"M" For Magneton
By Kai
KL Malaysia
15 September 2001
Roughly 24 participants
    Hi everyone i'm back!...And with a new deck! & strategy & Report! ;-)
    So lets get to the deck shall we !?

"M" for Magneton
Magnemite(Base2) x 4 (I'll explain! ^_^)
Magneton(Neo3) x 3 (I'll explain too!)
Aerodactyl(Neo3) x 2(I'll explain)
Slowpoke(Neo1) x 4(Slowkings just don't grow on trees!^_^)
Slowking(Neo1) x 3(Mind game just drives you mad!  #_#)
Uknown M(Neo2) x 2 (I'll explain)
Misty's psyduck(Challenge) x 2(Mini clefable)

Comp.search x 2
Itemfinder x 1
Bill x 2
Erika x 1
Recall x 3
Pokecentre x 2
ERemoval x 3
Gold berry x 2
Fossil egg x 3
Elm x 3

lightning E x 8
Psychic E x 6
Metal E x 4

Strategy:Try to get a mageton out front with at least a metal and 1 lightning(at least!) with a Uknown M bench, an aerodactyl and some slowkings out too!!! Then keep using magnemite's selfdestruct to deal 40 damage a turn and 10 to each of your opponents pokemon a turn!!!

The secret is this:Use recall & areodactyl's pokepower to "recall" Magnemites selfdestruct.If you use selfdestruct, you will usually deal 40 to each active and 10 to each bench pokemon!(Bad) But with uknown M, You ignore YOUR bench by 10 damage and only deal 10 to magneton but with the metal E & the "no reduce Because of metal pokemon rule) You still deal 40 damage a turn and get the bonus to deal10 to each bench!!!

Please note: today we had a special tourney that we don't get DCI points for each round win. Instead the Gymleader decided to hold this event to honour the Crying boy's "loss"
(Read "Black Angel" for information about the ...
Blaire Witch Project 4: The missing Pokemon Cards)

So on to the Tourney...

Round one vs tony with Tyranitar deck
I had a crappy hand-3 magnetons, 2 slowpokes ,1 lightning E and 1 psychic E. I started with the two crappy slowpokes Vs his Larvitar. I go first ,draw a metal and attach a psychic to slowpoke active and psyshock for 10 (no paralysis). He draws and smiles, plays down a sneasel and attach a dark, plays an Ecogym and passes.Ohoh!! I draw a magnemite yes play down and attach a lightning, and psyshock for paralysis. He draws attach a recycle to larvitar and passes. I Draw a fossil egg, play it to get arodactyl, retreat slowbuddy and attach metal to magnemite and evolve, Selfdestruct to knock out larvitar and 10 to sneasel.(My prize was a Uknown M)he attaches and tries to beat up...Tails(SUCKER!!!) I draw play down uknown M and selfdestruct. He draws , plays a mysterious fossil and fury swipes for two heads. I draw and selfdestruct for the win.Game.

Round 2 vs Kid with hotfoot deck.
All i can say was i got magneton turn2 vs his lone hopip with 10 damage(Thunderwave with paralysis).Game

Round 3 vs kid with cold fushion upgrade deck.
This was another easy win with my 2 magemite against his manine and horsea.The destruction was too much for him!!!

At the end of the event, We found out it was Chester that stole the kids cards(no wonder he did'nt attend the event).
I asked the gymleader whether he would be suspended or not, and he told me he would be glad to, right after all of chester's cards go to that crying kid.(I was kinda glad because chester has been awful Cocky since that day)
The gymleader asked all of us who had 200 or more cards to atleast donate a common/uncommon card to that kid.I donated a computererror( I had 11 !!! so now i have 10 ,cool!!!)
He thanked everyone for their kind donation(I saw one guy who donated a Rocket's scyther, I wish i could have that -_-)
so everyone was really excited and people were having gossips about Chester.(I heard one guy say he was going to beat him up!!!)

So props to:
Everyone for donating (Espeacially that guy who donated that Rocket's Scyther)
Pojo for still being my Number 1 Favourite Website(Rock on DJ)
Slops to
Chester for being a thief
Chester for being a cocky guy
Chester for ever entering the tourney
Me for introducing him to the tourney(I regret it now!!!)

Thanks for reading & down with CHESTER , The Dark THIEF!
