Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: Sharp Claws Unlimited deck- Jessica Montgomery

Sharp Claws Unlimited deck
Jessica Montgomery
Tallmadge, Ohio
October 20, 2001
Star Gaming
Roughly 12 people


Sneasel x2
Eevee (neo discovery) x2
Espeon (holo) x1
Murkrow x1
Rocket's Mewtwo x2
Ditto x2
Scyther x2
Cleffa x2
Chansey x1

Energy Removal x4
Pluspower x4
Gust of Wind x3
Professor Oak x3
Nightly Garbage Run x1
Gold Berry x3
Berry x2
Computer Search x2
Bill x4

Darkness Energy x4
Double Colorless Energy x4
Psychic Energy x10

      Before I tell of the actual tournament, I want to tell you a little about this deck. Most people don't think this deck works but it does. To tell the truth, When Neo Discovery came out I was so excited to try out the new cards. Most can be just collector items but others are meant for play. Espeon is the powerhouse of the deck. The eevee can get out turn 2 if you flip heads. So please don't diss the deck. I have won 3 tournaments with it without any losses. Anyways, here goes.

round 1 DING! (sorry, hehe)
      SCU (sharp claws unlimited) versus Erika's Victreebel deck. This deck was a very hard deck to battle. I came out hard with a Cleffa but they did a turn 2 Venomoth on me and killed the poor thing. It gave me enough time to get an Espeon out though. The Venomoth confused AND poisoned Espeon. I was very worried. So i flipped to retreat (free retreat. can't beat that) and i got heads. I threw out a benched no energy sneasel then retreated sneasel to throw out Espeon for another go. So that helped me. I used all my pluspowers and killed the stupid thing. Then I cut through his Erika's Bellsprouts and Oddishs easily.

Round 2
      SCU versus Sneasel/Ditto/Rocket's Zapdos deck. Very good deck. Too bad the kid didn't know how to use it right. We both started out with no bench and a cleffa in the ring. I got the coin flip so i drew a card. I got an eevee and set it down on the bench. I attached an energy card to Cleffa and got heads when i flipped the coin. I Eeeeeeeked and got 2 darkness, a sneasel, an Espeon, a Gust, and 2 psychic energies. He used an Oak and got a sneasel and a rocket's zapdos. I decided to sacrifice Cleffa to his Rocket's Zapdos as he plasmaed with a pluspower. I threw out sneasel and attached a gold berry. I built up Espeon and hammered him (rocket's Zapdos' new enemy).

Round 3 (last one)
      SCU versus Rocket's Zapdos/Sneasel/Dark Raichu. Great deck with a great card player. I started out with an Eevee with no bench. They started with Rocket's Zapdos and 2 on the bench (pichu and sneasel). They won the coin flip but they had no energy! The Rocket's Zapdos stayed put. I drew and got a professor Oak (miracle). So i attached a psychic energy and Oaked. I got Cleffa, a Sneasel, and a scyther. I attached a psychic energy to eevee and smash kicked for a big 10. They got a rainbow energy and attached it to R. Zapdos. They plasma'd and I took 20. I got another pschic energy next turn and attached it to eevee. I flipped heads with energy evolution and pulled espeon out. I use bite and it's their turn. They attach rainbow energy and plasma. I attach psychic energy to cleffa and retreat espeon. I attach gold berry to espeon. I eeeeeeek and then the gold berry takes 40 off espeon. From there i eeeeeeek up 2 darkness and another psychic. I use sneasel to destroy them t
      I get a Happy Birthday Pikachu card as my prize. I then decide not to take this deck apart.
      I love this deck. Now with Neo Revelation out I'll try a electric/ water deck.....

      Jessica Montgomery

Email me if you like the deck or if you think i need to change something. No diss mails please.