by: Muk007 AKA David Hausknecht
New Mexico WCSTS Qualifier Tour at Winrock Mall
36 people in my age category
No Entry Fee
Sup' peeps? Well, after getting 3rd at the Colorado qualifier, my mom
agreed to take me and my brother to New Mexico to give us one more shot.
Luckily, I had a very good shot.
So, on Friday the 26th, we hopped in the car to start the 6 hour drive to
Albuquerque, New Mexico, from Colorado Springs, Colorado. 'Twas tedious,
having the only person to talk to being my brother -_-' But, it was worth
every minute of it.
Here's the deck. (A bit changed from the Colorado QT for New Mexico
4 Totodile
4 Croconaw
3 Feraligatr
3 Cleffa
2 Magby
1 Elekid
1 Smeargle (OWNAGE!)

4 Elm
4 Double Gust
4 Wrath
3 Trash Exchange (4 was too many for some reason)
3 Focus Band
3 Secret Mission
2 Healing Field (awesome card with Gatr)

18 Water (may seem like a lot but it works perfectly)

Alright. So we wake up about 7:00 AM (considering we were only 15 minutes
from the place) and headed to McDonalds for breakfast (doncha just love
Hotcakes?). After we were done, we headed towards the Winrock Center for
the day of my life. We got there around 8:00.

I'm the first one there (like always) so I just sit down and start doing
my brother's decklist. I have my brother walk around to see what other
people in my age category were playing. Nothing good, really. Then,
Kakkaroto7 makes a surprise appearance! I wasn't expecting him to come
from CO Springs also, but what they hey! THEN, another family from
Colorado Springs shows up! Geez! FINALLY, the Derians, a family from
Denver, COMES! O_O! Colorado is really gonna make a big bang in New

OMG were the judges horrible. First of all, when I got there, I heard the
head person announce that ALL legendary birds are BANNED because they
"link" to the fossil set (I set her straight). Then, she said you could
not use any promos that were released BEFORE Team Rocket. It took a while
but I finally convinced her she was wrong with the help of an adult.
Next, right before the 3rd round, she announced that all dice were
banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????!?!?!?! I tried to convince her YET
AGAIN that she was not allowed to do that by DCI rules, but this time,
she wouldn't listen ;\ I was so angry. Of course, if there were ANY
disputes during a game, I had to help any judges cause NOBODY, I
repeat-NOBODY (of the judges) knew how to play the game. There were some
disputes about Focus Band and Playful Punch, but I knew PP cause past FB,
so it was okay.

Sad, but true.

Finally, after 11:00 came, we started the tournament.

Round 1 vs. Houndoom/Misty's Golduck
I was like BOOM you're dead. I massacred him although I mulliganed twice
AND went second. I KOed his Houndooms with 2 dark energy before they
could attack.


Kakkaroto7 and tommy Derian both won too.

Round 2 vs. Lugia
Can we say r@nd0m? The game started out slow. It sucked for me for a
while. I had 3 Totodiles in my prizes. There was only 1 in my deck. I
finally get that one after using a zillion trainers and power it up as a
Feraligatr. Before I used it though, I Double Gusted his Lugia and
started Sputtering it with a Magby with a Focus Band on it. He slowly
attaches to Lugia while I power up Smeargle (*EVIL*). He Elemental
Balsted with a flip of heads, then I get heads with Focus Band
(MWAHAH!!). I bring up Smeargle and Sketch Elemenatal Blast for the KO.
It was awesome. I win w/ Feraligatr eventually.


This is when they announce that dice are banned because "they are rigged
and Wizards coins are not." I laughed so hard, but was still pissed at
this judge for doing that. By DCI rules, they are NOT allowed to do that
and then they said that DCI just snnounced that dice are really banned.
Man, I wished I had an internet hookup to show them wrong....

Round 3 vs. Kabutops
He had an attitude the whole game because I said I wanted to cut after he
shuffled. Omgosh. He had 4 Gligars poisoning me and such, but I used
Healing Field to heal me and Double Gust to get rid of poison. I get a
3rd turn Gatr. I Double Gust his Kabutos that were from Fossil Eggs. Easy
(At the end of the match, the guy says I won but I cheated and when I
asked him how I cheated he said because I used dice. Because of the
judge, I NEVER used dice in the entire match AND they are not rigged.
Dice are a whole lot random (spontaneosity) than Wizards coins.)


