Ryan Schloss
November 3, 2001
Country Grammar [mono-red]
20 Participants

        I hadn’t been to DCI for a while, so I was pumped. I decided I was gonna
play Typlo =D. Onto the deck:

4x Cyndaquil
4x Quilava
4x Typhlosion
3x B. Growlithe
3x B. Arcanine
4x Cleffa
2x Magby
4x Elm
4x Focus Band
3x Misty’s Wrath
3x Double Gust
3x Healing Fields
2x Chaos Gym
2x Nightly Garbage Run
15x Fire

Strategy: Get multiple Typhlosions out and Fire Recharge onto an Arcanine.
Continue Firestorming to get prizes.

Well, the rounds were about to start, so onto the matches.

Round 1
Bryson Bonham w/ Crobat/Umbreon

Well, he is a very skilled player, and gets Crobat out FAST. I eventually
get two typlos out, but get no energy. He confuses an active Typlo and
brings up Umbreon. With me energyless and having nothing to do, he feint
attacked everything of mine =/ . I forfeit with 30 seconds left so he can
get the full points -_-;

[0 points]

Round 2
Some rand0m w/ Psychic rogue

Well, this seemed like it was gonna be easy, and so it was. I open with a
cleffa and bench Growlithe and Cyndaquil. All I can say is I got Arcanine
going with two Typhlosions and easily cut through his pokemon.

[3 points]

Round 3
Stephanie Barlock w/ Gatr

This would be a test. We would now see if I had what it took to beat a Gatr.
I open with Cyndaquil, bench a Growlithe. She has totodile active. Oh no.
Luckily, she gets 1 heads =/ I eventually get Arcanine going and Firestorm
through a Gatr and a Croconaw. She could’ve had me, but she played all Gold
Berries. [note to new modified players: play FOCUS BAND!]. With all of her
Gatrs gone, she decked.

[6 points]

After three rounds, I am in 2nd behind Bryson -_-;

Round 4
Ryan Byrd w/ Slowking/ Steelix/ Rockets Zapdos

Yet another tough match. I had somewhat of an advantage because Typlo could
kill anything in one hit, plus he had Steelix. This was no easy battle
though. I had the advantage at the beginning. He doesn’t get a King out
until the 6th turn. But then things turned in his favor when he topdecked an
Elm. He got a Zappy going with three Electric and a Metal, and it was
cutting through everything. Eventually I built an Arcanine and Firestormed
it, having no Typlos in play =/ Luckily,my prize is a Typlo and I evolve
next turn. Eventually, he gets another Zappy, but I ko it. Left with only an
Onix with 50 damage, he honorably kos himself with a rainbow energy. I win
on prizes.

[9 points]

Round 5
Bob Bonham w/ E.Victry/Umbreon

This match started out bad for him, and was finished very quickly. He opens
with an Igglybuff active w/ E. Sprout on the bench. I have an active Cleffa
and two Cyndaquils. He goes first. He plays grass on Bellsprout, then focus
band, retreats Iggly, and tries to attack Cleffa. Tails. I attach to
Cyndaquil. Fireworks. Tails. His turn. He uses CARELESS TACKLE, killing
himself w/ no focus flip, and doing only 20 to me. He is left stranded with
Iggly. He draws nothing, while I get a Typlo. Typhlosion Flame Bursts his
lone Iggly, and I get the win. All in a matter of Five minutes =/

Yeah, I get 2nd and tons of DCI. My prize, a Happy B-day Pika =/ I have like
7 now =/

Props and Slops:

Props to Jakes Grandparents for driving us
Props to Jeff for holding the tourney
Props to the Barlocks for having the tourney at their house
Props to Typhlosion for 0wning
Props to Kabut0, cause he 0wnz
Props to Jake for going 3-2 and taking 4th
Props to Bryson for 0wning meh ;x

Slops to Daniel Duterte, cause he asked for them
Slops to Stephanie for playing Gold Berry
Slops to Crobat, hes Gayb0
Slops to Magby, for never being in my hands
Slops to losing coin flips
Slops to Weedle
Slops to Duke
Slops to Bin Ladin
Slops to Anthrax

Catch me on AIM at PojoRepicheep, or email at Repicheep35@hotmail.com

The 1337est Kabuto, laterz;/