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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Typical White Beatdown
November 20, 2006

Hey dude i came across your site an i seen how you help a lot of the other deck makers out with their deck. i figured if he could do such amazing things with their decks  lets see if he can help this little deck of mine. I always play my friends at lunch and at our local library on the weekends  and a lot of the times at a little tournament i put together once a month for me an my buds  and guess what always ends up happening?  i lose   so that's why i come to you oh great master to help me 

heres my list and i hope you can help and maybe post it or even respond back to me

          Deck Name:  the Holy Crusade
20 Lands
1 Flagstones of Trokair
2 Calciform pools
17 Plains
20 Creatures
4 Benalish Calvary
1 Knight of the Holy Nimbus
3 Outrider en - Kor
1 Knight of Valor
4 Calvary Master
1 Valor
2 Pentarch Paladin
1 Blinding Angel
1 Adarkar Valkyrie
1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath
1 Blazing Archon
16 Other spells
2 Gaze of Justice
1 Spirit Loop
3 Devouring Light
2 Glorious Anthem
2 Chastise
2 Return to Dust
3 Faith's Fetters
1 Concerted Effort
4 Artifacts
1 Extraplanar Lens
1 Sword of Kaldra
2 Loxodon Warhammer
well  there you have it  if you could help me in any way i would greatly appreciate it sooooo much  b/c  i dont know if you know what it feels like to have such good cards but not being able to win  it pretty much sucks lol.  but yeah  the whole point i was going for was an army of flankers with removal spells for those troublesome creatures  exp. Blazing Archon    so like i said  i would greatly appreciate it if i could get ur help  thank you.  If you dont post and still want to give me feed back my name is Tom  and my email is tom18038@aol.com    thank you and have fun doing what you do best
P.S.  i would like to keep Akroma  she is just so awesome   and the fact that YOU ROCK
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your E-mail.  Your deck looks like a lot of fun, and it looks pretty strong as well.  I'm not entirely sure why this deck would lose so consistently, but I can see a few flaws in it.
First, there's your lands.  The whole purpose of Flagstones of Trokair is that you can play two, the Legend rule will kill them, and you get to so search for two Plains.  They're best in a deck with a lot of Ravnica duals, but in your case they act as land searchers that you don't spend any mana on, so you can thin your deck easily.  If you only play one, you're defeating the purpose.  Get four.  And drop Calciform Pools; I know you could theoretically get Akroma out faster with it, but every charge counter requires "1, Tap:", so you're spending a lot of mana over several turns.  In a deck with so many small creatures, you're hurting yourself with this land.  Or you're just not getting Akroma out any faster.
Next, your spells.  Gaze of Justice and Devouring Light are both pretty weak in comparison to Condemn, so I advise trading them all in for 4 Condemn.  Spirit Loop is nice, but gaining life isn't really as important as you think.  I'd replace it with Griffin Guide.  Imagine a 4/4 flying Knight of the Holy Nimbus!  Glorious Anthem is probably the best noncreature card you've got in here, so you would want a few more copies, and speaking of which, what about a Glorious Anthem that accelerated your mana?  It exists, and it's called Gauntlet of Power.  It's an expensive card money-wise, but you did say no budget, and it will get your huge angels out pretty fast.  It could easily replace Extraplanar Lens, and also Sword of Kaldra.
Finally, if your strategy revolves around Akroma, Blazing Archon, etc., you may want to consider a few Resurrection or Debtors' Knell to bring them back if they die.  Monowhite reanimator decks are always fun, aren't they?
Condemn, Gauntlet of Power, Resurrection....all these cards are pretty expensive.  Normally I wouldn't recommend them too highly, but if you can afford them, by all means.  Sometimes when a solid deck keeps losing, the answer is to pull out all the stops.  Good luck to you!
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