isn't needed here, and your green enchant lands can become either 4 Llanowar Elves (or Birds of Paradise, or Elves of Deep Shadow, etc.) or even Golgari Signet.  You probably should have some mana acceleration, since your creatures are a bit expensive-- unless you want to try Plague Beetle or something.
That ought to be everything you need to creep through for the win.  Good luck!
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