Wiggly’s Wrath (Electric/Darkness)
by: JC Calvento
Manila, Philippines

Sunday, November 25, 2001
60-65 total participants


My third time in joining a tourney and I’m really nervous… In the past 2 tourneys my deck got whipped. (Ranked about 69/72 in the first and in the second, 56/59) Yes, my deck got whipped really hard and I think the time for a change is… Now… 



3 Jigglypuff

3 Sneasel

3 Rocket’s Zapdos

2 Wigglytuff

2 Cleffa

2 Ditto



7 Lighting

3 Darkness

3 Rainbow

3 Double Colorless

3 Recycle



3 Com Search

3 Prof Oak

3 ER


3 Gold Berry

2 Focus Band

2 Gust

2 Switch

2 Item Finder

2 Healing Fields



RULES: 3 Per Card Only… I hate this rule… This rule was applied on the last tourney in SM South Mall. I saw a deck report by Alba Alberto (nice deck report, man.) and the kid with Tyranitar deck that he faced on the first round was… Me… :-)


Anyway, let’s go.


Match 1 “Wiggly’s Wrath” vs. Adrian w/ Wigglytuff Deck

A Wiggly deck too, yahoo… Well this guy was a gentleman. He introduced himself first before the match and I like his attitude. At first, I was dominating the match using a Wigglytuff with 3 Recycle Energies attached and I think I drew 4 prizes until he knocked it out with a Wiggly too! When he finally knocked out two of my Pokemon, it was already 20 minutes and he got 2 decks left in his library, I got 5 and I have fewer prizes so I won.


1-0  3 pts.


Match 2 “Wiggly’s Wrath” vs. Marion Go w/ Rocket’s Zapdos/Tyranitar

I was just Electroburning and knocked out 2 of his Pokemon until I knocked out myself by Electroburning. I SERed a benched Tyranitar w/ 2 Darkness energies and passed. He drew nothing layed down Chaos Gym and passed. I drew Healing Fields and got rid of that annoying Gym and knocked out his TR Zappy using Do The Wave w/ 3 benched Pokemon. His only Pokemon was a Tyranitar with 70 HP left, he attached DCE and passed. I attached Darkness energy, OAKed and was able to find 2 more Pokemon to Do the Wave and win.


2-0  6 pts.


Match 3 “Wiggly’s Wrath” vs. Guy w/ Wigglytuff

Another Wiggly!? I forgot some details but all I know is he got 6 prizes by using Scyther, Erika’s Dratini and Wiggly.


My first loss… I can’t afford to lose anymore.


2-1 6 pts.


Match 4 “Wiggly’s Wrath” vs. Slowking/Espeon Deck

He has the right Pokemon such as Unown D and N to be able to stand a chance against Darkness and Colorless. On his first turn, he used so many trainers such as Trader, Master Ball, Search, etc. and got a full bench which 3 of them consist of Slow pokes. He finally ELMed and passed. The game was in favor of him since he had 3 Kings, 1 Unown N and D, Resistance Gym and Espeon (H) active. I did not dare to use trainer cards and waited for the right card to come. He knocked out a TR Zappy and Sneasel and I Cleffa active, fully-packed Wiggly and Ditto. I was very depressed until I drew a SI Jigglypuff. I attached Recycle on it, retreated Cleffa and used Tempting Eyes and he was forced to bring out 1 King. Then, I retreated Jiggly and replaced it w/ Wiggly to knock out that King for 3 turns. The match was very long and when I gusted his Unown N, he flipped tails 2 times giving me the opportunity to knock that annoying Unown N that lessens Wiggly’s damage and eventually got the win.


3-1 9 pts.


Match 5 “Wiggly’s Wrath” vs. Fire Deck

His deck was a hay with Magmar (NEO) and Entei (PROMO) I dominated the match using Sneasel and TR Zappy and was able to knock out 6 of his Pokemon.


4-1 12 pts.


During this point, I was very nervous… I must win the upcoming match to be able to enter the Top 8. While I was shuffling my deck my brother came and he lost because his only basic was a Clefairy (NEO) and his opponent’s was a Gligar and it slashed him with a Plus Power for the win. My brother’s record is 4-2 now so he’ll not enter the Top 8. :-(


I was angry and I’ll show it here.


Match 6 “Wiggly’s Wrath” vs. Wiggly Deck

Oh, no… Another Wiggly… In my only loss I lost to a Wiggly deck, too so I have a bad feeling about this. I was really bad-shuffled… Out of 13 basics I only got 1, a lone Rocket’s Zapdos. And in about 5-6 turns I wasn’t able to draw a basic nor an OAK or a Com Search. He was able to knock out my TR Zappy using a Wiggly. Oh, well… I lost…


4-2 12 pts.


I guess that’s life. But I’ll say this was my best performance out of 3 tourneys. I learned that I must add some more search-draw cards here. I’m looking forward on participating in the next tourney (STS) in Dec. 22. Until then.


Tyrant J (tocal13@yahoo.com)


Props and Slops



- To Mark Dayrit for letting me to borrow 2 Rainbow Energies before the tourney.

- To my brother for suggesting that Wigglytuff will be a lot better than using a Slowking deck since there’s a 20 min. time limit.

- To Pojo and Team Europe’s message boards. Thanks to some peeps there that fixed/suggested some things to put in my deck.

- To Wigglytuff, Sneasel, and Rocket’s Zapdos. For being such good cards.



- To my shuffling.

- To both guys w/ Wiggly deck that defeated me.