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Pokemon Tournament Reports

Hey everyone this is Computerguy dropping in a CG Report from Bases Cards and Comics.
15+ (16)
11-14 (8)
10- (2)
Here are the Pokemon I had in my deck. I did pull a Groudon ex but did not put it in my deck.
Blastoise-2  (Starter Deck)
I didn't get that many trainers but here is what I had in my deck.
Celio's Network-1
Double Full Heal-2
Mysterious Shard-1
Memory Berry-1
So as you can see I had a pretty good set up with the pokemon.
Here is what happened.
Round 1 vs. Mike
I got Blastoise out and he could not draw any energies.
Win  (1-0)
Round 2 vs. Jose
It was a very close battle, we each took 2 prizes and then I got Blastoise out again and then it was game.
Win  (2-0)
Round 3 vs. Shawn
This battle I got Blastoise out again but this time no energies.
Loss  (2-1)
Round 4 vs. Mike's sister
Blastoise made another appearance and that was game.
Win  (3-1)
After round 4 everyone finds out that there is going to a cut. (SHOCKED)
Top 2 for 11-14 and Top 4 for the 15+.
So I go over and look at the list and I'm in 4th place. (YES). So I get to play in the Semifinals.
Round 5 vs. Jesse
If you can believe it Blastoise came out again and that was game.
Win  (4-1)
Yes, I made it to the Finals.
Round 6 vs. Shawn
The person that went first in this battle was going to win because we both had insane hands. Mine was Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, and energies. So Shawn got to go first and he won with a 2nd turn Charmander.
Loss (4-2)
So I got 2nd place and pulled an Aggron ex. (YES)
I got 2nd place and pulled 2 ex's
My brother pulling 2 ex's as well, Exploud and Blaziken
My friend Thomas winning the 11-14 and pulling shining Celebi. (LUCKY)
I didn't win
My league leader Judging the tournament and getting a box and pulling 4 ex's and a Shining. What the heck, how lucky can you be..lol
Hope you guys enjoyed my Report. 



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