Pokemon Tournament Report

This was my first tournament in a long time, so I was really looking forward to this one. I decided to play my Wiggly/chansey/rocket’s zapdos deck. I have never been to this place before so I wasn’t really sure what the metagame was. Well here is my deck.

J Walkin Wiggly

Pokemon: 16
4 Jiggly
4 Wiggly
3 cleffa
2 chansey
2 Rocket’s Zapdos
1 Unown N

Trainers: 29
4 Oak
3 Comp search
3 item finder
3 focus band
3 gust
3 super energy removal
2 gold berry
2 rocket’s sneak attack
2 healing field
2 pluspower
2 nightly garbage run

Energy: 15
7 Lightning
4 Double
2 Full Heal
1 Recycle
1 metal

Format: This was an open fromat tournament. Each battle was 30 minutes.

Strategy: Get out Wiggly, Chansey or Rocket’s Zapdos out early and start dealing major damage. Unown N is for chansey and any opponents colorless pokemon. For trainers we have the usual. With the energy I wanted more recycle and metal but I only have one of each =/. Now on to the battles!

Battle # 1 vs. kid w/ a fire deck.
This didn’t look good for me in the beginning, but I got some lucky flips with healing fields and was able to keep the energy of his holo Ho-ohs before they could do any real damage. In the end I managed to pull of a win w/ wiggly.
Battle # 2 vs. ???????????????????
Im sorry but I am completely drawing a blank on this game!

Battle # 3 vs. Flea from PokemonAAAH.com w/ like the same deck as me
This was an interesting battle. The only difference between our decks are that I played chansey and he played sneasel and electabuzz as back-up hitters. I got out wiggly early and Unown N kinda did him in. I got lucky and got the pluspowers at the right time, So I was able to KO his Rocket’s Zapdos and electabuzz’s easily.

Battle # 4 vs. kid w/ a houndoom deck.
I felt really bad this game, this was the first game of the quarter-finals were the format turned to single elimination. I started w/ a chansey and he started w/ a houndour. Fist turn attack a double, scrunch tails. He goes attaches a fire to houndour and attacks me for 10 and poison. Next turn I attach a double, then used double edge for a second turn KO.

Battle # 5 vs. the gym leader w/ typhlosion/ninetails deck
This battle I knew I was in for a tough one. After loosing to a typhlosion at my local league I wasn’t to keen on this game. He got out 2 Typhlo’s early and got a ninetails going. I was able to KO ninetails, but then I couldn’t stand up tp multiple typhlo’s. So I lost which eliminated me from the Tourny. Good game!

Anyway I came in 3rd out of about 25 people. I don’t think that is so bad. Now for props and slops.

-To the store manager for giving us a booster box for first prize even though the entry money didn’t add up to enough to buy one!
-To Flea for letting me know about the tournament
-To the kid w/ the houndoom deck for being such a good sport when I beat him second turn
-To Joe and to New England Comics for hosting the tournament
-To Pojo.com for being the coolest site ever
-To all the people of Team Umbreon who helped me prepare for this deck
-To my mom for taking me and waiting around for the 3-4 hours
-To my brother for waiting for me to finsh after he had been eliminated

-To the pack I bought my brother for having nothing good
-To my brother for just missing top 8
-To the annoying people who wouldn’t stop saying the word “Cookies”

C you all next time, If you have any questions/comments e-mail me at
Blacjack46@aol.com or check out Team Umbreons website at www.geocites.com/blacjac46/. C ya

~ Proud Founder, deck mechanic and webmaster for Team Umbreon and it’s site

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