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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
WUB Knight Time

October 24, 2006

It's mid-to-late October, and this is about the time when the lives of most school-age Magic players gets hectic.  It's mid-semester, winter approaches, and I can only speak for myself but I'm finding it hard to make time for everything.  Good thing we've got a whole slew of time-based spells that have just been released!
Hello BMoor, Clarence here with a White/Blue/Black Standard deck with Time.  The basic idea is  to get Haakon in the graveyard, then put him onto the field using his own ability.  I have put in this deck multiple ways of discarding Haakon into the graveyard (e.g. Peace of Mind, Compulsive Research, Smallpox).  If I ever need to use Wrath of God, it means nothing to me, since I can simply rebuild my small army using Haakon's abilities.  I am not sure if I should try to fit in any counter ( i.e. Remand, Mana Leak) or more removal/negation (Condemn, Faith's Fetters).  Any assistance you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

4x Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
4x Stromgald Crusader
4x White Shield Crusader
4x Court Hussar
3x Paladin en-Vec

4x Wrath of God
4x Compulsive Research
2x Peace of Mind
3x Phyrexian Arena
3x Smallpox
3x Funeral Charm
3x Mortify

4x Godless Shrine
3x Hallowed Fountain
3x Watery Grave
3x Swamp
4x Flagstones of Torkair
3x Island
1x Plains

3x Spell Snare
3x Knight of the Holy Nimbus
3x Remand
3x Claws of Gix
3x Bathe in Light
The first thing I'd like to do here is to make sure your selection of Knights is the best it can be-- White Shield and Stromgald Crusader both are very color-intensive and at their best in a monocolored deck.  Then I'll tweak your other spells to ensure that you're getting as much performance as possible.
First, the creature roster.  This is my favorite part of tribal decks-- looking through all the creatures and finding the best creatures and the most synergy.  Haakon is the obvious Lord here, but I actually found another one in the timeshifted Zhalfirin Commander.  So as I said, the Coldsnap jump knights are too color-specific for a tri-color deck.  You'd probably like some more splashable Knights.  Benalish Cavalry is a good 2/2 Flanker for 1W.  Sky Hussar is a beating whether it's drawing you cards on your upkeep or swinging for 4 flying.  And Haakon pretty much negates the drawback of Skulking Knight.  I'll let you decide on who you want to send into the fray, but all would be good suggestions.
Now then, to your spells.  Let me just say here that Smallpox is a brilliant move.  If you discard Haakon, you've moved him from a zone you can't play him from to a zone you can, so it's like drawing a card.  And then the Knight you sacrificed isn't really sacrificed at all.  So really, all you've done is sacrificed a land and lost 1 life while your opponent did that plus lost two cards (one from in play and one from his hand).  I'd definitely support a fourth Smallpox here if you can manage it.  Peace of Mind seems unnecessary if you already have Smallpox and Compulsive Research to pitch a Haakon to, but between Phyrexian Arena, Haakon's "lose 2 life" trigger, and Smallpox's "lose 1 life" effect, plus the inevitable attacks from your opponent, this deck will probably benefit quite a bit from having a way to cast Healing Salve on command.  Every spell you've got here is quite useful, and I really don't see anything here that you don't need, but if you find yourself having to pull anything, I'd probably say Funeral Charm is the weak link, despite its usefulness.  And the only card that comes to mind that you should probably add is Gift of Estates, since it can search for your Hallowed Fountains or Godless Shrines.  Your inclusion of Flagstones of Trokair implies that you saw that interaction already.
That's all I can really do to a deck this polished.  You shouldn't have any trouble charging into battle successfully with a deck of this nature.  Good luck!
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