Deck: Devastator
Player: Red Dragon
Location: Olde House Collectibles
Date: October 28, 2001
People: About 10
sorry about the dramatic name, there. Red Dragon here, reporting about my deck...formed around my favorite Pokemon RED GYARADOS!!! or, shining gyarados, whatever. :-/
1x Shining Gyarados (star of the deck)
4x Fossil Magmar (stalling, cheap attacks)
2x Chansey (what else..stall?)
2x Fossil Lapras (once again, cheap attacks)
1x SI Lapras (stalling or ice beam is good offense)
1x Elekid (for when you just can't find the right energy)
11 Pokemon (low, I know. Proved to be a problem)
4x Bill (can u ever have 2 many bills?)
1x ItemFinder (all I have :-/)
3x Energy Search (Shining Gyarados)
2x Berry (I like them)
4x Gold Berry (Chansey likes them)
2x Nightly Garbage Run (For those discarded fires)
2x Master Ball (finding whoever I need.)
2x PokeBall (finding whoever I need.)
1x comp. Search (all I have :-/)
21 Trainers
14 Fire
14 Water
28 Energy (A little high)
some high energy counts and low Pokemon counts, but...
ROUND 1: Red Dragon vs Derrick L.
This kid likes weird themed decks. This time it was something he called BabyPower. I don't remember a lot, except that I had good luck. My opening hand had Chansey and Sh. Gyarados and Energy Search! I stalled against his magby. (pathetic, i know) and then powered up Sh. Gyarados. I flipped heads, got to attack and nailed his magby for a prize, and severly weakened several Igglybuff and Pichu. It was pretty easy from there, retreated Sh. Gyarados, (painfully high retreat, but oh well) and used Lapras's water gun to pick off the little guys.
ROUND 2: Red Dragon vs Sammy k.
He loves Promo Mewtwo. I don't. Whenever Devastate did get rid of energy, he absorbed them back. He Psyburned the crap out of Magmar and had drawn 3 prizes to my one. I decided to (drumroll) use Chansey...on offense! I loaded up 4 energy, attached gold berry and edged repeatetly to tie the game. Then he brought out a Mr.Mime. I NGR'd a few Lapras into the deck. 2 turns later, I drew a Comp. Search and found one of them. (meanwhile, i had been stalling w/chansey). I brought in the battleship Lapras to 20 damage water gun twice for a win because he had no benched Pokemon.
ROUND 3: Red Dragon vs John G.
This guy is usually pretty good. My lifetime record against him was something like 2-infinity. He was running a Sneasel/Electabuzz thing. Needless to say, I got beat pretty soundly.
ROUND 4: Red Dragon vs Will P.
Me and him are about as even as they come. Anyway, he plays a Gengar deck. I've beat it twice and he's beat Devastator before. I mulliganed, not once, but twice to begin the game. I flinally got Sh. Gyarados out after 2 turns, and powered him up shortly after. Shining Gyarados ripped up his Gengar and benched Gengars, who need 3 energy to attack, and I kept flipping heads.
I ended up in 3rd place. I got 3 Neo Discovery boosters and one Revelation. I got 2 Yanmas, a t-tar (!), and Skarmory.
Will P., for being such a good skill tester
John G. for being 2 good.
That's my time
Red Dragon, Devastator