Chris Bhatti [ realsk8erlakai7 ] =/
Concord, CA
WotC Store
Roughly 16 Opponents

This was a Standard tourney... all cards allowed except B-Day Pika, and Ancient Mew. Best Outta 3 wins the game.

Teh Deck :

Pokemon [13] :
3x Sneasel
3x Cleffa
2x Tyrouge
2x Murkrow
2x Pichu

Trainers [31] :
4x Oak
4x Search
3x Lass
3x Item Finder
3x Double Gust
3x Energy Charge
3x Focus Band
3x SER
3x EcoGym
2x NGR

Energy [12]  :
4x Darkness Energy
4x Rainbow Energy
4x Recycle Energy


1st round: Meh VS. Random 10 year old kids deck. =/
Ok...Well I go 1st. He has  a Machop...I chance a Ty heads with a darknss energy for the KO... HEADS ! 1st Game: WON. 2nd game Was werid. o.o .....
He got out    4 gyrados with no  drawing power. he only had fighting energy though...I won this..


Round 2: Meh VS. Wigglytuff, Joseph Viray [ ranked #1 in CA]
Ok, Very GG's. He starts w/ cleffa/jiggly. I start with Cleffa/Ty. I DG the jiggly and smash punch, ko.   He eeeeeeeeks, heads. I play ser to get my recycle back [-_-], and eeeeeek, tails. next turn he puts a jiggle   and a  DCE down, and flips tails on eeeeeek. I TOPDECK oak ;/, and oak........I get a GOOD hand ^_^. Iput down a sneasel, a focus, and a darkness, and flip heads on eeeeeeek..... he plays wiggly. benches another, elekdid, and eeeks. The game was over in the next coupla turns... beated him down >=/. Smae thing for game 2..


Round 3: me vs. don't membr

3-0, though

FINALS :(. me vs. entei/cargo -_-
well he 0wn'd me. nothing more. =/


Oh well

4     fire       ernegy  prrrromossss

Thanks for listnig ;/
