Balloon Bug By Kenny B Bailey Center, Westland Michigan Friday, November 2, 2001 15 players (Swiss) What up pojo freaks ken here with my 2nd Killer Deck Report. I just created this new deck and tried it out at the tournament in westland. It did quite well actually. Balloon Bug Deck Pokemon:19 2 iggly 3 Jiggly 3 Wiggly 2 cleffa 3 clefairy 3 clefable 3 scyther Trainers: 28 3 oak 4 comp. search 3 itemfinder 3 lass 4 pluspower 2 switch 2 gust of wind 2 No removal gym 2 nightly Garbage Run 3 Gold Berry Energy: 13 7 Grass 4 DCE 2 Recycle Round 1 Balloon Bug vs. Kid with grass/psychic I win the coin flip and start with a scyther and a clefairy benched. He has a scyther and a Rocket's Mewtwo benched. I draw and attach a grass down on scyther and use swords dance. He pulls, puts a psychic on scyther and passes. I pull put down a pluspower and search for a DCE. Then I use slash on his scyther for 70. He brings out his R's Mewtwo put' s down a psychic and goldberry then passes. I topdeck a clefable put a recycle on it, retreat scyther and bring out clefable. Then I Itemfinder for a pluspower and metronome psyburn for the kill. 1-0 3 points Round 2 Balloon Bug vs. Victor? with water deck I dont know what was really in his deck because he started out with a poliwag and by turn 2 I had a scyther up with a pluspower to take it out. 2-0 6 points Round 3 Balloon Berry vs. Travis C. with Refrigerator deck (Feraligatr) Last time Travis and his Refrigerator killed my Chansey deck. So I was looking forward to this. I win the flip and start off with a scyther (Thank god) with a jiggly, iggly, and clefairy benched versus his smeargle active and I can't remember if it was 1 or 2 totodiles on his bench. Anyway I attach a grass to scyther and use swordsdance. He attaches a water to totodile and passes. I put a DCE on scyther and gust out his totodile and kill it. He brings Smeargle back out and attaches another energy to the other totodile, evolves it into crocanaw and passes. I pull and put down a jiggly and another scyther and an energy on the scyther. Then I KO the Smeargle with 2 pluspowers. He brings out a baby, attaches an energy to Crocanaw and Double gusts my jiggly and tackles it for 20. I put a DCE on Jiggly put another Jiggly on the bench and hit the crocanaw for 20. He evolves into Feraligatr and kills my Jiggly. I bring out my scyther put my last DCE on Jiggly and do 80 damage with 2 pluspowers. He uses a gold Berry on Gatr (@#!*) and kills the scyther. The I get lucky. I bring out my Jigglypuff, Evolve it into wigglytuff, then I itemfinder for a pluspower, Oak, attach a grass to Wiggly, and itemfinder again for another pluspower and KO the stupid Gatr. After that It was a breeze because I wouldn't let him get another one out. 3-0 9 points SEMIFINALS Round 4 Balloon Berry vs. John with Fighting/metal I was a little agitated about this match because he had my weakness and the only person who was resistant to his fighting (Scyther) was resistant to his metal. Luckily he started with a chansey and a hitmonlee benched. I a scyther and a clefairy, jiggly and iggly benched. He goes first attaches a DCE to Chansey and succeeds in Scrunching. I put a grass on Jiggly and pass. He puts another dce on Chansey and kills my scyther (stupid!!). I bring out JIggly attach a DCE to him Oak Evolve into Wiggly put down a cleffa, Scyther, and a 2nd iggly and then kill the Chansey. Next turn the Hitmonlee dies for the game. Finals Round 5 Balloon Berry vs. Kid from the first round I don't know how he made it to the finals but it was almost a repeat of the first game. It was over by the 4th turn. I don't even hace to go into it. The prize was only 2 Neo 2 Booter Packs I can be reached at