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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
"Can't Touch Me!" - G/W deck

October 24, 2006

Hello, doctor!

I have played this deck a few times against my friends (we always play multiplayer-games) and I usually win with it. The problem is that it's a bit too slow, and practically defenseless against mass creature removal..

Here's the deck list, I'll explain below how I usually play it.

2 x Suntail hawk
3 x Ghost-Lit Redeemer
4 x Mourning Thrull
3 x Silhana Ledgewalker
2 x Veteran Armorer
2 x Skyhunter Prowler
2 x Kabuto Moth
2 x Sustainer of the Realm
2 x Angel of Mercy
2 x Oathsworn Giant
2 x Kami of the Honored Dead

26 Creatures

3 x Humble
2 x Overgrowth
1 x Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho
2 x Naturalize
2 x Wurmweaver Coil
4 x Giant Growth

10 Other Spells

11 x Plains
9 x Forest

20 Lands

The main goal of the deck is to get your creatures on the table early, and to pump them up later with your Oathsworn Giant to make them great flying blockers that can attack every turn thanks to the vigilance granted by the Giant. The first three, four turns I hardly ever block attackers, I'll get the life back some how and I can't afford to lose too many creatures. By the end of the game, I usually have four or five creatures on the table, all of wich great blockers, that can peck at the opponents life total one at a time. I also like to have the Wurmweaver Coil on Silhana Ledgewalker, to pump her up to a 7/7 problem.

I tried playing with Monstrous Growth as well, since it's great with the Mourning Thrull. You drop the thrull on turn two, and on turn hree, you send him into battle carrying a monstrous growth, to pick away 5 lifes of an opponent and adding 5 for yourself. Eventually, I dropped two growths for the wurmweaver coils, but it's not written in stone.

My problem with this deck is speed... I get plenty of life, but it takes me too long to finish off an opponent. Another problem is creature removal, it hurts like being castrated with rusty scissors to see some one use a terror or dark banishing on Oathsworn Giant or Kami of the Honored Dead. Also, I'd like to have a little more mana acceleration, but I don't know what to leave out; pretty much all of these cards hove proved themselves useful at one time or another. The only ones I see that can be spared are the three humbles, but they're just plain fun to cast on a fattie attacking you. Can
you shine your light on this deck?


Koen, Belgium

When I first saw this deck, my initial impression was that it isn't focused enough.  Of course, for some reason I thought you were using a lot of one-ofs because apparently I didn't read very close.  Now I see that the deck is actually pulling itself in two directions.  It wants to stall early on with blockers and life gain, and then pound away in the late game with a Wurmweaver Ledgewalker or a big flyer.  That sounds to me like textbook G/W control.
Now, I discussed control decks a while back, and so to make this work, you're going to need to halt the opposing attack force.  How can you do that?  Typically Green does it by having bigger creatures than the opponent, making an attack unwise on their part, or with repeatable token production providing a near-limitless supply of chump blockers.  White does it with Pacifism-style effects and with life gain, as well as the occasional card like Reverence or Suppression Field.  Honestly, some of the best G/W control cards came out of Selesnya in the Ravnica block.  Why you don't have any such cards I don't know, but you'd definitely benefit from them.
I want you to take out Ghost-Lit Redeemer and Skyhunter Prowler, and add in some copies of Watchwolf or of Selesnya Guildmage.  Either of these will give you the extra power you need early on, but Watchwolf has more raw power while the Guildmage's abilities will only get more useful as the game progresses while Watchwolf may find that as turns pass, bigger and bigger creatures start coming out and he can't compete anymore.  Next, Replace kami of the Honored Dead.  I appreciate the need for a big flyer, but KotHD here is sub-par even in a Spirit-heavy deck.  Seven mana for a 3/5 flyer?  For the same price you can get Bounteous Kirin, Jugan the Rising Star, or Yosei the Morning Star.  Yosei is probably the best choice there, but you might also try Pollenbright Wings.  An Oathsworn Giant would love to ride a pair of those into battle.
Now, for your problem with mass removal.  The answer is simple-- a full set of four Bathe in Light.  Take out Naturalize and Oathkeeper for them, and one other card of your choice too.  Bathe in Light is probably the best white uncommon to come out of Ravnica block.  Just look at all the things it can do:
~Give your army protection from the color of any creature that could block it.
~Prevent all damage that would be dealt to your creatures this turn (but not by them).
~Make any Enchant Creature Auras fall off.
~"Counter" any spell that targets a creature.
With this, if your opponent plays Dark Banishing again, you respond by playing Bathe in Light, giving that creature Protection from Black.  The protection makes the Dark Banishing fizzle, and the creature lives another day.  Just for those who've forgotten, protection stops damage, makes enchantments and equipment fall off, prevents blocking, and stops any spells targeting the protected object.  It does a lot of stuff, so applying it at instant speed is very useful.
Moving on, let's look at your mana base.  It's fairly simple.  Let's just help it along with a few Selesnya Sanctuary though, to ensure you get both colors of mana more easily.  And maybe throw in a Vitu-Ghazi the City-Tree, just because unlimited token production does win games, especially games where you've got Veteran Armorer and Oathsworn Giant to turn each token into a 1/X wall.
That ought to cover things for you, Koen.  Hopefully you'll be able to take this deck and pound out victories for quite some time to come.  Good luck!
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