Who Let the Onix Out? (Fighting/Steal)

By Tai Kamiyo

Skyfox Games Oshawa

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, October 13th, 2001

17 People in Tournament


Here we go. I find this deck to be pretty good.  I have won quite a few of tournaments with this deck, even though I am not very highly rated on the DCI Rankings.  This is because my store’s tourney’s are obviously not DCI related.  Time for my deck:


Pokemon (14):

4 Rainbow Islands Onix

3 Steelix

3 Ditto

2 Cleffa

2 Neo Discovery Igglybuff

Trainers (32):

4 Computer Search

4 Energy Removal

4 Gust of Wind

2 Item Finder

4 Master Ball

4 PlusPower

4 Professor Oak

3 Super Energy Removal

3 Super Energy Retrieval

Energies (14):

7 Fighting Energy

4 Metal Energy

3 Double Colorless Energy

Before the tournament, I thought “Why not play a couple of test matches?”  I also did good in those.  I’ve had the plan to write this for a while, but I haven’t got the time.  Luckily, all the info is correct, because I wrote an on-paper copy of it!! ;)

Total of 5 rounds

Round 1 (against Nick’s haymaker/Clefable deck)

I got two Onix’s, a Cleffa, and a Steelix in my opening hand, as well as a metal energy and a dce (how lucky was I, lol) All he had was a clefairy and he was quickly and easily defeated.

Record: 1-0

Round 2 (against Max’s Electabuzz/Magmar deck)

He had my Igglybuff paralyzed all the time and kept on using playful punch, eventually getting enough heads to knock out my Igglypuff.  Unfortunately for him, that brought up my Steelix (you can probably tell that he had no Magmars in play)  I killed his active (a base Electabuzz), and then the Elekid on the next turn for the win.

Record: 2-0

Round 3 (against Shawn’s Dark Vileplume deck)

He had two Dark Vileplumes in play but they were of no use because of the two Igglypuffs on my side.  He was charging up his Sneasel, while preventing my attacks with his active (a Totodile for some reason).  Well, I naturally gusted the Sneasel to knock it out with my Steelix.  After the Sneasel, he brought the Totodile out again.  I gusted for one of the Vileplumes to knock it out with two PlusPowers.  Yet again, he brought up Totodile, so I gusted for the other Vileplume, and used Computer Search x2 to get the PlusPowers I needed to knock it out and gain my last prize.

Record: 3-0

Round 4 (against Matt’s Brock’s Ninetails/Arcanine deck)

No problem here.  Turn two knock out on his Brock’s Vulpix with my Steelix.

Record: 4-0

Round 5 (against Ryan’s Sneasel deck)

Everyone thought I was crazy when I said that I could beat this guy.  He had 3 Sneasels on the bench, and a Cleffa as the active.  I went first and knocked out the Cleffa.  He wasn’t able to get any dark energies, so I slowly killed all three of the Sneasels.

Overall record: 5-0

Props + Slops:


-great tournament

-the hard work presented by all the competitors

-my transportation to the tourney (I think my car deserves credit for my win lol)

-everyone who traded me the cards I needed for this deck, I couldn’t have even played without you


-tournament started late

-low prize money because of low player count