Joshua Sanchez

Deck name : Fast Whip

Place: Toys R Us San Antonio,TX     1/19/2000


Cards in Deck:  Pokemon


2 Ditto

2 Wigglytuff

4 Jigglypuff

3 Scyther

3 Electabuzz

3 Magmar




2 Lass,2 Computer Search,2 Scoop Up,2 Super Energy Removal,

2 Professor Oak,4 Plus Power,2 Gust of Wind,2 Energy Retrieval,

4 Potion




4 Double Colorless Energy

8 Lightning Energy

8 Fire Energy



(Round 1) Me vs Jeremy


On my first draw I drew Electabuzz and put him in play. All Jeremy had was a puny marril.I won the flip so I went first .To knock out his only pokemon (marril) I attached a lightning energy to electabuzz added a plus power to him,then computer searched for another plus power and attached it to electabuzz then knocked out his marril for the win.


(Round 2) Me vs Chris


On my first draw I drew Ditto and Electabuzz, Iput electabuzz in play first.I attached a lightning energy to paralyze his abra .He attached a psychic energy to abra to end his turn.I attached a double colorless energy to ditto then attacked with electabuzz's thunder shock.Chris evolved his abra to a kadabra ,used a potion ,then attached a psychic energy to his kadabra ,last he used a energy removal and took of electabuzz's energy,then ended his turn.On my turn I scooped up electabuzz,sent out ditto,attached a energy to ditto and knocked out Chris's kadabra with his own move Superpsy.

I then later knocked out his remaining pokemon gastly with ditto.



(Final Round ) Me vs Some hard headed kid


This kid talked so much junk about his great deck that I wanted to challenge him.He said I was wasting his time then,I said "we'll see about that ".First of all Idid'nt see why this kid was so great ,he put out a rockets oddish which I knocked out in two turns with my magmar.Then he sent out scyther which I knocked out with my Ditto using his own move sword dance powering up my ditto on my next turn to knock out his Scyther.


All in all I had fun winning these matches.


If you have any ? e-mail me at