From: matt roen [] Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 5:22 PM To: Subject: D.G.2 Killer Deck Deadly Garden 2 by Matt Roen Outpost 2000 and Beyond Broolyn Center, MN Hi, Matt again. After being amazed to see my Heavy Octillery actually posted, I figured I'd try with this one. Deadly Garden 2 is actually named after the first deck I took to a tournament. That's where the similarities end, though. The first D.G. sucked. This deck kicks. 3 Rocket Oddish(free Status? Mmm Mmm good) 3 Dark Gloom(Breeder always sucked in D. Vile. Especially when it's illegal) 3 Dark Vileplume(That Power! It will BREAK the other dude.) 3 Erika's Bellsprout<40 HP>(I HATE self-damage,and this deck puts Gatr six feet under without FTKOs) 3 Erika's Weepinbell<70HP>(Sleep Poison? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!) 3 Erika's Victreebel(Fragrance Trap Good. Razor Leaf Good. E.V. Good) 4 Murkrow(D.Vile+E.Victreebel+Murkrow=UNBREAKABLE Mean Look) 3 Cleffa(...) 4 Prof. Elm(see Cleffa) 3 Secret Mission(misty's Wrath, meet your superior officer) 3 Boss's Way(Drak evos like this one) 4 Rocket's Hideout("All Dark Evos get 20HP extra."Sounds good to me) 1 Erika's Maids(would have used more,only owned one/:o) 11 Grass Energy 4 Darkness Energy 3 Rainbow Energy 2 F.H.Energy This deck is NOT(repeat:NOT)built on a Strategy! Now that I've made this cryptic remark, let me explain. D.G.2 is built on a CONCEPT. That concept is: how do I make the most of Dark Vile's incredible Power? The card that immediatly comes to mind is Murkrow. Mean Locking the proper target with Dark Vile in play is DEVASTATING. Now, an earlier version of the deck used Brock's Taunting Mankey to try to bring up the proper defender to Mean Lock. This didn't work too well, as the other player(if he/she had more than 2 gray cells)would Immediatly pull out all the stops to get the Taunted One back on the bench. So, on a lark, I decided,"What the heck? This deck is going to lose anyway. Let's try Victreebel." That decision saved my bacon. Oops. Almost forgot to explain no strategy. Yeah, the deck can use the Mean Lock thing described above. It can also, just as easily, power up a Victory-bel and use it's(and hopefully a benched partner's)Fragrance Gust(er, Trap) Power to pull a Dark Gengar-ish beatdown. Or, I can stall with the deck's excellent array of Status effects. Or Special Conditions or whatever Wizards wants to call them. So, you see, this deck is extremely versatile, able to do anything I want it to, whenever I want it to. Now. I imagine you're tired of reading my babble. Here's the report 4-Round Swiss Round 1-John Doe and his Big Fire First of all, the guy's name isn't John Doe(yes, there are people out there who would believe it was). I just can't remember his name. His Big Fire deck was the classic Typhlo-Blaine's Arcy thing, but, he didn't build it, didn't know how to play it, and wasn't the best player period. The match was going well,with both of us trading K.O's at an even rate(third-turn Vile and fourth-turn Victreebel really pissed him off). It would have been totally one-sided, though, if my Victreebels weren't weak to him(Vile wasn't; forgot to say they were non-holo). I don't remember many specifics except for the end. We were both down to one prize and it was my turn. My emergency-powered Vileplume was up, and only needed one heads to blast his Arcy for the win. Of course, I got none. He then Firestormed Vile dead. Grrrrr. Oh well. I scared him GOOD with Vile's Power, though. That was fun 0-1 Round 2-Greg's Dark T-tar Greg thought Dark T-tar's Awesome Mountain Smasher would win the day against even his Weakness and my Trainer Denial Extreme. Shows his intelligence level. Greg got one T-tar(vaped it in two turns with Vic) and Just enough Basics and Babies to let me draw all my prizes, rather than clear the board. Actually, I think I did both(hee-hee) 1-1 Round 3-Bye Noone told me I had a bye. Caused some confusion at the end of the tournament, but it was funny in retrospect. 2-0 Round 4-Arly's Dark Gengar deck Arly is an excellent player and the builder of John Doe's Big Fire(good deck, bad player). This didn't stop him from being completely SMASHED. See, Arly is your typical tournament-winning player(didn't win this time, though). Meaning his deck was more than half composed of Trainers. Oops. Didn't help that he had nothing but Psys in his deck. In this match, Murkrow kicked and Victreebel KILLED. In the middle of the match, I got two Vics, one powered, and used their PokePowers to to to Arly what he does to others. Haul up the weakest link and beat it down. Every turn. For several turns. He ended up bopping Vic(how, I don't remember). I still killed him(BADLY), but with only three cards left in my deck. 3-1 So, this deck shows that A) you CAN win without resorting to archetype decks; B)Trainers aren't everything(I never got Vile down slower than turn 5); And C) A good CONCEPT beats a good STRATEGY any day. See Ya Lata! _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: