Big Chicken (colorless)
Jeremy Gluck
Oklahoma Sports and Collectibles
Lawton Oklahoma
Saturday, November 3 2001
About 25 participants

This tourney was just going to be any normal one except unlike everybody else i was not useing anything from neo 2 and 3. Playing most people before i decied to bulid a stall deck due to the haymaker and variants of it plus stall decks are fun when my oppenet is worried about running out of cards. Now Im not any DCI player just your average city player. I do wish we could get some DCI sationed tourney's here from reading some of the reports I see those people are a real challnge. Now on to my deck the big chicken.

Big Chicken

4 Chansey
2 Dodrio
3 Doduo
2 Ditto
3 Computer Search
3 Time Capsule
3 Item Finder
4 Scoop Up
4 Super Energy Removal
3Professor Elm
2 Professor Oak
3 Bill
4 Pokemon Center
4 Recycle Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
6 Water Energy
4 Gold Berry
2 Gambler

This deck is not like your normal stall deck. It contains the usual star Chansey but no Alakazam. Instead get out a dodrio and a couple of chanseys. Then take some damage retreat for fresh Chansey and do the same thing then when things look grim pokecenter and watch your opponet face drop. To help even longer is some energy removal to keep you from using some many healing items so fast. The other trainers are pretty much self explantory use them all to your greastest advantage.

Battle#1 vs Melisa. She was playing a pysic deck with some big hitters like Sabrinas Alkazam and Rocket Mewtwo. I was worried for i had resitance on my side. I kept her energy off and stall twice for two wins.

Battle#2 vs Grandma. I dont really know her name everybody just calls her Grandma. She was playin rain dance deck and was I glad I put water energy in my deck or my ditto's would have been useless. I stalled for a while then I went on the offensive to win. After that she said she did not like my deck our the statergy so she forfitted. Im sorry Grandma.

Battle#3 vs Sam. Sam could have been my toughest oppent with his fast sneasal deck. But thanks to my energy removal and extreme stalling i was able to beat him twice my record so far 6-0

Battle the finals This batlle was aginst my best freind Chris. We had similar decks. So our battles lasted a while. So long we had time restricions on our battle. He was able to out stall me due to one measly card i did not use the neo Cleffa. But since he was my best freind it was a good battle. For Getting second place i got to get soem promos and 15 dollar store credit which i used on my second favorite card game Magic. I would to apolgize to everyone i played for the suprise stall deck i did make some people mad.