R.Cash 11/17-2001
Kriers Cards & Comics
Modesto Calif. 95350
12 People open to public 1$ FEE any format


4 Hitmonchan (Big hitter)
3 Clefairy(need for Clefable)
3 Clefable(Protection for Hitmonchan)
3 Scyther (Protection for Clefable)
1 Unown [D] (Sneasel Killer!!!!!)

4 Computer Search (OBVIOUS)
4 Plus Power (F. TKO)
4 Bill (Easy draw)
4 Oaks (Easier Draw)
3 Switch (Save your energy on Hitmonchan and Fable)
3 Gust of Wind (Easy Kills)
2 Gold Berry (lose 40 HP…)
1 Nightly Garbage Run(Get 1 energy or 2 with the Unown [D])

13 Fighting energy (DUHHHHHHHH…….)
4 DCE (More Energy + Free Retreat)
1 Metal (Put on a Clefable so no harm done to yourself)

Round one: [Kid with Hitmon deck + Rockets MU2]

It was over as we started. I got out Scyther on draw with him not being to damage me. I used scyther to slash through two Chans and a Lee then with a 50 damaged R.MU2 we traded damage he now has 30 damage. So realizing I had a Clefable with 0 energy and a Chan with 1 DCE and a rock as questionable tag-outs with a Cleffa and a Clefairy. I tag out with a Chan and use a Comp. Search=Oak attach an energy and adding another Scyther to my bench I use a SP. Punch. I get a prize. He sends out Chan and says go. I draw. Bill. Switch Chan for Clefable incase I get some magic so I play comp search + 2 Plus powers and search for a third winning me the game.
I Win!!!!!!!!

Round two: [Kid with an Electabuzz deck/Elecrtic]

The start of the game was awkward I got out Clefairy and a Scyther and oaked first turn against his Buzz. I pulled out a Chan put him on the bench and added a plus power and an energy. I used jab and hit him for 50. He drew, played ecogym and a RSA getting rid of an oak. He uses oak and puts down LT.Surge-Buzz and a BS Buzz adds an energy to LT Buzz and says go. I draw a bill and knock him out. On about my 5 turn I gusted out his LT Surges Buzz and Jabbed with a fresh Chan w/ 2 energy He drew and used discharge flipped 1 Heads making me have 30 Damage. Then I jabbed the buzz for 40 more. He sends out his last basic and Gusts out my Fairy. He thunder Shocks. Not par. I retreat send out Chan with 1 energy add 3 plus powers and win.


Round three: [Travis: TR-Zapdos Electabuzz deck with some Onix/Steelix

This game was over at the start leaving me with Chans Fable Cleffa and Scyther on the bench. This game was guaranteed over. I just  Specialed Metrenomed and slashed through the TR-Zapdos and the Steelixes. I drew 5 prizes because he oaked 1 too many times.

Round four: [The first kid I played]

This time was just like the last. I pull out a Scyther and Slash to death. Over and over on turn 12 I slashed a Hitmonlee for the win and the game sending me to the final game for 1st.Making my record:

Round five: [Jared:Sneasel with wiggly/iggily/jiggly and Cleffa]

Jared was probably one of the best people there. I thought I would choke and lose. But I came through(BY LUCK!!!!)He got a horrible draw leaving me the game when my Chans and Scythers won it for me leaving me the winner of 5 Packs of Neo 3 English a  Garyados Holo BS and a Blanes Moltres Holo and the record of .……

Jared for throwing in more money
The store for givin us a discount on all the packs winnin me a Shining Garyados and an Ampharos

The kid with the electric deck and also travis for using Zapdos
