
By Ryan Schloss

Starcity Gaming Center

Roanoke, Virginia

STS Qualifier



Well, this is Repicheep here with my first Killer Deck Report. This was the VA qt, and I was playing a Gator. Well, anyways onto the deck:



4- Totodile

4- Croconaw

3- Feraligatr

3- Cleffa

2- Magby

2- Elekid

1- Wooper



4- Professor Elm

4- Misty’s Wrath

3- Trash Exchange

3- Gold Berry

3- Focus Band

3- Double Gust

3- Narrow Gym

2- Secret Mission



16- Water Energy


The strategy is to get Gatr up and running quickly. If you see that they’re playing King, stick to Croconaw. The others are there for support. Now, onto the matches.


Round 1 vs. kid with some kind of Typlosion/ Dark Machoke Deck deck !?


Well, he started with a cyndaquil and 3 machops against my totodile, cleffa, and magby. I swiped for 2 heads and a ko. (he was playing the 40 hp one!?!?). He sends out machop and says go. I evolve to croconaw and tackle. Needless to say, I swept away the rest of his pokes with croconaw. An easy win.



Round 2 vs. Eric Brooks, playing a Gator.


Man , I had to play # 140 somethin in the world! This was a very close match that came down to a coin flip. We both got gatrs fairly quickly, but he had already wrathed away all of his totodiles. He riptided , and I flipped for focus band. HEADS. Wooo, that was close. I then riptide and he flips for focus. TAILS. Yes! He trash exchanged, trying to get the totodiles back in, but to no avail. He couldn’t get anything going, and I slowly riptided away his babies and such. A VERY TOUGH match. Good game! By the way, he went on to win the QT.



Round 3 vs. some kid with an illegal gatr deck.


This is why they should do deck checks every round. He had no translations for his Japanese cards and had double backed Feraligatrs. It was no surprise that his opening hand consisted of totodile, croconaw, feraligatr, wrath, and energy. I couldn’t get anything against him. I flipped 14 tails in a row to ko cleffa, by which time he had 2 Gatrs on his bench with band and gold berry. He riptided, koing my last gatr. With no way to get cards back into my deck, I DECKED. I am going to appeal this match though. He was later disqualified when they did the deck check. He screwed up the WHOLE point system.



Round 4 vs. Daniel Duterte, also playing a Feraligatr.


This was another one of those “Heads. Good game” matches. I ko’d one of his Gatrs, and a few of his babies. He then got another and riptided. If I flipped heads, I would likely ko his gatr next turn. TAILS. I had nothing else and he picked off my bench one by one. He won on prizes. Another tough match. Good game!



Round 5 vs. some psychic deck


Lets just say croconaw versus 4 sarbina’s abras. An easy win. I helped him out a little bit afterwards with his deck.




I got 9th and missed the top 8 by ONE. That stupid kid screwed everything up. Afterwards I entered a side tourney and got 2nd. It was a very fun but poorly judged. tourney.


Now for my first Props and Slops.



To Kwame for making the top 8

To Starcity games for hosting the QT.

To jake’s brother for making top 8 in ten and under.

To Eric Brooks for winning the 11-14.

To the NC crew for representing NC in VA.

To Vivi 1886 for giving me free promos. Also to his friend for the same thing.



To the kid with the illegal deck.

To the judges or the whole system in general for not doing checks at the beginning of the tourney too.

To duke cause NC ownz them like whoa.

To any other sloppy peeps I forgot.


I’ll see you guys soon with another modified tourney QT. You can catch me on AIM at Rasconza13 or email me at


~Ryan Schloss a.ka. Repicheep