I knew the competition would start heating up being 3-0 and all. But, we
go out to lunch first and I get this yum pizza stuff and talk to Tommy
and Kakkaroto7. About 45 minutes later, pairings are up. I have to
play.....TOMMY! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Round 4 vs. Feraligatr
It was a really good game but it was filled with a LOT of mistakes
resulting up bashed on the table with our heads. LoL. We both did the
mistakes too. The boggest one was at the end, by Tommy, when he used
Wrath with 9 cards in his deck and NO Feraligatr. There were 3 Feraligatr
in the discard and 1 was in his prizes. I stall with my babies and Focus
Bands to deck him. I wish the win didn't happen that way, but in
qualifiers, you have to be rough. We did, at one point, have Feraligatrs,
but Focus Band flips went his way and not mine. I won by a miracle.


Round 5 vs. (guess who?) kakkaroto7 with Feraligatr
I get setup and KO his Gatr with Croconaw w/ Gatr by tails on Focus Band
flip. He doesn't recover.


Round 6 vs. (you guessed it) FERALIGATR
3 in a row?!?! Geez...It takes me a little bit too setup but finally draw
a Wrath and get a feraligatr. He didn't have enough draw power in the
deck, so I won.


Swiss ranking: 1st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am soooo siked. Being first going into top 8 means I will play the 8th
seed, and with so little people, I could play someone with a bad deck and
2 losses or something. My wish came true.

Round 1 vs. Dark Muk/Meganium/Dark Vileplume
I go 1st. Yes. That's what I needed. I Fury Swipe his Chikorita with 2
heads for 20. He Growls. I Tackle. He evolves and Poisonpowders. I Sweep
Away with a victory.


Btw, that guy looked 17 years old or more, not 14 or younger. He wouldn't
tell his real age to anybody either.

Round 2 vs. Feraligatr from round 6 in swiss
I get to go first AGAIN! YES! He starts Skaromory, me with Totodile. I FS
with 2 heads. He Claws with heads by a Metal Energy. I Tackle. He puts
Elekid down and fails the attack. I Sweep Away. He Playful Punches. I
flip-----tails. Darn. He PP's. I flip----HEADS!



Finals vs. Kakkaroto7 with Feraligatr
He had beat Tommy last game to get the trip with me. We had to play a
final game the judge said, and I didn't care, because I wanted the DCI

Kinda fast game with me Sweeping Away his Magby third turn for game. Sad,
but true.


Finals Ranking: 1st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get 24 boosters. My brother made it to the top 4 in the 10 and under,
but lost to a really well built Typhlosion deck with Chaos Gym. He still
got ANOTHER box of neo 2 boosters (he got a box at Colorado). I finally
get a total of 4 holo Umbreons, which I have been looking for for a

Props to.....
...My mom for taking us
...Wizards for having qualifiers
...My deck for totally doing really well
...The packs
...The paper airplane I made out of an Igglybuff that I threw and went
flying to the lower level of the mall =P
...My puppy Pete who attracted so much attention in the mall
...My brother for going undefeated in swiss in the 10 and under
...COLORADO for getting the top 3 slots in swiss and in the top 8 in NEW
...Team Springs for winning the top 2 slots
...Team Ream
...Michael (ranked 30th in world), Bobby (ranked 9th in world), Tommy,
Mr. Perucca (SteveP) and all other Colorado people
...Mega Murkrow, Mantis789, TrumpBunny, Shellder89, Criminal, Stegy, and
all other internet people who helped me with my deck =)

Slops to.....
...The judges for not knowing how to play
...The head judge for banning dice
...Coins (not money, the Wizards coins)
...6 hour drives

All in all, it was a good day. I had so much fun. Now, I am going to San
Diego along with a lot of other Colorado people. We're going to have so
much fun. I am now a Back-To-Back Qualifier winner! w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cya all in San Deigo!!! BOOYAH!!!!!


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