Clefable/Dark Muk Deck
Mista Softcore
Concord, California
Sunvalley Mall

Anyway, this tournament was one those season tournaments, I think it's water season, yep it was. As I was saying, this tournament was a season tournament, so we them about every 2 or 3 weeks. I hadn't been to a tournament in a while, so I was pretty pumped. There was about 23 people there, so people were turned away to play in the tournament cause the place was overcrowded. The format was unlimited, but no Sneasel (of course), and it was best 2 out of 3. Ayway, here;s my deck:

Clefable/Dark Muk

Pokemon (20):

4 Grimer (Fossil)
3 Dark Muk
2 Cleffa
4 Clefairy
3 Clefable
2 Scyther
1 Rocket's Scyther
1 Tyrouge

Trainers (24):

3 Professor Elm
2 Professor Oak
2 Gust of Wind
3 Pluspower
1 Pokemon Trader
3 Computer Search
3 Gold Berry
1 Pokemon Breeder Fields
2 Rocket's Hideout
3 Focus Band
1 Boss's Way

Energy (16)

3 Double Colorless Energy
13 Grass Energy

Round One:

Bye. Oh yeah baby! So i just chilled and watched the little kids play.

Round Two:

Me Vs Some weird guy (I don't know his name, but he has long finger nails and wears tank tops all the time)

Match 1: He was playing a Dark Gengarish deck from what i could tell. All he had was Movie Promo Mewtwo and I had Cleffa, Clefairy and Scyther out. He put an energy on Mewtwo and was done. I drew and Eeeek'ed. OH YEAH, I drew a Clafable. He put another energy down on Mewtwo and was done. I retreated Cleffa and evolved my Clefairy into Clefable and metronomed pysburn. He some some healing cards and was doing 10 energy to me for a few turns but i eventually killed it with my Clefable in like 3 turns.

Match 2: Pretty much the same, it was so funny! The only weird thing this time was that he played "Here Comes Team Rocket!" (what was he thinking).

Round Three (Semi-Finals):

Me VS Micheal

Micheal is like the best guy who comes our league (or at least one of them), so I knew I was screwed, plus he was playing an Entei/RK9 deck!

Match 1: Things were going good I was able to load up my Clefable and Dark Muk, but i couldn't get a gust of wind, so I couldn't kill his growlithe before he could evolve it. Were tied at three prizes each and then he got the RK9 loaded with the metal energies AND a healing fields out, so I was pretty much dead, so i just oaked and decked myself.

Match 2: Once again I had the early upperhand, but then he brought out his Elekid and I was gettting alot of tails with my Dark Muk. I knocked out a few of his guys and he knocked out some of mine (I can't remember all the details). I was able to knock out his Arcanine, and two of the other ones were in his prizes, so i was like "oh yeah baby". But then he got nightly garbage run and got back the RK9. He stalled for a few turns with his babies and drew his RK9, and then evolved his Growlithe (who was fully loaded with metal energy and ready use take down). At this point, I was smash punching for 10 each turn with Tyrogue (how pathetic). I was only a matter time before he killed all my guys and ended the tournament for me.

Well it was alotta fun, and I really enjoyed myself. i got 3 reverse holo energies and some pin thing. I traded some cards and got another gold berry, a promo sabrina's abra, light dragonair, and a first edition Charubin Fire Knight (that's YU-Gi-OH, but I was such a easy trade, Fire Knight for a Yugi starter deck Curse of Dragon). Oh yeah, the guys from DBZ were there, and there these tables set up and some of the guys who did the voices were there. I talked with the guy who did Cell's voice and he gave me a DBZ promo card (i don't even play!).

If any of you guys wanna talk about pokemon, stratagize, or have hot sisters, email me at Mista Softcore