Brett Masterson Magcargo/Unown/Dark Typhlosion(R) Galactic Greg's Valporaiso, Indiana 4-3-02 I Got to play in a tourney where you had to havea type of pokemon, then another type, but only one Energy type. most people got colorless, but i just put in unown I(to get S)and Unown S(see the prizes) Pokemon-21- 4xCyndaquil 3xDK Quilava 3xDK Typhlosion 4xSlugma(Destiny) 3xMagcargo 2xUnown I 2xUnown S Energy-22 22xFire Trainers-17- 4xBalloon Berry 4xgold Berry 4xRocket's Hideout 4xEnergy Stadium(Get back discard) 2xElm 3xCuonterattack Claws Single Elimination i only use Unown for pokepowers 16 people Round 1 vs. Discovery Butterfree Cake killed by Slugma Round two Vs. Crobat close, but i got him with Magcargo Round 3 vs. Gatr(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) barely made it, killed his lone dile with Quil(1st turn fireworks 2nd turn quick attack with heads) Final round vs. Typhlosion he got me til i took out typhlosion with cargo and cleaned house(I didn't need to discard cause his rest were unpowered basics) I won 10 Neo 4 boosters Props- Me 4 winnin Everyone who was a good sport Slops-none email me at